TENT DAYSold in stores in the domestic tent with awning heavy (about 3 kg), and without an awning — do not protect from the rain. Import — easier and better, but expensive. Therefore, some tourists do make tents of fine nylon is in combination with a tent made of waterproof material. However, the awning complicates the design of the tent, weight it and increases the “breaking down”, and the total value remains high.

I’m a tourist with a lot of experience and for hikes of varying difficulty used different tents industrial manufacturing. This experience allowed me to design and make lightweight, protects from rain and quickly established a two-man tent from a conventional plastic film. It is convenient, cheap and quite suitable for hikes of the day off. Its simple design and simple production technology can make it “camping accommodation” even a person having only a basic tailoring skills.

General view of the tents
General view of tent:
1 — roof; 2 — canopy (2 pieces); 3 — fastener-“zipper” sign; 4 — face cloth (2 PCs); 5 — sex; 6 — lower stretch marks with pins (10 PCs); 7 — ridge (face) stretching with peg (2 PCs)

Besides the film will also need lightweight cotton fabric for front of tent and cover the floor with plastic and sticky tape type “Scotch tape” to seal seams. The roof of the tent is better to make an opaque milk-white or color film. If you use normal clear film, then it should “duplicate” from the inside gauze, which will make the tent is opaque, it will prevent the “greenhouse effect” on a hot Sunny day and reduce the condensation of vapor in cold weather.
Pitch roof (left — inside view, right — outside view)
Scan the roof (left — inside view, right — outside view):
1 — adhesive tape (“Scotch”); 2 — lower stretching; 3 — the roof (plastic film s0,06…0,08); 4 — “power frame” — ridge and end edges; 5 — a ridge stretching (2); 6 — lining under the counter (polyethylene 82…3); 7 — joints; the elements 2,4,5 made of nylon (“pant”) braid

To simplify cutting and sewing the tent is designed in the shape of a tent (with no vertical side walls). This design is more resistant to wind and reduces the amount of “air” stretch with pegs with the usual eight to two socket, which speeds up installation and removal. The height of the crest is the same as most double tents. The floor is made slightly wider to compensate for the volume reduction of EA for the lack of the vertical side walls.
The figures show the dimensions and lines of sewing all the main parts of the tent — floor, roof, ends and roofs. Polietileno film sex covered inside a fabric that matches with it on the machine after every 300-350 mm in two mutually perpendicular directions. Then, on each seam from the film is pasted strip of adhesive tape a width of about 30 mm. Strengthening joints and protecting them from water, the tape also increases the overall strength of the floor and other elements of the product.
Prior to sealing tape over seams of the tent surface of the film, which is glued to the ribbon, you need to clean with acetone or gasoline. It must be borne in mind that the tape is unwound from the coil with some effort and stretched. If it is glued on the seam immediately, then after a while there will be wrinkles from which you can only get rid of the slitting Scotch and pasting additional pieces. So, rewind the coil with a piece of tape, it is necessary to wait 1-2 minutes to stabilize in length.
Sweep the floor (left — bottom view, right top view)
Sweep the floor (left — bottom view, right top view).
1 — tissue basis; 2 — film (s0,06 0,08…): 3 — adhesive; 4 — seams; 5 -stretching (capron ((pant” webbing, 6 PCs.)

Face the flag, detail of the visor
Face cloth, detail of the visor
Dock floor and roof
Dock floor and roof:
1 — woven floor; 2 — film floor; 3 — sutures; 4 — stretch marks 5 — pin (the wire s3 L150); 6 — adhesive tape
In the corners of the floor (on the continuation of the diagonals) and in the middle of its side edges (from the outside, perpendicular to them) six sewn in stretch marks from strips of nylon Trouser braid. They subsequently made the holes for threading and fastening the floor to the ground studs. The same pieces of tape sewn in the appropriate places on the roof. In addition, the roof is sewn a long strip of the tape: the middle — ridge, passing in the longitudinal stretching, and end edges, which are then sewn end panels (Gables). The bottom corner of the roof “enhanced” bands “of Scotch”, which are glued perpendicular to the diagonal stretch through the beginning.
To strengthen the top corners of the roof where the racks are used with plastic lining thickness 2— 3 mm. If the roof is made of clear polyethylene which is “shaded” Marley, the film, in this case sewn with gauze, and the seams are sealed with tape in the same way as it is done in the manufacture of the floor. In this case, “Scotch”, reinforcing the bottom corners, not glued.
Preparing the fabric the ends of the tent should be cut on the machine their edges, and the input end sew two plastic fasteners-zippers snaps in different directions. If desired, the ends sewn window made of nylon mesh with the closing of valves and pockets for small things.
Blank visors cut from the same plastic film that the floor and roof. At their outer lower corners of the segments sewn nylon lace (stretch) for attaching canopies to the ground pins, and the outside edges strengthened with tape.
Prepared parts and components of the tent are connected in the following sequence. First patch seams floor is sewn to the bottom of the roof and nylon braid, previously sewn to the edge of the roof, and then sewn the ends. Last prostrachivajut also overlaps the floor. The joints ends with floor and roof in the corners of the tents are sewed manually with a trial formulation of the tent.
Visors nastraivatsa on the front edge of the roof, and the seams are pasted on the outer side of adhesive tape. Before connecting parts canopies continue the ridge of the braid (stretching) preferably be set so that they are then fastened to the ground at an angle of 45°, and baste a line of stitching peaks. After stitching parts of the seams and the “free” edges of the visors pasted tape over it.
At trial the statement of tent it is necessary to clarify the location holes for the pins stretching the floor. They must match the holes in the braces of the roof so that each pin is well pulled and held and the floor and the roof. In the future, after a good fit, for ease of setting up tents stretching the floor and roof should be to sew in pairs.
Iarf tents in the illustrated embodiment, does not exceed 1.5 kg. Of which slightly more than 700 g “pulls” plastic film (10.5 mg, with weight of 70 g/mg). The cotton ends of the 5.5 m2 of the same fabric depending on the thickness of the material weigh 300-500 g. the Remaining mass is composed of adhesive tape, nylon braid and “lightning”
If the transparent film of the roof of the tent is duplicated gauze (40 g/mg), the tent is heavier still at 250 grams. Studs with a length of 150 mm are best made from steel wire with a diameter of 3 mm. Along with two duralumin pegs, they “pull” about the same as the gauze.
The tent is put in the following sequence. First crushes and strengthened floor six pins (in pairs on each side). Then up onto the roof racks and with the help of two pegs on the opposite ends are stretched the ridge of stretch marks. The latest in a tense position prishpilivayut to the ground the visors.
The constructive scheme of the tent allows you to easily change its size. You only need to slightly increase or decrease the figures of the length of the floor and roof (1900 mm) to the right. For the better protection of the ends of the tents from the “squint” of rain with wind can be increased and the peaks, taking into account the ease of entry and exit.
Using a tent in various campaigns, we are convinced enough of its reliability. It should be noted that the strength of this plastic film is not so small as it seems at first glance. For clarity, we can remember as young fishermen carry fish in a package filled with several liters of water: because the strength of the polyethylene of 150 kg/cm2. This means that the ribbon film of a width of 10 mm can withstand a load up to 1 kg (normal film thickness 0,06—0,08 mm). However, it should be remembered that the film is easily pierced and cut by sharp objects. In this case it is necessary to have a for urgent repair of the coil tape.
N. IVANOV, Saint-Petersburg

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