As we know, the sun, air and water create the most favorable conditions for rest. It is not surprising that on a hot sunny day at the seashore, on the banks of the river or pond is going as vacationers that literally no room to swing fall.
Unfortunately, well-equipped beaches, we have a little bit. Although a variety of attractions – any tower-nyryalki, pedalo or carousel is not just entertainment, and the means of active and interesting rest.
In today’s edition of “The masters Club house” we offer a simple design water carousel. It will bring a lot of fun and the guys in the camp, and those who have spent the summer at the cottage in the village.
This simple sports and entertainment round – water wheel or carousel – can be used both in the game and for sport. Buoyancy is calculated on the weight of an adult or several children.
Construction is collapsible, making it easy to store and transport. To manufacture the carousel does not need scarce materials and special equipment. It can be done in two or three nights in a home studio or on the balcony.
First, you need to cut about ninety-sections of foam floats. Then, from duralumin pipes Ø 20 mm harvested six segments for a length of approximately 2200 mm, which are bent in an arc radius of 1000 mm. To connect the two arcs of the ring otachivat threaded bushings and special nails with square heads turnkey to 18. The threaded bushings are pressed into each end of the arc tube. Another of the foam should be cut about 180 intermediate goals. They will be located in the gaps between foam sections.

Fig. 1. The water wheel assembly:
1 – foam section 2 – duralumin rings, 3 – spacers.

Fig. 2. Composite dural ring:
1 – threaded sleeve 2 – a special pin, 3 – duralumin tube.
Now you are ready to assemble. For this arc connected in two rings (three for each, leaving them for each terminal. The foam sections strung on a ring in combination with intermediate washers. After filling the entire wheel ring-open pins are connected. Carousel ready.
It can be upgraded, making it more mobile in water. To do this, cut out of thin plywood propeller blades and put them in place washers between the foam sections. And the need to install them in each joint: they can be located in four or five sections. If you make some of these structures, it is possible to organize the competition “Who faster”, say, at the celebration of Neptune.
S. Janowski