Rust… the number one enemy of almost any metal. “Red plague”, with an enviable tenacity and persistence, transforming hundreds of thousands of tons of sparkling high grade, high strength, alloy steel in the piles of brown powder. Disease for which there are no barriers… But there are medicines and from her: electroplating, Lani and paint, bitumen and mastic — all they basically have to protect the metal. But the reality is not so simple.
Very acute problem of protection against corrosion is, for example, in front of motorists. It is well known that if you do not take certain measures, the body of the car in the next four to five years can become literally a rusty sieve. Often do not have any help of paint, no mastic, because the body has a lot of closed cavities, sinuses, pockets, boxes in which road dirt and dampness, mixed with the salt, creating perfect conditions for electrochemical corrosion. And at present the thickness of automotive steel sheet, it leads to a very quick breakdown.
But corrosion is possible not only to protect the armor from lacquer or chrome, you can cheat, given in the form of a bait a piece of cake, as the metal with the higher electrode potential.