THE RAIN AT SKYAs you know, most of the territory of mother Russia belongs to the so-called “zone of risky agriculture”: in the Northern regions even in summer it can hit freezing; on the South and East at times devastating fall rains. But there are the hardest to wait for good — slow and warm, and most importantly, the timely rain, especially when the plants are growing. In the old days in drought farmers ward with icons and prayers go to sources reputed to be in the country saints and asked the Almighty life-giving rain. But, perhaps, no wonder people had the saying: “it doesn’t Rain where I ask, where reap and mow”, that is, when he is no longer needed and even harmful.

Today, not only the villagers, but even the citizens — gardeners-gardeners — on their six acres is not waiting for “the mercy of nature” and seek to have any source of water: someone the site is located on the banks of the river, somewhere built a pond for collective use, and someone dug a well or drilled a well. But even in the presence of water to pour from a watering can is only good for the flower beds or multiple beds — large plantations and requires a lot of time. In the hot summer watering until the last spine — you see, under the first are already dry and have to start watering again.

Also damage to the plants will cause the soil is compacted fairly close, and even trampled inadvertently.


I tried to protect the crop from the vagaries of the weather, at the same time ease the work on irrigation: made simple sprinkler system. To produce such a design will not be difficult for any artisan of man.





1 — support leg (2 PCs); 2 — a plug (1″); 3 — a homemade lanyard (bolt M10 with washer and nut, 8 PCs); 4 — bracket (steel angle 25 x 25, 8 PCs); 5 — spinal beam (galvanized steel pipe 1″); 6 — brace (steel wire d3, 4 items); 7 — spray head (2); 8 — coupling (cut the rubber hose d20,2); 9 — “goose” (galvanized steel pipe 1/2″, 2 pieces); 10 — median strut (steel pipe 1/2″, 4 pieces); 11 — the intermediate strut (steel pipe 1/2″, 2); 12 — outlet pipe water pipe (steel pipe 3/4″); 13 adapter (galvanized steel pipe 3/4″); 14 — clip (2); 15 — connecting the rubber hose to the mains water supply (3/4″); 16 — the main water pipe (tube 1″)

The basis, or rather, ridge sprinkler installation is a steel thick-walled tube with an outer diameter of 33.5 mm (nominal inside diameter 25 mm) with a length of 9.3 m. It serves as both a beam and conduit. The length is dictated by the width of the plot, which, in turn, depends on the number of spray heads (taking into account, of course, and the radius of action).

To one end of the sill is welded l-shaped underwater adapter cut pipes 3/4 inch to connect installation through a hose to the water supply. On the other end cut inch thread and closed “the end” cap on the case if necessary to clean cap off the pipe.

The steel beam was hanging over grown plants covering the whole width of the site, relying only ends on two bearings mounted on the opposite sides. Beam does not SAG, it was necessary to strengthen the four wire braces galvanized steel wire with a diameter of 3 mm. Between each brace and the pipe inserted three struts spacers from strips of half-inch pipe: one median (longer) and two intermediate. At one end of the struts made the cuts under brace and the other welded to the beam.

The ends of the braces with custom-made lanyards pulled brackets from a steel angle 25×25 mm, welded to the beam on one side beside the door, and the other near the junction with the “gander”.

The turnbuckle (tensioning device) is a M10 bolt (with nut and washer) with a Diametric hole in the rod near the head under the wire stretching. The end of the wire is wound into the hole and hooked over the bolt head twisting. The length of the threaded part of the rod not less than 100 mm. is the same device on the other end of the brace. Alternatively, you can use the screw — bolt without head.

To the center sill by about a quarter of its length from both ends are welded two l-shaped allotment-the”goose” performed, as spacers, of half-inch pipes (outside diameter 21.3 mm, wall thickness 2.5 mm). (Bend radius is desirable to do more, not less than 100 mm). To the free ends of the “ganders” are connected with sections of hose (with an inner diameter of 20 mm) and wire twists slotted nozzles. Water spray these heads is carried out by tightening the flow and release of water through a narrow slit. The moisture distribution is uniform on a circle with a radius of 4.5—5 M. sorry, I don’t know the brand of the dispenser and the manufacturer. The acquisition is the old — Soviet times. To this day they work perfectly. So here is a picture of this device. But it is possible to use such irrigation installation and sprays from the irrigation machine DDA-100M.

For work irrigation installation rises on two pillars stuck in the ground against each other on both sides of the site. Each rack is made of half-inch pipe. One end is tapered and pointed. To the end of the other end of the T-shaped welded 300-mm segment of the same pipe — it performs the role of the arm when pressed in pipes in the ground and stretching. Here to the middle of the handle on top is welded a semi-circular cradle, the curved steel rod with a diameter of 10 mm. For the convenience of the permutation “dosdevice” these racks I made four: two installation rests, while the other two move during watering. Sprinkler with a strap connected through a hose with a length of about 6 m to the inlet of the water system (pipe in 3/4 inch).


The reference Desk

Reference Desk:

1 — front (steel pipe 1/2″); 2 — arm (steel pipe 1/2″); 3—cradle (rod d10)



1—M10 nut; 2 — washer; 3 — bolt M10 (L> 100); 4 — stretching 5 — M10 bolt without head (option, L> 100)


Mounting bracket center sill

Mounting bracket center sill:

1 — beam; 2 — bracket


Installation medium (intermediate) strut brace under the center sill

Mounting medium (intermediate) strut brace under the center sill:

1 — strut (steel pipe 1/2″, 4 pieces); 2 — beam


Spray head

Spray head


My water system consists of wells with a depth of 17 meters, pump BCNM 3,5/17 3 capacity m3/h, installed in the well at a depth of 5.5 m, and water (the same inch pipe, and to install). The latter laid on the border between the two irrigated plots (each with a width of 9 m). Within a section in the pipe welded water pipes. The first of them is installed at a distance of 5 m from the beginning of the plots, and the rest with an interval of 10 m. Initially, the ends of the pipes mounted shut-off valves, but then took them off, as they significantly reduce the pressure in the installation. Broken pipes muffle cut the hose with a wooden plug (with clamps). To “improve” water was included in the network after the pump even magnetic softener from the boiler D-700, used on livestock farms.

After watering the first station, you can immediately start irrigation of the second — to expand the beam by 180°.

Sprinkler system I exploit for the past 12 years. By the way, this is the second set. The first was made of non-galvanized steel pipes and quickly rotted.

The advantages of the described irrigation compared with conventional irrigation hose from watering, undeniable: improving the quality (uniformity of irrigation); water is heated rapidly during spraying (spray); creates a comfortable microclimate close to the irrigation zone; a semi-Autonomous mode of operation allows to deal simultaneously with other matters.

The costs incurred — cash and temporary irrigation installation, of course, justified, and most importantly, protects against the vagaries of the weather: even when the sky is cloudless, rain… just to include.

A. MASTERENKO, Kotelnikovo, Volgograd region

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