THE MANY FACES OF THIS BEDSIDE TABLEA distinctive feature of modern furniture is its versatility and versatility. All these requirements are, unfortunately, still very few common, but very popular abroad mobile cabinets. Look at the drawings and pictures: these “boxes on wheels” if necessary, can be coffee table or the workshop, the kitchen Cabinet or work space for sewing, bar or children’s games room.
We offer you a choice of several different variants of such structures, published in the German magazine “Praktik” and Hungarian “Earmaster”.

Universal module

Repeating this construction on any home master: so it is simple. But, despite the simplicity, the versatility of this Cabinet allows using it for various purposes.
The main “building” material – plywood, thickness 12 mm. From it, cut the top and bottom cover and wall boxes. Thinner plywood, thickness 5…6 mm is used for the manufacture of shelves. Their number depends on the location and purpose of the use tables. For example, if the addition to the Desk of the pupil or student, it will be possible to make some shelves for stationery in one of the side drawers, and the other to provide a place for notebooks and books. The Central part of the tables, separated by shelf height, two compartment, can serve as a repository for textbooks or other literature.
Fig. 1. Universal module.
Fig. 1. Universal module:
1 — furniture roller (4 PCs), 2 — base (plywood 12X350X452 mm), 3 — base plate (20X20X350 mm) 4 — shelf open (plywood 6Х248Х350 mm), 5 — support bar (20X20X228 mm), 6 — upper cover (plywood 12X350X452 mm), 7 — drawer (plywood 12X90X326 mm, 4 pieces), 8 — drawer (12X90X620 mm, 4-piece), 9 — built-in shelf (plywood 6X90X326 mm), 10 — decorative (plywood 12Х30Х350 mm), 11 — strap support (20X20X326 mm, 2 PCs.), 12 — terminator (rail Ø 20Х326 mm), 13 — drawer (plywood 12Х350Х620 mm, 2 PCs.).
It is convenient to use a dresser and as a home workshop, placing it is a set of tools and devices. On the top lid, you can perform various tasks, such as repairing appliances. Is there a place there and a small bench vise. In this case, however, have to think in advance about the appearance of the table to paste it in a thick plastic or adapted to protect the sheet of aluminum or linoleum. All other surfaces of the structure after viskazivaniya painted with enamels of different colors.
Gather together the elements of cabinets for small screws with greasing of joints with joiner’s glue. Below the plywood edge was not stratified, the holes for the screws pre-drill reams two times smaller diameter.

Home “fashion centre”


