As usual and ordinary look the front door of the apartments upholstered in faux leather or leatherette. The only difference between the color of the material and the location of the nails. But if on the porch there was one master, all doors are “twins”.
It happens that the outside sheathe the decorative slats. Appearance turns out elegant, and sound-absorbing and thermal insulation properties of the door are not improved. Besides Reiki is much heavier construction, which can loosen the hinges and cause misalignment. Yes and buy a ready profiled rail is not easy, and to produce them at home will not everyone.
I propose a simple variant of the upholstery of the front door, which solves the issues of thermal and acoustic insulation and offers the richest opportunities of decoration. Instead of the traditional leatherette, I used a sheet of hardboard, laminated veneered and fixed slats on the outer plane of the door on top of the insulating material, in which you can use foam, rubber foam etc.
A sheet of hardboard should be 15-20 mm below the door opening below the door to freely close.
Veneer of different wood species, it is desirable to select the same thickness. Before starting to work on his vyklevyvanija, it is necessary to portray the chosen figure on graph paper in scale of 1:1. For simplicity, it is desirable to divide the figure into simple form smaller elements. Then using carbon paper, the drawing is transferred onto drawing paper or cardboard and cut out. To further avoid mistakes when vyklevyvanija, each element is numbered.
The most important point — the selection of veneer. It is important that the color and texture of the veneer is consistent with the purpose of the picture element and well combined with each other. A cardboard template is applied on top, lead round on a contour, then cut out the pattern with scissors. In the places where the patterns have an inner radius, comes to the aid of a scalpel or razor-sharp boot knife. It is necessary to ensure that the direction of movement of the cutting tool does not lead to chipped.
Fig. 1. The design of the insulation of the front door.
Fig. 1. The design of the insulation front door:
1 — casing, 2 — door, 3 — gasket, 4 — decorative layer of veneer, 5 — sheet fiberboard, 6 — insulation, 7 — frame; And — sealing fiberboard sheet through the bead.
Fig. 2. Design of furniture doors from MDF.
Fig. 2. Design of furniture doors from MDF:
1 — frame, 2 — bead, 3 — leaf fiberboard, 4 — veneer.
Fig. 3. Possible pictures.
Fig. 3. Possible drawings:
A — front door B — for furniture doors.
If a drawing lots of straight seams, for simplicity and speed use totoredaca.
Start cutting the pattern better with larger Central parts, and then the mating parts. To the junction was less visible as it affects the overall quality of the work, it is convenient to transfer line mates directly with the cut pieces.
When all the elements of the picture cut, they are glued to the fiberboard sheet. For this purpose it is better to use epoxy or carpenter’s glue as casein in contact with the front surface leaves stubborn stains. Pasted veneer need to be tightly pressed against and survive in this position until dry.
The next stage of the work — sanding and varnishing. In the first place on the glued surface applied 1-2 coats of varnish (SC-222 or SC-228) to secure. Then Polish with fine emery paper, wetting the surface with water when using epoxy glue or white spirit — when the casein and joinery. Final finishing to produce bright, parquet varnish, pouring it in 1-2 layers. The fiberboard sheet set horizontally, prepare about 1 l of varnish and poured it portions over the entire surface of the sheet. To avoid leaking over the edges, on the perimeter of the rim of a clay with a height of 2-3 mm.
When you re-fill the rim should increase. Each layer to dry is kept approximately day.
To install the sheet on the door will need Reiki 15X20 mm section, in which shpuntubelem choose a groove width corresponding to the sheet, and a depth of 6-8 mm. Then the outer edges scroogled, and the ends are cut at an angle of 45°. Length of the strips should be 2-4 mm less than the linear size of the aperture.
At the end of the fiberboard sheet is mounted on the door. To do this, it is removed from the hinges, remove the handles and locks. Two opposite rods – nails and check whether the sheets tightly fixed in the grooves. It is useful to hang a door in place to check the correct installation of the rails relative to the opening. Then a door remove, stack heater, insert the final sheet and fix the two remaining strips. After that, put in the place of door handles, locks, and the door hung on hinges. The work will be simplified, if the sheet is fiberboard lay-in grooves, and in the quarter selected in the rods, and locking the glazing bead as the glass in window frames. In addition, bead, painted or covered with stains, he will serve as a decorative element of the picture.
This method of finishing can be used not only for room doors and for decorative plates to handmade furniture and various doors, if they are made of fiberboard: in this case, MDF with two sides okleivayut veneer, is inserted into the frame and fix the bead.
V. LEUKHIN, Yoshkar-Ola

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