BENCH IN THE WAITING ROOMRotted benches in the dressing room… they were Made according to the ancient traditions of larch boards, comfortable, firmly put together and seemingly eternal. But the legs on the bottom and top and seat stitching has rotted. Besides, it turned out that their was a massive screen for the heat from the stove. In the end, the paneling behind the stands, do not dry, plesnila and spoil it. To address these shortcomings, I decided to make a new shop with metal legs and durable, and will not rot. The design will be “transparent” to heat flow from the stove to the walls behind the stands. Still, the metal has a property easy to heat up, accumulating heat, which will allow you to quickly dry the intersection of the legs with the seats and floors.

Material for the frame of the new benches was water galvanized pipes of an external diameter of 22 mm, and the material for the seat – a pine Board 100×40 mm. as additional elements used angle area 25×25 mm and sheet stainless steel thickness of 2 mm.
Work carried out in this order:
sawed off three blanks with a length of 1200 mm from the Board-section 100×40 mm, planed surface, removed the chamfer, blunting edges, carefully sanded (“berry”own);
impregnated boards antiseptic composition of water and copper sulphate and left to dry in the sun;
cut four blanks for the legs out of the pipe with a diameter of 22 mm long by 420 mm with two blanks for cross bars at 180 mm and one proleg length 1055 mm;
strip the ends from burrs, laid side by side, and outlined with chalk the fold line;
using a simple vise and bending gave each leg a curved form, using the first as a template for all others;
sawed off the two lines with a length of 270 mm from the area 25×25 mm, marked and drilled them in the six holes for future mounting boards shop;
cut four heel legs -40×40 mm squares of sheet steel and blunted their edge.
Assembly begins with the manufacture of a simple conductor. The supporting surface of any suitable smooth and wide Board, plywood or chipboard sheet with minimum dimensions 500×350 mm. won about three dozens of nails with a diameter of 2 mm and a length of 50 mm (and it would be better to buy a bag a modern finish Nickel-plated).
Blank frame elements of galvanized pipe d22
Billet frame members of galvanized pipe d22
The bending of workpieces of the legs in the vise with pipe fixtures
The bending of workpieces of the legs in the vise with pipe fixtures
Shop for waiting room
Shop for waiting room:
1 – element-seat (Board 100×40, L1200,3). 2 – screw (12 PCs); 3 – curved leg (galvanized tube Ш22,4 pieces); 4 – cross member (a galvanized pipe d22, 2); 5 – proleg (galvanized pipe d22); 6 – side-bar (angle iron 25×25, 2); 7 – heel leg (stainless steel, sheet s2, 4 PCs)

Resting on the base Board upper corner, has restricted his “freedom of movement” two pairs cogging nails left and right and one resistant from the left side. Then, according to the schematic drawing, put the left and right leg with a cross. Gain all crimp nails, checked the perpendiculars and diagonals, and finally nailed with the hammer, sinking the nails on 6 – 8 mm.
Such “conductor” you can cook pretty much exactly the same articles.
By the way, after tack welding the points of the leg is removed and further boiling of its elements are already on a concrete floor. Couple ready legs located against each other, connected by a longitudinal pipe (proleg) also with the help of electric arc welding.
Procurement elements of the paired legs, prepared for welding in a jig Procurement elements of the paired legs, prepared for welding in a jig
Procurement of items paired legs prepared for welding in the jig
Ready-made frames in stores
Ready frames shops
Mount boards of the seat to the frame sargam
Mount boards of the seat to the frame zargam
Ready to frame raduetsa, and welding seams are frenched.
– It is better not to paint! – gave me life experience. Indeed, any primer and the paint eventually peeling and have to either touch up, or completely clear it. Easier and better – grate tubes and joints with engine oil. Color galvanized darkened and merged with the welding seams. Further care involves repeated wiping with an oily rag podrzavati welds. After screwing the boards to the seat with screws – shop ready.
Before use, you must clean the wooden surface from the remnants of salts of copper sulphate.
Hot bath, new convenience stores and the surrounding Siberian nature create a feeling of happiness in Russian.
A. MATVEICHUK, Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen oblast

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