SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVESomehow I came across the article “Vitamin Jack” (“M-K” № 7, 1985), where the author writes that in the procurement of juices crushes apples with a wooden mallet in a small barrel. I found unconvincing his argument in favor of this technology — especially manual.
So I decided to share with readers my design chopper driven by a motor. Tried three options and settled on this as the most simple to manufacture and at the same time, a sufficiently high performance, easy to handle. It is possible to shred all kinds of fruits and vegetables, even squash and pumpkins, cut into pieces. Experience has shown that crushing of the same apples in this way the yield of juice during subsequent pressing much more than the crushing hand.
It is also important that the installation is justified from a hygienic point of view: after work it can be easily disassembled for cleaning, washing and drying.
All the main parts and components of the grinder are mounted on a wooden pole-base made of boards 30 mm thick and having two legs from the same Board, and a window for output of the crushed mass in the filled bottom container.
The actuator may be any electric motor with a capacity of 300 to 500 W and with a shaft speed of about 1500 rpm. It is fixed to the base so that its shaft was directed along the reference Board, to which it is attached on the M10 bolts with washers.
To install the circular knives of the chopper motor shaft being finalized. It drilled a hole with a depth of about 25 mm and cut thread pin M10: it is put on sleeve spacer with washer for subsequent mounting of the circular knives.
Circular knife Ø 250 mm cut from galvanized iron with a thickness of 1,5—2 mm. In these bore holes, as on a grater. To vary the degree of grinding, on a single disc — hole Ø 8 mm, other Ø 12 mm. Then the discs are alternately stacked on a wooden base and taking into account their relative position on the shaft and direction of rotation, each hole is cutting a “hole”: on the edge of the inclined hole is placed the shank of the drill and hammer to form the recess.
When disks are initialized on the shaft together with them to put on sleeve spacer and washer, and then the whole set is clamped by nut and locknut.
On the basis of using two fortochnyh loops, a wooden stand-bracket made from the same boards as the base. It will serve, on the one hand, the bump for the crushed mass, on the other — a support for the funnel-shaped hopper. Their mutual attachment is done via an auxiliary horizontal rail, installed at the top of the rack. There is another option: to connect by soldering the protective casing made of galvanized sheet iron hopper into a single unit. The lower part of the casing also using Vostochnoi loop is attached to the Board base, when lowering the casing to the disks the hopper will take its place, leaning on the counter-bracket conical part. The figure shows the second variant of the attachment of the hopper. This provides added convenience when adjusting the mechanism in operating position and also in its maintenance.
1 — bunker, 2 — bushing-spacer; 3 — washer, 4 — pin, 5 — motor, 6 — bracket, 7 — base, 8 — protective cover, 9 — disc, 10 — cover, 11 — foot.
To the wooden parts suffered from damp, they should be several times impregnated with hot linseed oil, and can be further painted with oil paint, it is better green or orange.
E. SYCHEV, mechanical engineer, g. Korsun-Shevchenko

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