JUICE ...OUT OF THE WASHING MACHINEOverripe, “non-standard” fruits of the ground… a zealous owner and they go in the case: recycled natural fruit juices. It turns out a valuable product shelf, which in vitamins, biologically active substances has no equal.
With a relatively small “production” a special difficulty here arises. Appear latest, when the processing of the raw materials necessary to carry out in significant quantities. Because commercially available mini juicer for this purpose is not fit, need equipment with greater productivity. And it (especially in the period of mass ripening) to get, as written by gardeners and farmers, is almost impossible.
Interesting, in our opinion, the solution to this problem found a long-time reader and subscriber of the journal A. Kotenev. As the original juicer it uses its exhaust and has undergone some alteration of the washing machine.
To deal with hastily constructing high-performance juicers made me rich, grown on a private farm harvest of fruits. I decided to let it be car with electric drive, in which the grinding of raw materials to the required condition and spin produced by the juice, and washing of the entire working volume after secretion, removal of the pulp is carried out due to centrifugal forces.
To implement this idea in life as coming from domestic centrifuge and with the appropriate revision, but under his hands it was not. But it was a long time ago came into disrepair washing the car “Volga” the old model (round). Her and adapted to a new role: instead of washing clothes to produce natural fruit juice. Turned out pretty well. And the performance is such that, say, a bucket of apples or pears processed my juicer for 3-5 minutes with the impact on output 3-3,5 liters of juice.
Convinced: with this machine you can quickly and easily shred the juice any number of raw materials. As for its reliability, with all responsibility declare: in the first eight years of operation, the juicer never did not fail me.
Design, as can be seen from the figure that the complexity is no different and is quite easy to manufacture at home. From the washing machine (but you can use any type SMR-1,5, including with a square base) use case, reservoir, drain hose, manual, cable and cover. And the old hole for passage of the shaft activator in the container are sealed and the center is done new (the motor shaft) with a nozzle. Details of the centrifuge basket are made of stainless steel sheet with a thickness of 1 mm; its wall is perforated with a hole diameter of 3 mm. Mesh liner — brass, with a cell size of 1X1 mm.
Fig. 1. Washing machine SMR-1.5 in the role of a juicer.
Fig. 1. Washing machine SMR-1.5 in the role of juicer:
1 bracket-support with the “Shoe” of foam rubber, 2 — bracket, 3 — node reference of the shock absorber, 4 — supporting bracket, 5 — motor, 6 — rubber stretch (from the manual expander), 7 — socket for the machine power, 8 — shaft, 9 — thrust washer, 10 — the bottom of the centrifuge basket, 11 — grater on a circle-based, 12 — washer 13 — nut M14 14 — the perforated wall of the centrifuge basket with mesh liner, 15 — bootable pipe, 16 — cover with four M4 screws from the catch on the top of the shell, 17 — a branch pipe, 18 — tank with a drain tube 19 — slot phase-shifting capacitor, 20 — casing, 21 — the tire and wheel sponge rubber.
The drum is placed on the thrust washer cut from 3 mm stainless steel sheet. To fall off which is located on the circle-base grater, made of stainless steel sheet (but with a thickness of 0.8 mm), which epicicloidali lines made rectangular notch (as in a normal metal grater) in increments of 5-8 mm. All this is attached to the motor shaft end with a M14 nut with a locking washer.
Into the top of the drum enters, barely touching the float, inlet pipe (from stainless steel sheet with a thickness of 1 mm). Its position is fixed with four clamping screws M4 on the upper sides of the cover.
Engine — three-phase asynchronous, squirrel cage rotor, having a capacity of 1.1 kW. Into the juicer it is installed on rubber shock absorbers. To minimize the risk of radial runout before final fixing work items on the motor shaft produces a static balancing floats and centrifuge.
In single-phase network engine is enabled by well-proven in practice scheme with phase-shifting capacitor whose capacitance is, strictly speaking, should vary depending on rpm. As to fulfill actually the latter condition is extremely difficult, the inclusion of produce from the settlement (start) capacity, and after the dissolution of the starting capacitor is cut off, leaving work.
Fig. 2. Electrical circuit design with three-phase motor on a single phase.
Fig. 2. Electrical circuit design with three-phase motor in single-phase networks (connection of windings “triangle”).
Capacity of working condenser CR (in microfarads) for the three-phase motor, the windings of which are connected according to the scheme “triangle”, defined in General terms by the formula:
CR = 4800 * I/U
(when you turn on the star schema instead of 4800 2800 ratio is taken). And the current I (in amperes) with the known power of the electric motor can be determined from the expression:
I = P/(1,73*U*η*cos φ).
Here P is the engine power on the passport (in watts), U — voltage (V), Cos φ— power factor, η — efficiency.
The capacity of the starter capacitor Cp is usually taken 1.5—2 times greater than that of the worker. But in our case the engine is underload, so Cpas Cp, could be reduced. After experimenting, I settled on this option: CR=65 µf, and Cp, given the specific operating conditions and engine type, abandoned altogether.
Wishing to become more familiar with recommendations for the inclusion of three phase motors in single-phase network can refer to the corresponding publications (see, for example, “M-K” No. 2, 1986, pp. 28-29).
In conclusion, I think it necessary to note that the proposed design juicer with careful implementation of all mechanical components and electrical equipment trouble-free in operation, easy and convenient to use. Making it, regret won’t.
A. KOTENEV, electrical engineer, Bestek

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