A ROCKET WITH A STREAMERThe design sports a model rocket with a streamer class Б6А traditional. Athletes rocketmodeler repeatedly noted that models in this class closer to a kind of optimum. Now much depends on the quality of manufacture and Assembly of their components. The proposed model is performed based on these requirements, can show good results in competitions.
Its body is made of two layers of glass 0.1 mm thick, impregnated with epoxy resin. Three stabilizer balsa 1.5 mm thick (by the end of the thickness reduced to 0.3 mm) are mounted on the housing on the same pitch, contour thread they edged No. 45. The guide ring is of duralumin foil of thickness 0.1 mm. fairing carved from balsa.
Fig. 1. Model class Б6А
Fig. 1. Model class Б6А:
1 — fairing, 2 — body, 3 — thread mounting of the housing with the brake band, 4 — ring, 5 — stabilizer.

Brake band (streamer) — of the Mylar film, folded “accordion”. The mass of the ribbon 3 g, its dimensions 100X1000 mm Thread mounting the streamer to the body like silk.
Fig. 2. The model on the descent
Fig. 2. The model on the descent:
1 — the rocket body 2. 5 — strands attaching the brake band to the body. 3 shock — absorbing rubber, 4 — fairing, 6 — brake band.

The engine is fixed in the case of wooden hairpin. The mass of the model without MRD is equal to 6 G. Microrocket this design is quite durable and can be used repeatedly.

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