Submersible vibration electric pumps Malysh, Rucheek — not uncommon for systems of Autonomous supply of small enterprises, including farmers. They are compact, easy to use, they have quite a reasonable price. But here’s the problem: before the freezing temperatures of such pumps, alas, I fold. When you turn off the pump in winter the water as it is locked in a feed hose, and having no drain hole, freezes.
To help, it would seem, could the drain hole in the bottom of the hose. However, if it is too large, the working pressure of the pump will be weak, and if too small, the water in the freezing cold will still freeze.
“Modelist-Konstruktor” once recommended as one of the solutions to enter into the hose pump automatic drain valve (see # 7’86 of the magazine). Practice has shown: the right decision — with this device no frost is not terrible.