TROLLEY-TRUCKThis small truck, the shape and size similar to a conventional car, differs from it in that it has two wheels and tipping body. Its other feature is as follows: the chassis is constructed using metal corners 30×30 and 25×25 mm (previously frame old bed).

Chassis manufacturer
Chassis (Fig.1) consists of longitudinal members (with handles) steel angles from 30×30 length 1400 mm, connected by three crossbars of the corners 25×25 with the distance between them is 270 mm (with the first indent of 50 mm from the end longitudinal members).

TROLLEY-TRUCKBe aware that the longitudinal elements are not parallel; the distance between them in the front is equal to 440 mm, while between the handles of the cart — 600 mm.

Cross chassis can be connected with the longitudinal elements, for example, using nuts and bolts. It may be done in the following way: from the horizontal flange of the cross-cut area of 50 mm, then the vertical shelf bent at a right angle (node a connection, Fig.1). Referring to the arrangement of the parts constituting the frame of the chassis, it turns out that the bolt holes should be performed in the vertical shelf of the longitudinal elements.

The chassis is complemented by two legs with a height of 280 mm of the corners of the 30×30 attached to longitudinal elements at the junction of their rear crossmember. Two brace of the strip 30×5 link in the form of the letter V, the longitudinal elements of the frame with the legs approximately halfway up their height. In addition, the intermediate spacer between the legs of 25×25 area also further strengthens the design.

Two scarves size 220×175 3 mm thick sheet steel are used for fastening of wheels. They have the shape of isosceles triangle with rounded corners. The lower hole in the scarf with a diameter of 13 mm is designed under the axle of the wheels, which is delivered to the bearings, and bronze bushings. The wheel axle is a steel rod 500 mm long and 12 mm in diameter (this diameter shall have bronze bushings, but should be also checked whether it will fit the wheels you intend to fit to the truck). The axis is at the ends of the thread at the length to 80 mm. At the nut, which fits flush to the washer. Further, the axle is inserted in the hub of the wheel and into the hole of the gusset plate is fixed to the outer nut with washer; then the inner nut preload bushing to the inner surface of the gusset plate. So the bronze bushing becomes fixed, and the wheel revolves freely on it.

Fig. 1. Truck chassis

Fig. 1. Truck chassis:
1 rails; 2 — rail; 3 —leg (2 PCs); 4—brace legs (4 PCs); 5 —intermediate spacer legs; 6—handle; 7—solitaire (bracket axles, 2); 8 — wheel (2 pieces); 9—axle


Fig. 2. The node setup wheel

Fig. 2. The node setup wheel:

1—axis; 2 — the gland nut (with washer); 3 — bronze bushing on the threaded part of the axis; 4—gusset plate; 5—locking nut (with washer); 6—wheel.
A—stem ending-axis (the tilting brackets, 2 PCs.)


Fig.3. The body

Fig.3. Body:


1 —brackets tipping body; 2—frame; 3—sheets of the body liner; 4—frame; 5—rail; 6—handle tipping


Fig.4. The pattern of the walls of the body

Fig.4. The pattern of the walls of the body:


1—cover; 2—front end wall; 3 – bottom; 4—rear end wall


Fig. 5. Modification of the rear fork of the bike into the bracket tipping

Fig. 5. Modification of the rear fork of the bike into the bracket tipping

Two-wheel diameter 250 mm — from an old baby stroller (made of duralumin and fitted with rubber tyres).After assembling the axles with wheels and rails last are attached to longitudinal elements of the frame. In conclusion, it remains to pull on the handle trim rubber hoses with fabric cover and “chassis” truck ready.

The body Assembly

Metal body (Fig.Z) is assembled from sheets of roofing iron (see Fig.4) using parts of 15×15. From corners made the support frame for the bottom and ends of the body, which are based on the chassis and therefore have corresponding dimensions. And the leaves of the sidewalls are attached to the corresponding corners of these frames with the help of screws, rivets or welding.

On the top side of the leaves with a hammer and the pliers bent the flange width of 10 mm. This provides additional rigidity to the resulting container.

To the side corners of the front end wall are mounted two bracket tipping. For their manufacture from the frame of an old Bicycle fork saw off the rear wheels, which are then pruned, as shown in figure 5. In the flattened part of the plug is drilled a hole with a diameter of 13 mm. Then the brackets are fastened (bolted or welded) to the side parts of the front wall of the body (see Fig.Z). To give the bracket greater rigidity they can be reinforced screed coming from the frame of the underbody.

After you install the body on the chassis have to connect the rotatable bracket with the axis of the wheels. In this case plug (swivel bracket) is put on coming from the gusset plate end of the shaft and is fixed by nuts so as to preserve the ability to freely rotate when tipping.

To make it easier to overturn the body when unloading, it is recommended to install in the middle rear area of the bottom of the normal pen — for example, a door or suitcase.

The use of the truck

Truck can be used without the tipper. It is only necessary to Unscrew the nuts attaching the swivel brackets — and remove the body from the chassis is not difficult. Thus, you can quickly get a carriage-ride for a variety of long goods that do not fit in the back.

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