DRILL-DORADCAOn private land, perhaps only a decorative grass — raygrass — tracking, scattering the seeds. The vast majority of annual flowers and vegetables planted in rows: so the plants are easier to handle and feed. But since seeds are small, often the shoots are too dense. You have to spend a lot of time pulling, away, by the way, is harmless to the root system.
Simple mechanical hand seeder will quickly and accurately plant a flat bed and get rid of the hassle of thinning.
It is simple. The body serves as a hopper for seeds, a shaft, rotated by the wheels in motion, dosing. Seeds falling into shallow recesses on the surface of the shaft, pass under the front wall of the hopper and alternately falls into the ground. The number of seeds in one portion adjustable moveable brush on the front wall. In a shaft you can run several rows of recesses of different diameter or pitch. Then a small shift in the axis will allow to set up a mechanism for seeds of different sizes. Body parts cut from steel sheet of thickness 1.5 mm and are connected by soldering brazing. In the holes of the sidewalls soldered short sleeve — slide rails. The rear wall of the housing is installed so that between it and the shaft remained minimal clearance. The front wall performs several tasks: it carries the handle sleeve, and on the opposite side of the bracket is the adjusting nut and a guide for the slide of the movable brush.
The slider is bent from steel strip 1 mm thick, it is soldered brush — a thin metal plate.
Fig. 1. General view of drills.
Fig. 1. General view of drills:
1 — knob, 2 — adjustment mechanism, 3 — hopper, 4 — wheel.
High adjusting nut machined from brass rod Ø 15 mm. a narrow groove Ø 8 mm forms a rim that prevents the axial shift of the nut on the front wall of the housing.
The shaft is a round steel rod Ø 18 mm. Recesses for engagement formed seed drill eight equally spaced around the circumference of the shallow holes Ø 6 mm; for smaller seeds, Ø 4 mm. Below both notches are not “worked” at the same time, the distance between them should be not less than 20 mm.
Fig. 2. Device seeders.
Fig. 2. Device seeders:
1 — bushing handle, 2 — handle, 3 — adjusting nut, 4 front panel, 5 — M4 screw with nut, 6 — slide, 7 — brush, 8 — rear panel, 9 — shaft, 10 — wheel with the hub, 11 — side panel of the housing, 12 — bushing.
Wheels cut from a steel plate thickness of 1.5 mm. Jumper them to 12 holes propisyvayutsya along the radii outward. Then each petal bent at 45°. Wheel hub — sleeve, rolled from plate with thickness of 1 mm, soldered in the Central hole Ø 20 mm discs. Due to the gap between the edges they are a little springy and therefore securely hold the wheel on the shaft. In addition, resting in the bushing housing, they fix the axial position of the shaft that it is necessary to select a group of metering holes.
When the items are ready, insert the shaft housing so that the dispenser was in the bunker, put on wheels and sprinkle the seeds. Take the drill on a level surface and turn the adjusting nut until the desired thickness of sowing.
Now, inserting the wooden handle-the handle, lower the implement of prepared soil and a little zaglubit, pull over.
With this technique the crop in your vegetable garden will go fast.
According to the magazine “Guide yourself”, Bulgaria

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