BEDS OF DARKNESSThe proposed distribution network of the other transformable design for sleep have one common not wealth: they allow you to rest only in “Spartan” conditions. Meanwhile, this disadvantage can be overcome. The source data used in the development of the proposed homemade of options had the following characteristics bed: the minimum length of 1900 mm, width not less than 750 mm and height up to the surface of the mattress is not less than 300 mm. Such a retractable bed is relatively simple in manufacture and can perform certain functions both assembled and unassembled.

In the exemplified schemes disclosed solutions the major sites, and detailed detailing will be determined largely by the available material and technical possibilities of your home workshop.
Another bed-invisible built-in book wall. Moreover, the design of it is designed so that in such a small section will be able to hide not only the bed and the bedding. Moreover, such a module is also suitable as a standalone piece of furniture to a small room as it takes up very little space and when folded can be used, for example, the long tables under the radio.
Its compactness is assured by the fact that podmatrasnye stovetop beds consists of two halves 1 and 2; add up, it turns into a “door” section. Its height will not exceed 650 mm, and the depth taking into account the capacity for bedding — 450 mm.
To reveal a bed, it is necessary to dissolve a supporting folds 4 and then folded and put a double plate. In order not to spoil the front side, the upper edge folds glue the strips of leather or felt. The most suitable material — Blockboard. If you use chipboard, the thickness should be not less than 20 mm, and plywood at least 15 mm to avoid dangerous deflection in the front half of the unfolded plate, its longitudinal edge is necessary to attach the bar 5 of solid wood (oak, beech) with section of 50X30 mm. the two halves are joined with piano hinges.
Between the supporting wings 4 and the surface of the floor try to achieve a minimal gap to reduce the load on their hinges.
Panel 3 should be on the bottom to reinforce the wooden bars or metal corners to avoid possible deflection of her, wedging the panel 1.
This bed assembled very compact. Turning to a table, it does not issue his “night” mission: width 800 mm, height — 500+2B, and the length of 650+mm B (thickness of the chosen material: plywood, carpentry or wood-plate plus the gap).
Consider the concept of a proposed design. From the Central section move in a vertical panel-grabski 4. Then, on connecting them with the Central section bars are placed two shields 6 from the top of the table, and on them — one soft cushion bed ready.
In the manufacture of such beds please note the following features. Pull-out section, and hence put on their plate, there are several already (like the length of the Desk drawer) both plate 6 width less than panels 1 and 5 on the two the thickness of the panel 2. Bars 3, 7 are not only guides, but also bearing elements of the structure in the extended version, so they should have a cross-section of 50X30 mm. less than On their digemid the ends you need to put a wooden or metal retaining clips that prevent them from pulling out of the panels 2, with the extendable sections. Moreover, the grooves of the bars 3, 7 in the panels 2 do not need to match on its axis — but otherwise, when you build a jam occurs the bars when shifting.
At the top of graduse necessary to provide straps-the cover strips that hide the gaps in the working plane of the assembled table. The gap occurs because of the difference in size of the panels 1 and 6.
Pillows can be made from sheet foam and any durable fabric used for furniture upholstery and mattresses. To keep the bed was hard, the pillows should be done with a minimum thickness of 90 mm (three sheets of foam). Excessive thickness of the pads пoвлeчet in an increase in the height of the table
For the convenience of the bed-table of the Central section can be provided with rollers or wheels, and its front panel to make folding in half.
The options considered rollaway beds interesting fact that allow you to vary their constituent elements depending on the available materials and the specific conditions of the given room.
G. BEREZIN, architect

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