brickos — valuable fruit crop originated from Central Asia. However, not all varieties are suitable for drying because of the low content of the substance, the main component of which is sugar. It is usually early ripening varieties. To obtain high quality dried fruits it is advisable to use fruits with sugar content not lower than 19-20 percent.
The fruit should be removed when they reach a certain size, accumulate the largest amount of sugar will become normal, natural coloring.
If the apricot to cut, we can see that the pulp is evenly painted, and bone freely separated from the pulp. To touch the fruit firmer, but not hard. From unripe as well as overripe, apricot dried fruit is good do not get it.
The most recommended for drying varieties: mirsanjali Baba, kontakion, isfarak, hormai,subhani,Louise, etc. Fruits for such processing to take Mature but still firm. Wash the apricots, dipping along with a basket two or three times into the water.
Remove seeds from sections from the stalk (later cleaned of these fruits will Kaisa — best production of dried apricots), or divide the fruit in half (apricots, as inserted inside a core of bone — ash-Taka). But it is possible to dry the apricots with a bone, getting shantala (of the most succulent varieties with a smooth skin) or dried apricots.
To save lighter-colored fruits before drying fumigate sulfur (2 g per 1 kg of fruit) for two hours. To perekusyvaete fruit vkoem case not, otherwise they become unfit for consumption, And children generally should not be given the product treated with sulfur!
At high sulfur doses and more prolonged treatment are able to receive the beautiful appearance of the appearance of the product, but he gets an unpleasant bitter, the high content of sulphurous acid (more than 0.01%).