HOUSE - PETIf you decide to get a dog, first of all determine where she will live. Usually when the content for it will be the most peaceful place corridor (to place the dog in a draft in the kitchen or in the bathroom). Here was covered with dense Mat or a homemade tutacak, the size of which allows you to lay on it stretched out an adult animal. On the Mat, you can make legostarwars the covers of thick fabric. The bed of cotton blankets or a mattress bad to clean, it is unhygienic.
All of the above applies to urban dogs. But our four-legged friends — loyal and reliable assistants and rural residents. The protection of the court, the infield — that’s the most common job they have to perform. Natural dogs — good hearing, sense of smell, devotion to his master, malice and distrust of outsiders — has long been used by man. The very domestication of dogs took place through the use of their guard qualities. There are several ways to carry a dog patrol service: free caroliana (i.e., without a leash) at the tether and a remote leash. But in any case, the dog needs a roof over your head, a refuge where she could shelter from the weather, to relax. The actual house for dog — kennel — and will be discussed.
At first glance — nothing is easier! It is not so. First, the box needs to be comfortable, “cozy” to fit the size of the dog; secondly, it is rather attractive in appearance so as not to spoil their views of the courtyard or plot. The proposed design answers all these conditions.
Even if you have got a puppy, then the kennel must fit the size of the adult dog. Before the box is placed a wooden Board size 1X1,6 m and is driven pole with a ring for tying the animal. Around the booths built a fence measuring at least 3X3 and height of 2 m. Part of the walls of the fence need to make a wire mesh that does not impede access to sunlight and allows you to observe the puppy. Such a grid enables the puppy to watch everything going on in the yard, which helps to maintain good contact with the environment and the prevention psevdoobnovlenie reaction (cowardice). For adult dogs the need for such a fence is missing. Booth should be located in a dry place, better sublime. If the natural elevation near the gate, the gate or door at home, it can be done artificial. The roof of the booth should have a backward slope for free flow of rain water. From the back wall of the booth with the same purpose, it is necessary to provide a drain gutter or pipe. Since most of our country winter is severe enough, then the booth should be insulated. The easiest solution is a double wall, the space between them is filled with insulation, such as foam.
In this embodiment, the home for dogs consists of four wall panels, floor and roof. The dimensions of the panels should be chosen in such a way that the internal volume of the room corresponded to the size of the dog. All panels have a similar construction. The frame is assembled from wooden bars 50X50 mm on nails, the connection to the cusp. It provides sufficient spatial rigidity. To make the roof slope back top bars of the frames of the side panels are installed with a slope of 10°. The same angle should be stest the upper beam front panel. The inside of the frames nailed sheets of plywood, the same shape of frames. These sheets form the inner walls of the booth. Material for outer walls can serve as tight fitting to each other boards or “battens”. As the width of the frames of the front and rear panels is less than the width of the floor (they are inserted between the already installed on the floor side panels), boards their outer walls must have an allowance corresponding to the thickness of the side panels. In the exemplified embodiment is 70 mm. Fixing the wall panels to the floor with nails from the bottom through the frame. Board exterior walls front and rear panels, in addition, are nailed to the ends of the side panels. The roof frame must have issues front and back to 150 mm. the Boards of the outer roof covering are nailed with the release side up to 100 mm. As mentioned, the inner space of the panels, including floor and roof, filled with foam or some other insulation. After Assembly, the roof of the booth, it is advisable to cover with roofing felt or roofing material.
Box for the dog.
Box for dogs:
1 — side panel 2 front panel 3 rear panel 4 — roof, 5 — floor.
And another tip, again for the harsh winter: a hole in the kennel can be covered with a piece of cloth or quilted fabric, the type of the kind of insulated in the winter the car’s engine. Such “soft” the door will not prevent entry and exit of the dog from the booth, however, will help to better retain heat.

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