RIDE-ALL-TRADESGarden cart with a wide, roomy basket and grates to build sides for a variety of work in the garden, on the plot. However, every one dealing with the earth, primarily digging, is engaged in planting crops sowing.

The cart is easily adapted to perform these functions: to collect on its basis the processor, combining a number of different operations. Of course, the non-motorized unit that is designed for your own power.
Out of all the details that are in the process of building the garden truck you shouldn’t do is the wheel: it is better to use Bicycle or motorcycle; depending on the type of wheels is chosen for the sleeve and the axle of the appropriate diameter. Other parts and assemblies are easy to produce themselves. The only thing that can cause obstruction, is cutting a large number of threads on the ends of the axis.
Out of thick plywood, waterproof better, the first thing is going to the box truck. For greater strength of its sides and bottom are held together by metal corners that are placed on the perimeter of the bottom. On the bogie axle box mounted with a supporting wooden bars, corner clamps: the displacement along the axis inhibit limiting nuts. Handle and stand are bent from pipes of the same diameter.
Fig. 1. Garden cart
Fig. 1. Garden cart:
1 – Board boxes; 2 – bottom box; 3 – base; 4 – handle; 5 – side grille; 6 – axle truck; 7 – longitudinal area; 8 – corner latch; 9 – carrying bar; 10-locking nut; 11 – area stiffness; 12 – cross-section area; 13 – area of attachment of the walls; 14 – clip; And the attachment of the box to the frame

When assembling, first put on the axle bars, they are fastened to the bottom of the box, on the axle until it stops welling locking nut, and then put on the angle lock.
In the operation of the truck is often necessary to increase the height of the boards is to increase them. In such cases, use grates made of wooden boards; the vertical posts are inserted in sockets on the walls of the box. Bracket sockets are bent from the narrow metal strips and bolted to the inner walls of the box: four each (Fig. 1).
Using additional tools, it is easy to “force” the truck, for example, and plant potatoes. For this we need to make a spectacular drum and the hopper (Fig. 2), and remove the bottom part of the box. That’s why the bottom is better to collect three longitudinal stripes; the middle is removed, and in its place put on the axle of the truck drum. It must have pockets – cut sectors in which the tubers will be captured. The size of the pockets and their number depend on the size of tubers and planting interval: they are controlled by plug-in pads (more convenient to have spare drums).
For quick replacement of the drums they made two groove – cross and radial. In the first embedded bearing plate with a hole for the screw – axle trucks must have a screw depth, a screw is placed through the radial groove.
Exciting drum should be made of wood. But it can also be a welded structure (Fig. 2A).
Bring tubers in the pockets of the drum the hopper is made with a sloping bottom. In its lower part is the receiving window, restricting the flow of tubers. And in order that they not rolled out of his pockets and lay down exactly in the sulcus, it is necessary to put the rails of the wall out of plywood with a height slightly larger radius of the drum; at the front they hold a low bar, screwed to the bottom of the box.
The bottom wall of the hopper and rails are fastened with metal parts.
This garden cart can be used when plowing. Of course, she had no reason to do the plow and do not put the chisels. We are talking about a simple angled blade, prophylaxes furrow has already been prepared for planting soil. The blade is bent from metal sheet, 2 mm thick and is mounted on the front wall of the box; the depth of furrow is governed by the height of rise of the blade.
When driving the truck it pushes the soil ataliva her on both sides, so the bottom part of the blade is angled not – must end with the edge (Fig. 2B).
The truck is also suitable for sowing seeds (Fig. 3). It will have to put another drum and another bunker. Pockets for seeds will be different from the previous configuration, and to make them have slightly differently: in the intended pocket location is drilled through lateral hole, then cut part of the strip, inserted the bolt or stud and tightened the nut. Thus, the cut portion – let’s call it the regulatory sector of the pocket can move around the pin, changing the volume of the pocket (Fig. 4): it will depend on the size and the number of seeds which should be sown in the furrow, in each slot. Mounting the drum on an axis – as in the potato.
The hopper for grain is of a suitable improvised container, its bottom is cut the hole and mounted the guiding tube of tin. It should be closer to the surface of the drum so that the gap couldn’t Wake up, the excess seed. The hopper is fitted on the grid based on brackets of the box.
When a small depth of sowing and good soil truck can fill up the seeds the ground. For this purpose under the bottom of the box is fixed to the bolt metal chain (not too much, of course, hard). She volochs on arable land, is to rake up the earth into furrow and her to fall asleep.
Now our garden cart will propose furrow gently, observing the interval put the seeds in it and cover them with earth.

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