The tank from the exhaust of a washing machine agitator type, the clutch drum of the clutch control from a scrapped tractor T-74 Yes three-phase AC motor — is the basis for a homemade mill-crusher. Its design is portable, which is important for use on small farms and in private households. The main part of the mill crushing chamber. As the drum is adapted named item from the coupling control T-74.

It’s ribbed inside, which is very important. Together with the hammers are mounted on the four axles of the rotating rotor, these edges form a crushing bodies electromagnets.
Hammers better to have a standard, from industrial zernoterok, and can be done samim in the home workshop.
On the rotor the hammers are installed with possibility of their easy turn on the axes. From each other they are separated by washers. In the absence of such washers have to settle for a homemade down to less labour-intensive square 6 mm thickness Then the hammers need to put only one washer.
On each axis are mounted on the thirteen of hammers. So, just on the rotor 52. But if the hammers are not standard, and is made, for example, of sheet steel, the thickness of which exceeds 3 mm, you need their number decreases because of the size of the camera and limit the length of the axes.
Responsible part — the rotor housing. The center hole diameter should match the diameter of the shaft on which the rotor is pushed. And the distance between the cheeks is strictly fixed, not to mention the accurate maintaining of gap between the rotor and the inner ribbed surface of the crushing chamber.
All four sets of collected hammers, axes, and washers should be of equal weight. It is necessary to achieve the maximum balance of the rotor. Because of bad balancing such a responsible node, rotating with great speed, leading to vibration that threatens the machine breakage.
Both drum heads are made of steel sheet with a thickness of 5 mm. flat welded cap inlet (to feed) with an internal diameter of 50 mm, and in the profile output (for finished products) with an internal diameter of not less than 150 mm.
Homemade sieveless hammer of melnica-corn
Homemade sieveless hammer of melnica-corn:
1 — Serebryanny bunker (tank from the washing machine, the activator-tion type); 2 — inlet; 3 — the crushing chamber (the clutch drum of the clutch control of the tractor T-74); 4 — homemade 52-mo-tray-rotor; 5 — outlet; 6 — frame; 7 — socket; 8 — induction motor; 9 — bracket; 10 — damper

Option mill-crusher with V-belt drive
Option mill-crusher with V-belt drive
Crushing chamber Assembly with 52-hammer rotor
Crushing chamber Assembly with 52-Molotkova rotor:
1 — shaft; 2 — inlet; 3 — flat cover; 4 — crushing chamber; 5 — profile cap; 6 — ring-separator finely; 7 — split locking washer (8 pieces); 8 — M8 screw fixing profile cover (2 pieces); 9 — outlet; 10 — screw M6 (6 PCs); 11-housing; 12—bolt M10; 13 — axle (4 pieces); 14 — washer (56 PCs.); 15 — hammer (52 PCs)

As shown, for a homemade mill-crusher acceptable asynchronous motors with squirrel-cage rotor (power from 1.1 to 10 kW with a speed of approximately 3000 rpm). The choice of the motor due to the required performance. So, a mill-the mill, joined with a motor power of 4 kW and a rotor speed of 2880 rpm, able to grind 50 kg of grain for 5— 8 minutes.
If the motor is slow, the required frequency of rotation of the rotor serogrouping can be achieved using a belt drive. If desired, the speed of rotation of the rotor is easy to change the selection of pulleys.
As serebryannogo hopper suitable tank from the used washing machine bottom (slanted) arrangement of the activator. The latter, of course, removed, and the hole in the bottom of the tank sealed. The drain hole is equipped with valve and it podstegivaet the suction inlet.
The grain enters the crushing chamber from the side: if the inlet was mounted on top, the centrifugal force, discarding the processed raw material to the ribbed walls of the chamber, would create congestion, preventing the filling of new portions of the grain. Crushing chamber is inclined at an angle of 25— 30° to the horizon for recycled raw materials through the outlet was poured into the outstretched bottom of a receptacle (not shown on drawings).
Products mill-corn yields heterogeneous: 75% — fine fraction (flour) and 25 large (diameter of grains up to 2 mm). If such a grinding is not satisfied, then the crushing chamber is placed a ring-separator of tinplate. The inner diameter of the ring 250 — 280 mm (the smaller it is, the finer pommel). Set the separator so that the side he is pushed to the end of a ribbed drum.
Note, however, that when using such a separator, the performance of the mill crumbler is reduced.
To connect a homemade mill-a mill having a design capacity of 3 kW or more, it is recommended that all precautions and only to three-phase network. One – and dvuhterabaytnye can be powered from single-phase domestic network scheme with starting and phase-shifting capacitor (see the “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 8, 1999).
V. MATUZAS the Republic of Lithuania

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