A reader, after reading the title, will exclaim: “What can still come up, because the shovel, and wheel has upgraded to the limit!” It turns out that you can. Absolutely unexpected application of the digging tool was published in the newspaper “Belarusian hour”. The author of the “open” wished to remain anonymous, but there are innovators, dorabotali design a one-wheeled carts, resembling a wheelbarrow.
To implement this idea, you will need at least two shovels, a small wheel (preferably with a sleeve from a child’s Bicycle), disused pot or tank and a pair of angles, for example, from curtain rods.
First drill holes (approximately centered) in spades and cuttings fasten screws or bolts, the corners of which hung over the handle of the pot or tank. Moreover, the tank should be mounted as close as possible to the wheel, which will reduce the load on the hands.