ADORNS THE CORRUGATIONS...Typically, for those, who acquires a country house, furnishing it is not an issue: if it is not possible to buy special furniture — trucks bringing in outdated city. But, oddly enough, the usual city apartment, this furniture looks alien, a stranger in a non-urban environment, does not harmonize with wooden floors, a stove or a fireplace and wooden walls. However, a small upgrade in the design of the furniture make it more suitable to this new environment. The original version of changing the appearance of familiar furniture offers Hungarian magazine “Earmaster hobby.”

The method is so simple and universal that is accessible to everyone and suitable for almost any subject suburban environment. And material for such modernization will serve as… ordinary corrugated cardboard boxes from container. Its undulating surface is beautiful in itself, but becomes even more attractive with a skillful combination of mixed parts and their coloring.
Decorative effect of such processing may depend on the sliced workpiece, the geometry and orientation of the corrugation. It is important to take into account even illumination of coated items — wavy surface looks different depending on how the light falls on them.
Despite the fact that the warm brown color of the cardboard by itself, consistent with good wood surfaces, depending on the color of the furniture or close to large planes (walls, doors), corrugations can also be painted. Moreover, it is sufficient to do this even in his ridges. You can use fast drying and little wetting latex paint, introducing her to colour and gouache. Paint preparation is better before they are cut, using the old rubber or foam roller.
Cutting flute is easier to carry on a pre-customized by place templates Cutting flute is easier to carry on a pre-customized by place templates
The cutting flute is easier to carry on a pre-customized by location templates
Surface corrugation can be painted with a roller
The surface corrugation can be painted with a roller
To apply glue to blanks it is better the platen or flejtsem; after gluing—carefully roll
Apply glue to the workpiece it is better the platen or flejtsem; after gluing—carefully roll
Decorating old chest with flute
Decorating with old drawers by using corrugation
Very impressive look finished corrugated edge of the flat parts
Very impressive look finished corrugated edge of the flat parts
The edge of shelves with printed stripes Gofra
Edge shelves with applied strips of corrugation
Mixed squares corrugation — decoration mirror frame
Mixed squares corrugation — decoration mirror frame
Old podtsvetochniki pots are transformed due to corrugation
Old podtsvetochniki pots are transformed due to the corrugation
Cutting the workpiece to produce patterns of paper, primereniya on place stickers. Once all the elements have been prepared, the back side is also stamped with a roller or a wide brush (fleyts) glue — fast drying better than PVA, but you can carpentry, casein. The workpiece with an adhesive layer, especially wide angle, it is convenient to roll a kitchen rolling pin, but any cushion.
This method can be decorated many household items: furniture, mirror frames and paintings, flower pots and all sorts of household boxes and cartons. Moreover, in this way can be masked even wall sections: the former sealed doors, Windows, partitions. The truth of the corrugations is a universal decoration of a country house.

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