WALK-IN GREENHOUSEWhatever the Windows in the apartment — even new-fangled or old double glazing with wooden frames — still on most of them soderjatsya any flowers or plants. They are usually installed on the window sill, hung on strings or placed on the window narrow shelves, arranged directly on the frame of the window. Practice shows that it is not very convenient: often injured frame; in addition, different plants need different conditions: a sun-loving, others, on the contrary, useful to the shadow; some people like a moist atmosphere, and better than other rare watering. Bad for colors and diurnal or seasonal temperature fluctuations in the house.

Many of these controversial issues will help to soften and flatten a small window wardrobe Conservatory: it is easier for the colors to create the most comfortable conditions (for example, to arrange shadowing or provide high humidity), and in a smaller area to place more potted plants, which is important for those who are preparing for the spring seedlings.
Device mini-greenhouses
The design feature of window of the Cabinet is that unlike other basic types of furniture he has no back wall: it is the function of the window itself. Therefore, the role of the skeleton framework in this case will play two sides who also can not be called a wall, because they are a simple frame.
The sidewalls are joined together at the top and bottom of the cross bars — wooden bars, and in the middle part — the supporting bars with attached shelves, thereby providing the required rigidity of the whole structure.
Window wardrobe in a
Window Cabinet in a “greenhouse” inAriant of the greenhouse without door — walls with the film and folding the canopy:
1 — the door frame; 2 — cross (2); 3 — side frame; 4 — window; 5 — the support of shelves: 6 — shelf; 7 — card loop (2 — 3 PCs.)

In the simplest embodiment, the Cabinet can remain open stacked (and therefore large) structure. However, if necessary, and the possibility that design can be glazed and provided with a door (but be aware that it will greatly aggravate it). An indoor option must be tied to needs have in the wardrobe of the plant: humid atmosphere, the lack of temperature extremes, the approach to the greenhouse conditions.
“Glazing” is easy to implement and without glass, obtenus sidewall of the transparent plastic film and it is in the form of lowering the canopy instead of doors. The same canopy at rear (from matte or translucent film) will provide, if necessary, shading or protection from direct sunlight.
They represent the vertical framework of wooden bars cross-section 40×20 mm. their Height depends on the size of the window (or… your growth: it was convenient to use shelves without auxiliary benches or ladders). The ways of connecting parts shown in the drawings.
In the middle part of the sidewalls are attached to support bars under shelves. Their number — and hence the number of shelves — can be any, depending on the number of placed plants or their growth.
In the glazed version on the front edge of one of the sidewalls is attached to the card or hinges rakoobraznye door.
Support bars
The support shelves are made out of smaller or the same bars, and the sidewalls. Their length depends on the width of the sidewalls, and the method of attachment (the illustrations show options “vraspor”, “simple imposition” and “vpoldereva”). Fixing of the supports on the side — with nails or screws.
They can be plywood or chipboard. The latter, of course, safer, because this material has a greater margin of safety in bending (which is important if shelf made it long and narrow or cargo pots is great). However, and plywood shelf will serve well, if you make it layered “sandwich” by putting a thin workpiece on one another. In addition, as the gain will serve the attachment of the shelves to their supporting timbers.
Assembly of parts and simplified version of the greenhouse window — without door and glass
Assembling of the main assemblies and parts of a simplified version of the window of the Conservatory without doors and glazing
Ways of assembling the parts of the sidewalls and the mounting supports of the shelves
The methods of Assembly of the parts of the sidewalls and the mounting supports of the shelves
Since when watering plants falling on a shelf water inevitably would spoil it, the surface must be protected with oil paint in several layers, or carefully wrap film, or to put on top of the shelf a thin sheet of plastic.
You can use thin glass window — and then the work is done by traditional technology, with proper selection of slots in bars under the glass and with the involvement of thin fixing strips-glazing beads.
Easier, of course, use a conventional greenhouse film, attaching it to the cloth on the outside of the sidewalls and lowering, as mentioned, the top cross member between the side walls of the wide panel as a hinged “door” canopy.
Treatment of all wooden parts is to assemble them. It includes a thorough Vykurovanie and polishing all of the facets of a fine-grained sheets of sandpaper, and then painting with oil paint or modern formulations of the “Pinotex”, which at the same time and painted wood surfaces and protect from moisture. After processing “Pentacom” and thoroughly drying all surfaces can be water-resistant cover furniture varnish.

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