A sewing machine is probably in every family. But, as a rule, is rarely one of those who is engaged in sewing is not regular, and as necessary, there is a special working place. Most often machine harvested in one place, thread, needles in another, and fabrics, patterns and other attributes in the third. In short, getting to the point, you need to spend a fairly substantial preparatory work. Moreover, in addition to free up the room place to put the car and where to put materials. All these efforts would be completely unnecessary if “once and forever” to make a special Cabinet for sewing.
When folded, the stand takes up very little usable area and has dimensions in terms of just 450 X 450 mm. But if you open it, you will not only get access to all the shelves, but also a convenient folding table is quite decent size — 280X660 mm.
Fig. 2. Cupboard for sewing classes.
Fig. 2. Cupboard for sewing classes:
1 — shelf (chipboard blank— 20X410X410 mm, 3 PCs.), 2 — the wall (chipboard, 20X450X750 mm, 2 pieces), 3 — top cover (chipboard, blank — 20X450X450 mm), 4 — piano loop (length 750 mm), 5 — piano loop (length 280 mm) 6 — wall (chipboard, 20X410X750 mm, 2 pieces), 7 — furniture roller (4 PCs), 8 — magnetic latch (2 PCs), 9 — a folding table (chipboard, 20X280X660 mm), 10 — stand (Ø 30X750 mm).
To make a structure out of thick plywood or as shown on the drawings, of chipboard thickness of 18 to 20 mm. Outside the slab pasted laminate or veneer of precious wood — it depends on the interior of the house. Inside Cabinet is painted with enamels of bright tone.
During Assembly you should pay special attention to the precision installation of piano hinge connecting the two “halves” of the cabinets — this operation, performed carelessly, can “bend” all the product to spoil its appearance and to negate your efforts.
In a modern style
The concept of “youth fashion” applies today not just for the clothes or hairstyle, but also on the design of the home and furniture. Industry produces its products, it is unlikely given the tastes and preferences of young people. Therefore, the “furniture for the young” is a great promising direction for searching and finding of tinkerers. Here is one example of the original design of this type.
Again, this is a mobile pedestal, but this time used as coffee table, bar for drinks, library periodicals, small music centre and store various needed details.
The basis behind a chipboard 20 mm thick and dimensions of 700X700 mm. Bottom fixed furniture casters, and the top cross partition, dividing the entire Cabinet into four compartments that are closed by side walls to form boxes. And two of them are as tall as the wall, and the other two is fixed in its upper part, forming a bottom-open shelves on the sides. In one of the deep drawers are mounted the plywood vertical dividers for magazines, and two small closed box on top of hinged lids tables. On the inside of one of the covers can be screwed screws table lamp with flexible rod. In the folding position, the tables are fixed chain limiter.
Fig. 3. Cabinet — coffee table.
Fig. 3. Cabinet — coffee table:
1 — base (particleboard, 20X700X700 mm), 2 — partition (DSP, 16X350X688 mm), 3 — baffle (MDF, 16Х347Х380 mm) 4 — wall (chipboard, 16Х292Х347 mm), 5 — drawer (particle Board, 16X276X350 mm), 6 — drawer (particle Board, 16X350X384 mm), 7 — drawer (particle Board, 16X288X350 mm), 8 — drawer (particle Board, 16X350X364 mm), 9 — drawer (particle Board, 16Х120Х288 mm) 10 — drawer (particle Board, 16X120X384 mm), 11 — drawer (particle Board, 16X120X288 mm), 12 — drawer (particle Board, 16X120X276 mm), 13 — drawer bottom (particle Board, 16X272X276 mm), 14 — the bottom of the box (chipboard, 16Х364Х368 mm), 15 — shelf (chipboard, 16X272X364 mm) 16 — flip cover-Desk (particle Board, 16X368X396 mm), 17 — flip cover-Desk (particle Board, 16X304X308 mm) 18 — wall (plywood, 8X250X364 mm 3 piece), 19 — piano loop (2 PCs), 20 chain-limiter (2 PCs), 21 — furniture roller (4 PCs.).
The importance of the style of “youth fashion” has a decorative finish. After all, a simple, uncluttered design “sparkle” a carefully made and finished. Therefore, the most important thing — accuracy. It must be present, regardless of the selected way of presenting a finished product — say, panel lining colored plastic (or wood veneer with the subsequent varnishing or polishing). You can do a more “modest” ways: to process chipboard cover primer and alkyd enamel.
Dream mistress
This is the name for this Cabinet, designed for the kitchen. On her shelves and drawers will accommodate Cutlery and spices, kitchen towels and products, a mixer and other useful adaptations, swipe: word, everything that should be in every housewife at hand.
However, to recommend to repeat the design only those who already has the experience of furniture manufacturing, as well as the opportunity to work with woodworking machines, because without power tools to do a large number of divergent elements is very difficult.
As in the Cabinet — coffee table parts are mounted on a “pedestal” attached to her cross wall. Additional partitions form the walls, between which grooves are placed in the drawers. The resulting exposed side of the supplemental partitions of the tanks are equipped with closed shelves and hung on the hinges of furniture doors. Exactly the same doors closed section of the cabinets designed for storage of pots, pans and other kitchen utensils. The opposite (diagonal) the closed section is the public part of the Cabinet. On its shelves you can arrange beautiful jars of spices, decorative items.
Fig. 4. Cabinet — cupboard.
Fig. 4. Cabinet — the kitchen Cabinet:
1 — table (chipboard, plywood 25X800X800 mm), 2, 3, 4, 5 — the front walls of the drawers (particle Board, plywood 25X55x270 mm — 4 PCs., 25X83X270 mm — 4 PCs., 25Х145Х270 mm — 4 PCs., 25X270X272 mm — 2 PCs.), 6 — partition (DSP, 19Х696Х850 mm) 7 — wall (chipboard, 19X336X850 mm), 8 — partition (DSP, 19Х341Х850 mm), 9, 10, 11 — elements of the doors (chipboard: 19Х234Х862 mm — 4 PCs., 19X149X862 mm — 2 PCs), 12 — base (particleboard, 16X696X696 mm), 13 — furniture roller (4 PCs), 14 — secondary partition (DSP, 16Х336Х850 mm, 2 pieces), 15 — shelf (chipboard, 16Х87Х335 mm, 4 PCs.), 16 — shelf (chipboard, 16X335X335 mm, 2 PCs.), 17 — shelf (chipboard, 16Х340Х340 mm, 2 PCs — is located in the closed section), 18, 19, 20, 21 — the side wall of the drawer (plywood: 12Х55Х336 mm — 8 PCs., 12Х83Х336 mm — 8 PCs., 12X145X336 mm — 8 PCs., 12X256X336 mm — 4 PCs.), 22, 23, 24, 25 — the rear wall of the drawer (plywood: 12X43X213 mm — 4 PCs., 12x71x213 mm — 4 PCs., 12X133X213 mm — 4 PCs., 12X213X244 mm — 2 pieces) 26 — drawer bottom (plywood, 6X213X336 mm, 14 PCs.), 27 — Planck reference (pine, 15X15 mm), 28 — plank (pine. 12X26 mm), 29 — stick decorative (16 PCs.).
Since this design can be considered “solid”, then it should be done with quality materials – the best plywood thickness 12 mm and more. The top cover and front wall of boxes, it is desirable to carry out berekley two sheets – this will give the Cabinet “branded” appearance. As a decorative finish the most suitable way is to use transparent furniture Polish, “manifesting” the structure of the tree. As a decorative “stuff” used bright red handles on the drawers and side doors.

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