VAIN EFFORTSConditions signed in 1919 in the Versailles peace Treaty that ended the First world war, the German Navy was devastating. The winners, especially the British, insisted on almost total elimination of the fleet once the second naval power of the world. The Germans were allowed to have mine force, consisting of only twelve destroyers and an equal number of destroyers. The latter can be attributed to this squadron destroyers only conditionally: they all belonged to the pre-war series had weak arms and worn-out mechanisms. It is significant that the newest unit of the fleet of the Weimar Republic was the destroyer S-23, which came into operation six months before the start of the war.

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While on vacation in Anapa with a group of tourists during a short-term bus stop near one of the nearby houses saw in the front garden and managed to photograph is my favourite, “a lake with swans”… from tires. Unfortunately, there was no time to get acquainted with the master of the house, or to learn anything about its composition. But a lot (if not all) is clear from the photos.

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GLIDER CHAMPIONThe triumph of the Soviet athlete V. Extencive in the class of models of gliders ended the world championship in 1973. Short nose and a relatively small shoulder are the main design features of the model of a champion. The layout is very different from the standard, which is used by most of our leading modelers.

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