Many villagers and gardeners have on their sites shower. Usually this is a small free-standing enclosed building with a tank on the roof. From it by gravity through the pipe to the shower mesh enters the cold water. Of course, on a hot summer day, you can cool off in the cool streams, but in spring or autumn, when it’s fresh, not everyone will dare on such water treatment.
To increase the “bathing season” will help a simple device — a water heater. It can be mounted even on the finished shower install.
Shower with the heated water:
1 — water tank, 2 — outlet, 3 — shut-off valve, 4 — heat exchanger 5 — blowtorch, 6 — grid soul, 7 — the valve of the shower.
First, you need to change the pattern of water flow: bring pipe outside of a shower as the heater with the heat exchanger are located on a shelf, mounted on the outer side of the side wall structure. The heater uses a normal blowtorch. Put it on a shelf so that the combustion chamber was part of the coil heat exchanger. Changing the intensity of combustion and water flow, you can adjust the temperature of the jets. In addition, the use of a blowtorch to reduce the whole training set to work to 1-2 min.
From a tank located on the roof of the shower cabin, the water is pumped through the steel pipes Ø 0,5″. The outlet supply shut-off valve, which serves to disconnect the system during the installation of the heat exchanger. Another valve is located directly in the cockpit, before shower mesh. With his help regulate the water flow.
The most difficult element of the system — a heat exchanger consisting of a coil and casing. Coil made of steel tubes with a diameter of 0.5″, a Suite in a spiral of three turns. It looks like thick compressed spring. That the windings were the same, whether thin tube wound on a thicker — Ø 1,5″. Ready coil is inserted into the casing (pipe) and fixed by welding. The free ends are bent up and connect to the main water pipe at the couplings. Such connection is very convenient, as it allows to remove the heat exchanger for the winter to avoid burst pipes.
Another possible embodiment of the heating system — with the increased heat exchanger, giving the ability to heat water to higher temperatures. But in this case, when using necessary to ensure the addition of cold water. For this purpose the tank is equipped with an additional outlet pipe connected with the mixer, which connect the pipe from the heat exchanger. High temperature hot water and the presence of the mixer greatly simplify control installation.
Diagram of heating system water (A variant of the device without mixer, B — with the mixer):
1 — container of cold water, 2 — outlet, 3 — shut-off valve, 4 — coupling, 5 — shroud (perforated pipe), 6 — coil heat exchanger, 7 — blowtorch, 8 — shower nozzle, 9 — grid of a soul 10 — the valve of the soul, 11 — the valve of cold water, 12 — valve hot water 13 — mixer.
Throughout the design enlarged heat exchanger differs from the previous Selivanova coil and correspondingly elongated casing. Mixer is better to use a standard, such as bathrooms in city apartments. However, in the small tweaks he still needs: it is necessary to remove the flexible shower hose, and the hole to drown out the tube and instead of a crane to install a short pipe with a shower mesh. If the standard mixer cannot reach, have to use homemade that can be made from three scraps of pipe Ø 0.5″ and one — Ø 1,5″.
C. MACALIK, Donetsk, Voroshilovgrad region.
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