Small garden stove. Steel jar is still quite common. They are used for transportation and storage of paint, varnish, engine oil, diesel oil. Here’s an old 40-liter flask inspired me to think about further application is to make her oven-stove for burning of garden waste and for heating greenhouses.

The manufacturing process is very simple:
to mark and cut discorso the hole for the chimney at the bottom of the sides of the jar (almost at the bottom);
punch or drill in the lid of the ash-pit of the neck 5-6 holes with a diameter of 12 – 15 mm;
weld the four legs of area size 35x35x4 mm and a length of 120 – 150mm (or other suitable steel section);
tack welding points of the chimney (cut steel pipe with a diameter of 100 mm and a length of 300 -500 mm).
All this work took less than an hour. After 30 minutes the oven is ready I learned to the test in the autumn garden. Put chips, dry leaves and pine sticks. Lit the piece of birch bark and closed the lid. The fire got out of the pipe and the smoke went up, the walls of the flask quickly heated.
During testing we found some positive features of this stove:
horizontal layout allows the flame and hot air to flow around the walls, not perkasa them in the combustion zone;
regular cover successfully turned the stove door with the latch;
the chimney, and if necessary, you can increase and take away extra pipe elbows;
handle for a staff canteen (now the stove) is easy to carry from place to place, to shake from it the accumulated ash.
the stove can heat liquid fuel, pouring it straight into the oven for 3-5 L.
Gardening oven out of the jar
Garden oven from jar:
1 – steel 40-liter flask; 2 – flue steel pipe; 3 – support legs (angle steel 40×40, 4 PCs.)

It is possible to use a “stove” to heat the garage in winter or a hothouse in the period of spring and autumn frosts; dry cellars and burning debris; as the smoky fire from the midges and even for Smoking, say, fish or meat.
A. MATVEICHUK, Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region.

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