Well — vital structure on the estate, even if a centralized water supply system. Design it can be any. We have, for example, the popular tube-wells, good bearing rocks occur close. And simple tool for drilling (drilling rig spoon, chisel, coil and bailer screwed on the extension tube-rod), it is easy to get. For water many people prefer to use a pump type BKF or BKF 2-4 prefabrication. I am also quite happy with a homemade design which is so simple that it is available for repeating any.

As for the case, this pump works great steel 5-inch vodolazova-water pipe (outer diameter 140 mm, wall thickness 4.5 mm) with welded bottom flange of steel plates with dimensions 180x180x10 mm with a Central stepped hole for the pipe end and four corner mounting – bolt M10. The other reason is almost the same plate. The only difference is the center hole under the bottom screw fitting.
The housing is welded double bracket (under the arm) and the drain tube 3/4” (for her pre-drilled hole of appropriate diameter). Between the flange and the base is the inlet valve, cut in the shape of a square with a size of 180×180 mm from a piece of rubber (e.g. from an ordinary car camera) with the slot in the form of a semicircle with a radius of 70 mm (center — strictly in the middle).
For the manufacture of the piston actuator will require steel 5 mm plate and a half-inch pipe with a length equal to the length of the pump casing. Piston diameter must be 3-4 mm smaller than the inner diameter of the pump casing. To priode need to weld plug for connection to the handle, and the bottom nut under the bolt piston.
Manual pump
Hand pump:
1 — fitting; 2 — nut M10 (4 PCs); 3 — base; 4 — inlet valve; 5 — weld-flange; 6 — bolt M10 (4 PCs); 7 — washer 8 — nut M8 weld; 9 — filling tube; 10 — pump casing; 11 — rod; 12 — the plug; 13 — the lever-arm; 14 — axis (bolt M10 with nut, 2 sets.); 15 — twin bracket; 16 — rubber seal-valve; 17 — bolt M8 fixing of the piston; 18 — the piston

Between the piston and the actuator must be cut from thick rubber seal-valve 142-144 mm and washers with a diameter of 63-64 mm. the Drive is screwed thereto, the piston is inserted into the housing, the plug actuator is attached to the lever-arm resting on the bracket with the bolt axis.
The pump is assembled, you can begin to work. For this it is installed near the borehole, connect the hose from the water column. Then gently begin to pump the well till you get clean water. Speed when pumping harmful – sand aquifer can clog it. So don’t overdo it!
A. ZHUK, Khmelnitsky region, Ukraine

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