WATER — ON-DEMANDThe washing machine is firmly established in our everyday life. And if in cities, the connection of washing machines to the water supply will not cause a problem, in rural areas, where there is no Central water supply, and take water from springs and wells to run such a job much more difficult. And it is caused primarily by lack of water-supply system or insufficient pressure in it. Generally, washing machines are designed to work with the pressure of the incoming water 0,5 — 10 bar, which can only pressurizing pump either based on Autonomous water station (the latter is possible to buy it now at the price of 5000 rubles).

Usually in villages of the washing machine is connected according to the known scheme: above the washing machine barrel set volume of 50 — 200 l, from which by means of hoses, valves and adapters water comes into the machine by gravity. But this pressure is not enough.
Water, bypassing the built-in washing machine solenoid inlet valves (two of them), the filter and the nipple goes into the tank so slowly (literally drop by drop), which wait for the beginning and the end of the wash will have days and nights, which is essentially absurd.
In addition, “smart” filling washing machines “does not understand” such an attitude, perceiving slow vodenicharova as the complete absence of water in the house and in result stops the wash (it depends on the brand, model and type of washing machines).
However, craftsmen have come up with a simple way out of this situation is to plug the gap in staffing fill hose washing machine vidanagamage pump. And for this purpose you can apply almost any pump type: submersible discharge, centrifugal, vibratory, depending on preference. Prices at the pumps also vary: from 1100 to 4200 rubles, but they will create the necessary for the washing machine the water pressure in the incoming circuit. Submersible or vibration would have to lower into the water, the centrifugal sucks it through the hose and also pays through the hose.
Fig. 1. The electric circuit improvements of the washing machine
Fig. 1. The electric circuit improvements of the washing machine
In the network 220 artisans include the pump through a normal household switch (for example, intended to illuminate), suggesting that when the machine “asks for water”, you have to press the light switch and water at the desired pressure, sufficient for a washing machine, available in drum and tank.
But this raises two questions. First — how to know when she “asks for water”, after all, turn on the pump (be it anything reliable) when closed, the output hole will happen the inevitable breakage. Namely, the situation “scored” orifice will simulate the closed inlet valve of the washing machine when it needs water.
The second question is even more relevant: because normal washing machine (in the price range up to 20 000 RUB) “requires” the water in the wash cycle a few times, and then, depending on the set mode, at least two times to rinse the underwear (while also pouring water parts), — you do not have the hostess relentlessly to herd my washing machine’s clock to the right time to nourish it with the water?
Unfortunately, the answer is Yes. The stories of the villagers, so do many who do not have in the household of the water stations (which replace the ordinary city water).
Meanwhile, there is a simple and seemingly available for any resident of a rural area or a member country horticultural society out of the situation, which I am pleased to share with readers.
Almost all washing machines (hereinafter — CM), regardless of manufacturers and labels share the same principle: input is one or more solenoid valves that feed AC lighting network 220 via the electronic system control and switching.
Such professional terminology should not frighten the reader, since the revision of the washing machine in this part, as they say, a piece of cake.
To ensure the smooth passage of water, you have to remove the rubber strip in alignment with the input connector of the washing machine (shown in photo 2). After that, the throughput of the valves will improve dramatically.
Photo 2. Inlet solenoid valve for washing machine
Photo 2. Inlet solenoid valve for washing machine
Next you need to remove the top cover of the washing machine (we are talking about cars with side load of Laundry), unscrewing to do this about two or three (depending on the type of CM) screws at the rear. The top cover is removed the translational horizontal movement “by itself” (if to look at the door). Not far from the place of supplying the input hose close by are two (as in the present CM) solenoid valve (photo 2). Through the connectors, wires connected. When the washing machine is required to pour water on the inlet solenoid valve receives a variable voltage 200 to 220 V. They are open and let water into the tank and drum. To electromagnetic valves are four wires (two for each). Connecting in parallel with the contacts of the valve terminal block (see photo 3) and connecting a few wires, they are taken outside the housing of the washing machine.
Now these wires (let’s call them conditionally A and b) connect a simple electrical circuit (Fig.1).
In fact, the scheme of the device is a rectifier (constant current source) with output voltage 12 — 15 V. Any voltage in that range is acceptable.
The output of the constant current source set a low voltage electromagnetic relay K1. The contacts of this relay included in the circuit of supply pump. Now, as you may have guessed, when you enable the intake valves of the washing machine will turn on relay K1 and motor M1 of the injection pump. When the valve in the washing machine will turn off, the pump will automatically turn off. This combo will work in cycles indefinitely. And stand by the washing machine will not have to.
To connect the pump directly to terminals of solenoid valves washing machines can not — due to the large current consumption of the pump will burn electrician CM.
In the diagram (Fig. 1) shows a step-down transformer T1 with an output alternating voltage at the secondary winding 8 — 10, rectifier diodes VD1 — VD4. Oxide capacitor C1 (of the type K50-24 or similar) inserted in the scheme for smoothing of pulsations on nutrition. Relay K1 applied automobile, like 3747-06 designed for a trigger voltage of 12 V. However, you can apply both, for example WJ118-1S, Omron G2R-112R-V, TRU-5VDC-SB-SL TTI-TRD-9VDC-FB-CL Relpol RM85-2011-35-1012, BV2091 Pasi SRUH-SH-112DM, FRS10С-03 or similar. It is important that the relay contacts provided safe switching of load current less than 3 A.
The diagram shows a piezoelectric capsule with a built-in sound generator HA1, connected in parallel to the relay, and HL1 led is connected in series with a current limiting resistor R1. These elements respectively provide audible and visual indicator of the pump (and intake valves of the washing machine). If such an indication (or part of it) will seem redundant, the relevant elements of the schema are removed.
The HA1 primer can be any, calculated on the voltage 9 — 15 V, for example FMQ2715D, FXP1205 (single-tone sound), KPI4332-12 (intermittent sound), KPS4518 (dual tone siren) or similar.
Photo 3. View of the connected terminal block with the cover removed, of a washing machine
Photo 3. View of the connected terminal block with the cover removed, of a washing machine
The rectifier shown in the diagram (Fig.1), is applicable to any if only it provided DC output current more than 70 mA when the DC output voltage 12 — 15 V. It can be industrial rectifier or power supply, such as radio or cautery device. Adapters for cell phones here to use useless, since the output current is insufficient to power the relay.
Here in this simple way, you can automate almost any washing machine in the village and wash in the city. Don’t need to find the master installer, who will charge you for the work of a lot of money.
Seeming disadvantages
You will need to open the top cover of the washing machine and connected in parallel electromagnetic valves, installing terminal block. If your washing machine is out of warranty, unauthorized opening of the cover you could lose it. Here everyone chooses itself: or to suffer, until the end of the warranty, or to buy “beushnye” washing machine, and then do in accordance with the above recommendations and to wash clothes with comfort.
A. KASHKAROV, St. Petersburg

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