POTS-UNIVERSALYou presented a large bouquet or you bring one from your country area — where to put it? There is a beautiful crystal vase but it is too big Need something roomier And that can be on hand wherever a bouquet fit without any problems? Of course, just the glass jar. But luxury flowers as something not very much in tune with the bottles of pickles. However, if there is a way to “disguise” the jar to make it look more aesthetically pleasing, especially as the flowers were brought into the house. Why not put the jar in pretty pots? The more that they make this will not be easy, though, and will have to make and effort and skill.
That’s what the original design proposed by the artist V. Jacobson. All parts are cut from thick plywood. It seems that a lot of them, and in fact only four species.
The main of them — like gear two ring big — top pots and low in its bottom, on which is mounted a Bank of water. Both rings combine all other details of the edge 21, constituting the actual volume or shape of the planter, and three additional edges, with ears, allowing the use of planters, not only on a Desk or nightstand, but also to hang it on three lugs attached to the cords.
Decorative planter
Decorative planter:
Decorative planter:
Decorative planter:
1 — main fin body (21 PCs); 2 — auxiliary edge (“outboard”) with the eyelet under the cord pendants (3 pieces), 3 — top ring with the slots in the ribs, 4 — internal capacity (glass jar) with water, 5 — bottom ring grooves in the ribs.
For the production of blanks of their contours depicted on large-scale grids are transferred to a plywood sheet and cut with a jig saw (manual or electric) All sawn billets are carefully processed with sandpaper, and inside cuts with a file and needle files assembled by the glue (carpenter’s, PVA), but first carried out control Assembly “dry” to check the compatibility of the parts between themselves.
Suspended use pots
Suspension use pots.
The large (upper) ring inner cuts designed under the top spikes of the main ribs, and the outer cuts under the lugs a “hanging” edges At the bottom of the ring cuts designed under the lower projections of all edges and basic, and “hanging” With the past and begins assembling; then set the Bank and all the edges are glued into the top ring (until the glue grabbed and items have some mobility) In the assembled pots is maintained for several hours to be hardened glue. But even before the Assembly as soon as they are ready all the details, you can proceed with finishing the Last can be performed in two variants: the painting with oil paints (same or different colors — as guided by own imagination) or varnishing (lacquer furniture, perhaps pre-treatment with the stain, or use dark nail Polish).

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