PULL-PULL THE PLOW...Plow can be different. In General, the choice of the method of ploughing depends on the size of land holdings and the presence of his master of mechanical means. However, on private land a small area today, the most applicable of various kinds of tillers and winches. The first is convenient because of the productive, economical, agile. The last prevails where not that mini-tractor — tillers not to turn around, that is uncomfortable. But in this case, before the master of the farmstead again there is a choice in what winch to navigate — motorized or electrified.

However, there is a third way — the weapons of the farmer in any universal tool that has both advantages as mini-tractors, and winch.

This path chose Victor D. Berezhnoy, Amateur designer from the city of Valdai, in the Novgorod region. At his summer cottage he plows the earth with a mini-winch handwritten production.

Like all arable winch, Valdai is also served by two operators: one drives its driven by a homemade mini-tractor of the tractor, the second plow in the field.

The winch is driven from the tractor engine through the power take-off (PTO) installed on the transmission (on the tractor it from the car GAZ — 51). This mechanism is put forward when a large antenna on a mobile radio station, has a control lever with three positions: “forward”, “stop” and “back”. The first is not used because “stop” and switched off the winch cable can easily unwind and hand. This makes the second statement, reversing the plow on the built-in the wheel to the beginning of the new furrow. Taking the original position, he gives the sign the first statement. That includes the winch and brings the lever of the PTO in position “back”. The coil begins to rotate, twisting the wire, and the plow driven, the second operator, cutting into the ground.

The layout of the winch and elements of its fastening to the frame of the tractor

The layout of the winch and elements of its fastening to the frame of the tractor (right side view):

1 protective housing (steel, sheet s1); 2 — rope-coil; 3 — bracket to the frame (steel, the sheet s5, 2pcs); 4, the hook mount spring; 5,9 — shelf engine mounts to the frame of the tractor; 6 — a spring braking device; 7 — the working rope; 8 — brace (area 20x20x3, 2); 10 — the bearing housing 204; 11 – the remote washer; 12 — paw braking (steel, sheet s2); 13 — axle braking legs (stud M6; 14 — nut M6 with washer Grover

After the passage of the next furrow the whole cycle of action operators is repeated until the end of the ploughing phase.

Now specifically about where on the tractor is a mini-winch and how it works.

Frame mini-tractor has two powerful cross from the corner shelves dimensions mm 90x56x6 installed on the engine. The mounting brackets of the winch is welded to the rear (in the direction of motion) shelf from the bottom. In transverse relation to the place for the winch was chosen so that its sprocket was located in the same plane with the sprocket PTO on the transmission.

As efforts on the rope when plowing considerable, brackets, even made of thick steel sheet, can not stand. To avoid this, they are backed by working in compression, two struts of angle 20x20x3 mm welded to the front of the shelf engine mounts.

The winch itself is composed of several fairly simple parts. At the heart of it rotating in two bearings speed shaft on which is mounted a spool of cable, a sprocket on its bearing pin clutch compression spring.

In working — on position of the hoist pins penetrate deep in the star, and the coupling ring on the left cheek of the coil through. Thus, the force from the engine through the gearbox, PTO, chain and sprocket is transmitted to the spool, and that rotates and pulls the cable on your drum.

When it is necessary to stop the winding and release cable to return the plow to the beginning of the furrow, first, the operator stops the winch transfer arm of IOM in the “stop” position, and then turns off the movement of the handle control mechanism ago. Sequentially actuate the elements of this mechanism — tough pull, a rocker, carrier and the thrust ring. Under pressure from the last clutch, overcoming the resistance of the spring on the shaft of the winch derives its pins out of engagement with the coupling ring and with an asterisk. Now the coil is free.

Winch design (front view)

Winch design (front view):

1,15 mounting brackets to the frame of the tractor; 2,14 — bearing shells; 3 — bearing (No. 204. 2); 4 — spacer-spacer (s1); 5 — rope-coil; 6 — distance sleeve (steel tube 24×2, 1.7); 7 — sprocket (z=18, t = 19,05): 8 — clutch; 9 — thrust ring; 10—spring; 11 —shaft; 12 — support ring; 13— the bearing №205; 16 — a clamping washer (s3, 2); 17 — Welt nut M12 (2 PCs.)



1 — thrust ring; 2 – a washer-a wall (steel, sheet s4); 3 — body; 4 — pin (steel, rod d8, 6 PCs.)


Rope coil

Cable reel:

1,3 — cheeks (steel, sheet s); 2 — drum (steel, sheet s2); 4 — coupling


Thrust ring clutch

Thrust ring clutch:


1 — ring (steel, sheet s6); 2 — axis (stud M8 2 PCs.)




1 — tongs (steel, band 22×4); 2 — the axis of rotation (steel, rod d8)


Control mechanism winch

Control gear winch:

1 — handle (forward movement of the winch is switched on, back — off); 2 — left rear corner of the frame of the tractor; 3 — hard pull (steel, rod d8); 4 — ugggly on the frame of the tractor; 5. rocking; 6 – led; 7,9 — swivel; 8 — thrust ring clutch


Rocking chair


1 — a large double-shoulder; 2 — small-shoulder; 3 — gusset; 4 – axis of rotation (steel, rod d12); material parts 1,2,3 — steel, strip 30×4


To the cable is unwound evenly and do not get entangled in the construction of the winch provides the simplest device of the braking coil. It consists of a bent steel legs and a tension spring. The paw is planted on the axis of the pin is welded to the right bracket of the winch from the side of the bearing, and a spring put on the eyelet legs and on the threaded hook screwed into the rear shelf of the engine mounts.

Thus, the paw is at all times pressed against the right cheek of the cable coil. The fact that the steel it rubs on the steel can be neglected — this is not the case when you need a more complex mechanism.

When winding of the cable angular velocity of rotation of the coil is small, and as a small counter-braking device. It becomes quite noticeable only when unwinding: reel is not accelerated, and not ahead of the rope.

The main technological method of assembling the parts into nodes applied in the manufacture of winch, is welding.

Difficulties connecting brackets with bearing housing and shaft support ring of the spring is not met. It is much more difficult to weld the coil and clutch.

Options coil Assembly lot. But the easiest I can recommend the following.

Ready cheeks need a compass to outline the circumference corresponding to the diameter of the drum. To cut the cheeks of the axial hole. To fix on the workbench one cheek and put her in an angle of 120° relative to each other three clamps so that their upper lips touched the delineated circle. Install on the cheek drum, to press for something to grab in a circle a few weld points. Remove the clamp and finally to weld the drum of a continuous weld. In exactly the same way attach the other cheek and the coupling ring.

As for the clutch, then collect it easier. The main thing to remember after insertion in the hole of the housing pins to wear on the body thrust ring and then weld the washer wall.

Sprocket with pressed in her bearing No. 204 — out of some agricultural equipment. It only had to drill six holes for the lugs.

Naturally, the winch is used for one to two days during plowing and most of the year riding on the tractor with ballast. And on the road, anything can happen: what if the driver inadvertently touches the lever or PTO spontaneously turns on from shaking. So, to prevent accidental activation of the winch (and, as a result, the gap or, conversely, the unwinding of the cable under the wheels of a moving truck), provides for the fixing of the handle control mechanism in the position in which the winch is turned off, i.e. when the spring is pressed and the clutch pins are withdrawn from engagement with the sprocket.

You can repeat and say that the winch design is quite simple. This simplicity is dictated by the functional and temporal limitations of its use. However, any design can be improved, it would wish. In this case, the field to upgrade very, very wide.


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