DREAM LOVERWhether in a modern apartment for music “box”? Yes, if it will also house a radio and video equipment.
To make this “box” is possible in two variants — a single complex and in the form of several separate sections: one is a music system with a cassette Bank (1), in column (2), storage for cassettes and records (3) equipment (4).
Electronic Arsenal of modern apartments large. Here stereoscopically complex with speakers, and a TV, and a VCR. Even in the most minimum size of these objects occupy a lot of space. Of course, can be installed on legs or a coffee table near the window, under it to push the “VCR”, and radio equipment to be placed in a niche of a furniture wall. That’s the only column there is not always included. In addition, the required storage for magazines, gramophone, headphones, and other accessories.
It is better to place special furniture, where electronic equipment will be in one place. To use it is much more convenient as everything is at hand. This “music” the furniture store to find, but it can be made with your own hands. And the options as of the individual modular sections, and General, all-in-one.
Both types of structures are made from chipboard (particleboard), connected on wooden false spikes or screws. For decoration you can use wood veneer with subsequent varnishing, fabric, painted with enamel, or covering in plastic in bright colors. The color of the finishing material should be chosen in accordance with the General interior solution. The ends of the shelves and partitions decorate aluminum or brass plates — plate width of 16 mm with rounded edges.
For large rooms the most convenient modular design, consisting of five sections with the same dimensions. Each block module is equipped with four dual wheels. They allow you to roll the desired section. Each unit is assembled from standard elements: the underbody with four dual wheels, rear wall with holes for the wires and two sidewalls.
For column sections of additional elements is not required. But they need to make two. In the section of the radio has three shelves for the deaf equipment, hinged lid for convenience during the work of “hot line”. In the lower part is mounted sliding shelf with a cassette Bank, which is assembled from strips of 10X20 mm cross-section and the bars a length of 30 mm section 18X20 mm.
Fig. 1. Column section (2).
Fig. 1. Column section (2 PCs.):
1 back wall, 2 — sidewall 3 — coupled wheels, 4 — bottom.
Fig. 2. Section of radio.
Fig. 2. Section radio:
1 back wall, 2 — piano loop, a 3 — flip cover 4 — cassette Bank, 5 — drawer, 6 — coupled wheels, 7 — sidewall, 8 — deaf shelves, 9 — limiter.
Fig. 3. Section of the video equipment.
Fig. 3. Section video:
1 back wall, 2 — piano loop, 3 flip cover, 4 — side, 5 — shelf for TV, 6 — coupled wheels, 7 — bottom.

Section video equipment has only one blank shelf for a small TV, which houses the VCR.
The last section — the repository. She has two deaf shelves for video tapes, headphones, and other accessories and two partitions office records.
Fig. 4. Storage of phonograph records and videotapes.
Fig. 4. Storage of phonograph records and cassettes:
1 — cover, 2 double wheels, 3 — partition branch records, 4 — bottom plate 5 — side panel, 6 — shelves for tapes.
Fig. 5. All-in-one music center.
Fig. 5. All-in-one music center:
1 — cover, 2 — rear wall, 3 — side wall, 4 — shelf, 5 — shelf, 6 — coupled wheels, 7 — bottom, 8 — partition of videoseksi, 9 — a blind shelf, 10 — partitions of the music Department, 11 — a guide pull-out shelves, 12 — U-shaped aluminium profile, 13 — pin.
All-in-one universal video-music section more compact, so it can be used in small rooms. Though speakers are not included in the overall dimensions of the structure and are located separately, and the TV set on. The main frame is assembled from two side panels, bottom covers and rear panels.
The internal volume is divided by a horizontal shelf on top music and video lower section.
The music section has two partitions between which records are stored. In the left part is installed on special rails pull-out shelf for turntables.
In the lower part there are two partitions forming the storage for video and music cassettes.
Both designs are in the manufacture is very simple, and the operation is convenient as all devices are in a single complex.
N. FEDOTOV, architect

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