THE PLANE FOR THE BABYIn another child’s room you can see the ugly picture all corners littered with toys. Why are there only, especially if the child is a boy. All kinds of machines — from small to huge, which a toddler can even ride across the room or across the yard; and even radio-controlled clockwork; unseen transformers and traditional Railways, not to mention the various “shooters” with sound and sparkling effects.

And all this “wealth” usually ignored soon after the first enthusiastic days. Parents can’t understand it. And psychologists say that the explanation is simple: these toys are so finished, that does not leave the child for their own creativity and imagination, unlike the old few and very simple. Especially if they were made with his own hands, and besides, in the eyes of a child or feasible (albeit symbolic) participation.
This toy offers to make for kid English magazine “popular mechanics”. It is designed for the little ones, which is the most important recognition of the subject and ultimate strength. These requirements fully meets the model plane drawings which we have cited. For its production will require only two or three plates, Yes some glue, except, of course, one free evening.
All items can be cut from dry pine boards (or plywood). For wings and stabilizer will need to be Board-processing section 100×12 mm, length about 600 mm, and for the fuselage — Board-processing section 100×25 mm and a length of 360 mm. a Propeller (screw) can be cut from a rod with dimensions 20×20 mm, cut at the ends of the opposite ribs.
To cut the details of the best jigsaw — it will greatly facilitate the further processing of model elements, which is a thorough treatment of workpieces sandpaper. Ensure that the edges of the parts had no burrs that can injure children.
Wooden plane toy
Wooden plane toy:
1—wing; 2—fuselage; 3 — screw; 4 — propeller spinner; 5—axis; 6—wheel; 7—bracket wheels; 8 — stabilizer

For gluing you can use casein glue or epoxy. To fix the parts when gluing is easiest with the help of small studs without hats.
If the model is done carefully enough, there is no need to paint it with any paint, just enough to cover a few times with varnish.

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