RAIL TO RAILYes …another design ingenuity, a little artistic flair and diligent execution — and you have in the apartment will be original and comfortable furniture, it would seem, is not quite the right material — strips, planks, wedges.

Decorative bookcase


It can be wall or stand perpendicular to the wall, separating functional areas: for example, the bedroom area from the sitting area or office area. And in that and in other case it looks good and is in itself a decorative element of the interior.
The effect of “airiness” is created by the fact that the bookcase is made of an unusual material — rails section 20X45 mm. Of them is composed of both vertical and horizontal parts of the structure: respectively five and four elements. The length of the lateral uprights is determined by the height of the room; the shelves will look zavershenie if Reiki will reach almost to the ceiling. It will emphasize its role as a partition.
Fig. 1. Scheme shelves.
Fig. 1. Scheme shelves:
1 — vertical Cabinet rails, 2 rails large upper shelves, 3, 4, 6 — slats of the upper small shelves, 5 vertical slats small shelves, 7 — Reiki medium large shelves, 8 — shelf rack lower small, 9 — vertical slats of the lower shelf of a small, 10 — rail bottom large shelf.

Of course, the side posts are unlikely to get the material the length required. It is possible to assemble the frame and of shorter elements, provided, however, that the joints were not on the same level when connected in a common package and each vertical component of the rack had two horizontal slats at various levels. The junction for compounding is performed vpoldereva or false round spine, glue (carpentry, casein).
Fig. 2. The connection node of the rails.
Fig. 2. The connection node racks:
A — capacity-vertical slats-pillars; B — mount horizontal slats to the rails-racks.
Fig. 3. Mount shelves to the floor and the wall.
Fig. 3. Mount shelves to the floor and wall:
1 — floor, 2 — area, 3 — external rack-stand; And wall mount shelves.
The Assembly of the overall package being so. First fit the side rack-stand; between them, where there will be shelves, load — bearing parts. Now on top of them, careful not to move, overlay horizontal billet. Their ends protrude beyond the vertical slats to the width of the latter. Each top rail nailed to the bottom two nails or fastened with screws. The connection was more durable, horizontal slats in these places can be single or double – sided sample vpoldereva. In all cases, the associated surface with the same purpose it is advisable to fluff carpentry or casein glue. In addition, the connecting element included in the package of such a junction can serve as a long bolt or two threaded the spokes of the Bicycle type.
Table of dimensions of parts shelves
The room in the picture Detail Quantity, PCs. Length, mm
1 Vertical rod rack 10 2000
2, 7, 10 Reiki large shelves 12 1040
3, 4, 6 Reiki the top small shelves 12 587,5
5, 9 Vertical slats small shelves 10 435
8 Reiki lower small shelf 4 735
All this work easier to perform on the floor. After the entire package of slats is assembled, each of the connecting nodes should be load (e.g. pile of bricks) and leave to dry glue. Then the whole construction is carefully processed by sand paper and in several layers with intermediate drying is covered with light or dark furniture varnish, in line with the rest of the room.
Adjacent to the wall bookcase fix at the top with metal brackets and dowels. A version of “partition” is screwed metal corners to the floor. It is also possible to mount the brackets above — in this case, the side rails should adjoin densely to the wall and horizontal to be flush with the uprights. Shown in the drawings the location and configuration is exemplary. Many possible variants, depending on the intention of the executor and appointment of shelves: for flowers and decorations or for books, aquarium, radio, other items.
According to the magazine “Guide yourself”, Bulgaria
Table “on vyrost”
Now the children early “working” table to sculpt, draw, and then to read and write. But the universal table that was fit for young and grown up, yet. But it can be done themselves, since it does not require any great experience or missing parts: just the usual possession the carpenter’s tool, several slats, a sheet of plywood and a set of metal rods or tubes.
At the table “in mind” doesn’t have any legs in the usual sense: they will replace the two oblique rails connecting the upper and lower parts. Together with metal brackets they will change the height of the cover.
The upper part, or top, is assembled from four strips forming the frame, and a sheet of plywood or particle Board. To increase stiffness of the frame to its long (longitudinal) rails are mounted on the bottom bars, and side rails are set perpendicular to the plane of the table. In these strips is done with a number of notches under the rim of the metal bracket. Similar cuts are performed in the slats of the base.
The latter are connected in such a way that make a letter N. So with a dual cross bar going to the frame rails, side strips which have holes in the top and the bottom of the shackle metal brackets. As the last suitable steel pru-current Ø 8 mm or any available metal rod, tube of small diameter.
Fig. 1. Details of the table.
Fig. 1. The details of the table:
1 — slats Foundation (20Х50Х600 mm), 2 — cross base (20Х40Х820 mm) 3 — bar (20Х50Х760 mm), 4 — cross rails (20Х50Х860 mm) 5 — side rail tops (20Х50Х600 mm) 6 — bar (30Х40Х780 mm), 7 — part rail tops (20X30X780 mm).
