If your summer cottage has a garden and a vegetable garden, you-lay-nilly get to him in slavery if not for life, that the whole of spring-not-summer-autumn season. Landing require loosening, weeding, vaccination, feeding, watering… in short, every Friday gardener hurries on its six acres. A particularly hot summer, watering once a week will not do: the sun quickly dries the water leaving the green friends without life-giving water.

However, there are ways dosed subsurface irrigation, allowing for minimal amount of water to deliver precious water directly to the roots, providing a continuous supply of moisture a variety of plants — flowers, shrubs and trees. When properly used, our method can leave the plot unattended for three to four weeks.
First you need to find the right water tanks will fit the plastic cans or bottles of carbonated beverages. At the bottom of each, near the bottom you need to make a few tiny holes — the easiest way melted them with a hot needle. The diameter of the holes is chosen empirically so that the water flowed from the canister for two to three days.
Further capacity deepened into the ground around the plant, and the lower part, where are the holes, wrapped with burlap or fiberglass, and over it stretched a nylon or elastic stocking is not allowed the soil to the silting tiny holes in the plastic. That’s all. Only have to pour in the tank water and you can be calm for plants: a week of moisture them enough.
Watering device can be upgraded to complement his so-called “drinker” of water-filled plastic bottle, mounted on the canister. Should decrease the water level in the canister as a bottle restores the status quo and brings the water level in the canister to the former.
The simplest devices for metered underground irrigation using plastic containers, bottles from under carbonated drinks and polystyrene tubes
The simplest devices for metered underground irrigation using plastic containers, bottles from under carbonated drinks and polystyrene tubes.
Device for metered automatic underground irrigation of fruit trees with polistirolnymi pipe dispenser
Device for metered automatic underground irrigation of fruit trees with polistirolnymi tubes-pipette.

Device for metered automatic underground watering shrubs and garden beds with dispenser-hose
Device for metered automatic underground watering shrubs and garden beds with dispenser-hose.
Device for metered automatic underground irrigation shrub with dispensers-bottles(in plan view)
Device for metered automatic underground irrigation shrub with dispensers-bottles(in plan view).
However, all these devices are unlikely to let you into the next month. For such a large break in the irrigation necessary, and more complex irrigation machine. But this complexity does not become an obstacle for any home handyman.
This machine underground metered watering to ensure that water can not one but a whole group of plants or all plants on the site. If on the plot, there is a centralized water supply, it can work without your participation the whole summer season, saving you from this tedious work. You can do without water, setting on the section of the water tank — the old tub or one or two barrels; with such supply of water the machine will last a month.
The basis of a watering machine is buried in the ground float chamber, consisting of any suitable capacity — cropped plastic or aluminum cans, pans. cans, etc. – and secured in a conventional float valve from the flush of the toilet tank. Capacity is equipped with an outlet, which a rubber hose is connected with a metering device (as in the first embodiment is a small plastic canisters), bottles of soda or (for irrigation of fruit trees) plastic pipes used for laying power cable.
Excellent results are obtained by using as dose-mount plastic hose is available for watering the garden. Have just melted it with a hot needle a small hole, buried to a depth of bayonet spade in the middle of the ridges or rings around the berry bushes and connected to the float chamber. The free end of the hose to drown out the traffic.
It is sufficient to open the tap supplying water to the float chamber and the water will fill it up as long as it is not fixed to a specific level. In process of absorption of water in the soil level will decrease, will open the float valve and the water level will be restored.

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