CULTIVATOR? PLEASE!In Latin language the word “cultivation” means “handling”, “cultivation”. If to explain in more detail, is the process of loosening the previously treated soil with simultaneous cutting of the root system of weeds. But cultivation is not only important for weed control. Tillage improves air and water regimes of the soil, which in turn enhances the activity of soil Microorganisms, creates the conditions for a friendly germination of seeds of cultural plants.
We offer four simple designs of hand cultivators which will facilitate preparatory work on the state farm or collective-farm garden, greenhouse, on the school or the plot.
Look at figure 1. This cultivator is most convenient to use in the greenhouse, and the garden in the garden — wherever it is difficult to turn with great technique. Width of its working body of 233 mm. the Handle is a pipe with a diameter of about 24 mm, its length is chosen for growth. The lower end of the handle inserted into the massive wooden axle, and to it are attached the other details of the cultivator and working on. Axis raised above the soil surface and rests on the two wheels d 200 mm, cut from sheet metal thickness of 3 mm. the Wheels are attached by two M10 studs and four nuts.
Fig. 1. Stab a hoe
Fig. 1. Knife cultivator
1 — handle 2 — axle 3 — left wheel. 4 — stud, 5 — knife 6 — pins-limiters; L — depth of the knife (the left wheel removed conditional), B — stroke.
The working body or the knife is a steel plate with a thickness of
3 mm, bent in the form of the letter P with a wide horizontal part. He planted freely, but two pins, screwed into the axle, limiting its deviation from the vertical ±29 . The knife is sharply honed on both sides.
To use the cultivator should be so. Tool put on the ground. Push hard on the handle, and pull the cultivator to the first, this knife will zaglubit I in soil at 33-40 mm; and then myself — the knife will remain at the same depth, but will turn the other way. In this position, he will sing cut surface of the soil together with the root system of weeds.
Figure 2 shows a toothed cultivator., With it, sing the surface of the soil is treated somewhat differently: the teeth from digging into the ground and turning over the clods. Tan they cut the roots of weeds and loosen at the same time, saturating the soil with air.
Fig. 2. Toothed cultivator
Fig. 2. Toothed cultivator:
1 — “pancakes”, 2 teeth, 3 — axis. 4 — axle. 5 — clip. 6 — stick.

Cultivator consists of five heavy steel “bline”, three of which are equipped with curved teeth. “Pancakes” is worn on a steel axis d of 16 mm and a length of 320 mm. At the ends of the axle mounted bushings — plain bearings, prasowanie in the axle. To the protruding ends of the axles is attached to a steel bracket, converging on the handle.
Steel “pancakes” and the axis carved on a lathe. In the side surfaces of the three of them will drill FIVE radially extending blind holes-sockets d 13.1 mm. the Teeth are manufactured from steel rod ø 10 mm and insert it into the slot. Then drill through holes d 5.1 mm under the five millimeter rivet. Rassekaya them so that the rivet heads are flush.
Collecting pancake, hung them on the axle, then install washers , axle with bearings and nuts. Extending beyond the nut end of the shaft asclepia.
In figure 3 you see a disk cultivator. They break large lumps of soil, harrowed and simultaneously smooth the surface of the site.
Fig, 3. Disc cultivator
Fig, 3. Disc cultivator:
1 — drive, 2 — axis, 3 — sleeve, 4 — big snob, 5 small clip, 6 — stock. 7 — pipe, 8 — bar with handles.

The basis of the cultivator — spherical discs, welded in pairs to the sleeve mounted on the axle. The ends of the axes are fixed with pins in large and small brackets.
In the center of the bracket made a step through which skipped tube ø 30 X 2 mm with T-shaped crossbar and arms at the end. To a small bracket welded to the rod 24 d X 2 mm and a length of 250 mm. it screwed rod d 16 mm, the end of which is provided with a nut-M16 lamb, stands over the crossbar.
The most time consuming in the manufacture of discs. They must be forged from flat steel blanks d 220 mm and a thickness of 4 mm. So that the disks received” spherical, it is necessary, using a hammer with a round head, short but strong strokes, starting from the center and then spiraling, “stretch” the metal on the anvil. Procurement will acquire the spherical surface. Work schitatsya complete if the depth of the resulting bowls will be approximately 30 mm. it Remains to sharpen their edges on the sandpaper, and the center hole drilled to ø 20 mm.
During operation, the installation angle of the discs relative to the direction of movement of the cultivator can be changed by means of the nut-lamb on the crossbar. Rotating it in a clockwise direction the rod is lifted upwards. A large bracket with a slight bend like a leaf spring, and angle of installation disks will change. Figure 4 shows another cultivator. Its main parts: wheel, axle, two tubular handles with cross bar, mounting brackets replacement of pochvoobrabatyvayuschie guns.
R and p. 4. Cultivator-Hiller
R and S. 4. Cultivator-Hiller:
1 — wheel, 2 — axle, 3 — hoe, 4. 5 — mount interchangeable guns, 6 — tubular handle, 7 — spacer, 8 — tooth cultivator, 9 — workpiece, 10 — ready hoe.

Wheel d 250—Z00 mm consists of a rim {steel strip with a width of 40 and a thickness of 4 mm), and the hub hole d 18 mm. Spokes connected with the hub thread, and about rasklapanje. If you can not make this wheel yourself, use ready, for example, a baby stroller or bike.
The diameter of the tubular handles 22, CUT mm. To the lower ends of the weld the splice sleeves to the axle. Instead of bushings it is possible to flatten the pipe ends on the length of 60-70 mm and drill hole d 14 mm under the axle.
Strut bend of the same pipe and connect it to the spacers with four bolts M8. To make it easier to use the cultivator for a brace put on rubber hose, and the handle wrap insulated wire. The mounting brackets interchangeable tools manufacture of steel bar section 25 X 25 mm Weld to steel her sleeve with a hole for a handle replacement guns. Replacement guns — arched feet with a width of 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 mm and the toothed Ripper. They are set depending on the type of agricultural slave hardness of the soil and the size of the aisles.

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