PING-PONG ON THE LAWNHomemade table tennis tables in the courtyard are usually fine stationary: rough, of boards or even concrete slabs—such structures are called table can only be conditional. Yes, and they are not protected from rain, being outdoors.

Now appeared in the sale of imported folding tables that “break” in the middle, turning into a compact flat package, not occupying much space, besides lightweight, giving you the ability to remove it in the storage room or shelter from the weather.
These advantages and proposed by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster” design, available for the manufacture of their own hands.
Table tennis consists of simple elements, which do not require scarce materials and to collect them for Teens, which he actually designed. Wooden bars, boards and particleboard — that is all that is required for such a table, which can be successfully used in an urban yard, and at their summer cottage.
The base of the table
The supporting part of the playing field (or table top) is an essentially three-frame design, composed of four identical (modular) elements in the form of an inverted “U”. Two of them are joined together rigidly, forming a main support; the other two are, in fact, end legs for each half of the countertop.
The modular element consists of two legs cross-section 40×30 mm and height 700 mm, United at the bottom of the longitudinal cross bar of the same bar length of 1360 mm. And in the upper part of each of the bars embedded wooden bracket swivel pad that is attached directly to the underside of the countertop.
Table folds into a flat package
The table folds into a flat package
Two of these modules are interconnected by lateral cross members of the boards size 500×200 mm and a thickness of 20 mm, through which is formed a rigid frame construction, serves as the Central supporting part of the table.
Two module spaced from the center to the edges and also attached by their hinge sites to the lower plane of each half of the countertop: it’s their legs. In the unfolded form of the table they are fixed overhead bracing of beams, the bottom of which the edges are attached by two clamping dies: spacers are applied to the cross member Central support and own feet to the last could not turn up.
It consists of two equal halves, the junction of which is in the middle of the Central support. Each half is a shield made of particleboard, the upper plane which has a plastic coating. If not—then worktop treated with linseed oil and after drying, cover with several layers of oil paint (green, brown, or black). At the edges of the outer perimeter is done the rack frame of half of the playing field.
The basic elements of table tennis table (top is not shown):
1 — leg (block 30×40, L720, 8pcs); 2 — cross (block 30×40, L1360, 4 PCs.), 3— lateral collateral ligament (Board 20×200, L500, 2); 4 — spacer (block 30×40, L900, 2pcs); 5 — clamps-spacers (block 20×40, 8 items); 6—swivel platform (Board s20, 80×30, 8 PCs); 7 — bracket swivel platform (Board, plywood, s10, 8 PC.); 8 — lug hinged platform (Board, plywood, s10, 16 pieces); 9 — hinge pin (bolt M8 with wing nut, 8 pieces)

As already mentioned, from the bottom to the top mounted articulated platforms of the supporting part of the playing field. To do this, use epoxy glue and screws of appropriate length so that they did not pass through and not damage the playing field.
First, gather the supporting modules with their brasaemle cross members and brackets; preparing spacers. Then two of the reference module are connected to wooden cross bars in a rigid Central support. According to preliminary markings on the bottom of each half of the playing field are mounted on glue and screws swivel pad.
After the glue sets, you can begin the final Assembly of the table: each half of its hinged pads connected to respective brackets, and they bolted (preferably with wing nuts for ease of Assembly and disassembly). It is easier to perform when upright halves of the tabletop.
At the end of the Assembly half of the countertop sink to their support—the game field is ready. It remains to fix the plates on the strut towers, and you can pull the grid for the game.

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