RACK DRIVEWith the advent of unlimited Internet rapidly began to accumulate CDs with recordings. At first laid them down again in round regular containers, but finding the right had drives to sort through, which is not only inconvenient, but there is a danger of damaging the record. Then bought plastic transparent boxes (Sliema) and Packed them into disks, put the storage of thematic piles and rows. But over time, the stacks and rows become too high and long and started again the bulkhead.

For ease of reference, a constantly growing archive decided to make “place” a small bookcase from birch plywood, making room for this niche in the bookcase. Plywood has allowed the product to have sufficient strength and the Assembly without additional fasteners.
The module design consists of two types of elements: one shelf and three identical legs of the dividers connected in the slots. Width of grooves depends on the thickness of the applied veneer.
The part after cutting out enough to be sanded and cleaned from dust. Varnishing or not is a matter of taste.
For the Assembly it is only necessary to insert the slots of the legs in the slots of the shelves with light taps of a rubber mallet. Additional fasteners are not required.
Rack computer CD and DVD drives, made
Rack computer CD and DVD drives, made “in place” – the size of the niche bookshelves:
1 – leg-partition (3). 2 – shelf

Now CD collection in boxes placed on the shelves according to topics and groups. There is enough space for replenishment records.
The dimensions of the original parts need to be corrected at a particular place. With a significant lengthening the shelf – you can add several legs and not necessarily through identical interval, as they play the role of separators, the collection of various information.
In the end, stuck on the end of each plastic slim disk striped masking tape and wrote on it a serial number and a subject and placed in the relevant shelves.
A catalog or table (printed or computer) is easy to find the right film or piece of music.
A. TRENEV, Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region.

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