Technical solutions offered by one of the authors of our magazine, addressed to the owners of the garden and does not require for its implementation of high costs of labour, materials and cash. Perhaps the only thing you need is the desire to make everything better, sturdy.
We know that if the root collar the tree is in the ground, the tree withers. Then it is urgently either transplanted or lift. But temporarily there is another, quite simple way.

Cervical root Apple trees clear of the ground, and the resulting pits wall wooden quadrangle. Trapped in a kind of basement fruit trees feel much better.
To get currants and gooseberries to grow like a small tree in the “standard” form, there is a simple method. When planting annuals it put on the tube from a material that does not transmit light. The lower end of such a delimiter “tillering” dig to a depth of 10 cm on the Top, on the contrary, raised above the ground to the desired height of the trunk.

The benefits of growing fruit bushes in the form of a tree is obvious at least because they can be located close to each other. So, better land is to be used and a real will be able to gather a larger harvest from each square meter of our own, is not limitless garden plots.
Some gardeners in the winter bends the stalks of a raspberry and bind them in bundles to a height of 30-40 cm from the ground. If you make 5-6 portable metal studs, everything can be done faster and easier.

The stems are grouped in bundles, bent, and then fixed in position with pins that stick into the ground. Green thumb with several freed from the former, monotonnykh operations. Moreover, there is a possibility of spore to work with both hands.
Stud height less than two feet made from 8-mm “wire rod”. The upper end of such lengths of steel wire bent, and lower, on the contrary, dwell. Paint ready studs oil paint in a bright color: not rusted and were clearly distinguishable in the thickets of raspberries.
For breeding and keeping of live fish on private land and the cottages can accommodate old tires from the wheels of powerful tractors K700, K-701 and T-150. To make it not so difficult, and — in several ways.