Fig. 2. Parts of the chair.
Fig. 2. Parts of the chair:
1 rail base (20Х50Х500 mm), 2 — cross base (20Х50Х530 mm) 3 — bar (20X50X600 mm), 4 — crossbar crossbar (20Х50Х570 mm), 5 — rail seat (20X50X495 mm), 6 — rake of the backrest (20Х50Х350 mm), 7 — stud seats (Ø 30Х530 mm), 8 — seat (5X490X490 mm) 9 — back (3Х200Х490 mm) 10 — metal strip with a thickness of 2 mm.
Fig. 3. Brackets.
Fig. 3. Brackets:
1 — table (2 PCs.), 2 — for chair.
A similar scheme can be assembled and a chair to the table, only two arms instead of brackets for him going full frame with axes in the middle of the sidewalls and corresponding holes in the inclined rails. Differently can be solved and the frame of the seat is transverse slats with the bars enough to put the round wooden rods; the ends of one of them, leaving the longitudinal slats, will play simultaneously the role of hinges for sloping crossbar. The remaining joints are used the same wooden tube or M5 bolts with two washers. Reiki chair backrest and seat contact vpoldereva, strengthening invoice plywood or metal gusset plate. As for the back and seat good five-seven-layer plywood; the top can be covered by furniture or decorative fabric with foam.
All the joints in the tongue of the wooden parts pre-promazyvaetsya carpentry or casein glue. Prior to Assembly of the workpiece are carefully processed coarse grinder or coarse sandpaper, to round the corners of the rails and edges of the countertop. Then the surface roughened and covered with furniture Polish or a bright enamel red, yellow, blue, orange.
The brackets are also processed an emery paper and painted with black paint or lacquer.
According to the magazine “Guide yourself”, Bulgaria
A chaise longue
It is unusual both in design and material: only wood without a single metal or structural fastener. Maybe that’s why this seat in particular attractive and elegant: it decorates a room, furnished in any style. There are three main nodes: two matched sides, performing the role and the base and legs, and armrests, and even magazine racks; and three-piece seat with swivel parts — the backrest, the actual seat and the foot.
A set of blanks to the chair is a stack of slats, boards, wooden rods and wooden washers. All of them except the hinge assemblies are connected by a joiner or casein glue. However, the chair may remain collapsible: disconnected sidewall of the seat and connecting them to the rods with washers.
The sides are glued together from individual plates — solid and with a rectangular cutout through which is formed outside pocket for Newspapers and magazines. In the bottom half of the pocket fit more narrow boards along with compensating them the width of the slats (the latter form a protection supporting nested in the pockets of items). In the upper half of each sidewall edges after Assembly, bore through holes for the rods of the hinges of the seat. In addition, on the inner side in the bottom half of the sidewalls are additional blind holes for the support rods of the backrest angle adjustment and foot.
Section seat assembled from slats, strung on wooden rods with strips of wooden pucks which are best made of a thick or glued together from several sheets of plywood. The rods of the hinges of the middle section the role of the washers will play themselves Reiki seat, strung between the slats of the back and the foot. In addition, between the outermost slats of the back and the foot, approximately in their middle part, the Assembly entered on its own hinges special support rails, having at the free end of the comb cuts under the diameter of the support rods. Thanks to them you can change the position of the back and the foot down to horizontal, turning the chair to the couch.
Chair of slats.
Chair slats:
1 — plank solid sides, 2 — lock washer hinge-seat, 3 — seat rail, 4 — rail backrest, 5 rail support backrest, 6, 8 — washers-spacers, 7 rail foot, 9 — foot rail support, 10 — support rod foot, 11, 17 — bars of the back and the foot, 12 — hinge pillars of the back, 13, 15 — jointed rod seat, 14 — support rod of the backrest, 16 — hinge support foot, 18 — cut plate of the sidewall 19 — rack-rail, the 20 narrow cutting Board.
If the outer washers of the hinge rods of the seat do not stick, but to limit them to a tight fit, the seat will remain dismountable, allowing it to fold into a fairly compact package, convenient for storage or transportation, for example, to the country.
All blanks before final Assembly roughened with sandpaper and then covered with a furniture varnish in several layers, with intermediate drying and polishing each layer — then deeper and more fully manifest the beauty of the natural texture of the wood. Edges and edges of the sidewalls and the seat in front of such a treatment is appropriate to round rasp and coarse sandpaper. It must be done carefully so as not to split the individual layers and does not damage the workpiece.
To give even more decorative a good idea to impregnate the workpiece with stain — all chair or certain areas: for example, pockets, washers or rods. But working with it requires skills and a certain taste, as well as another often applied method of decorating wood — burning stove. Therefore, resorting to them, it is best to first practice this technique on the remains of the used materials and only then go to the parts or product as a whole.
According to the magazine “Popular science”, USA

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