When it’s rainy or cold weather and hold races racing gliders with the engine or rubber motor there is no opportunity, there comes a time of some discouragement. However, if there is at least a small pool or precast aquadrome in the school hall or club is a gambling competition in new aquaplane with the serial motor on the C02 will be quite appropriate and, as it turns out, a very interesting exercise for young modelers. Today we introduce readers to the “Modeller-designer” with such sudomodel, equipped with domestic motor DP-0,3. It appearance close to aquablade “Formula”. The boys glee club really like these microcamera. Easy manufacturing, ability to work with power system
the rapidity of the progress and the spectacle of competition — advantages of the new subclass. In addition to cans from household siphon, no other fuel is required. As an advantage it should also be noted the easy availability of materials and the simplicity of organizing classes at the boat school, club or children’s recreation. Without much hassle, the model can be done at home.
The design of the proposed aerolizer checked it multiple repetition and successes in races on aquadrome. All the details a snap. This two mirror symmetrical housing connected by a deck on which is placed the imitation of the cab driver and a strut-pylon with the engine and feed the “tank”-tank. The hull, deck, cabin, and a pilot is best to cut out melkosortnogo packing foam (so easy to find in boxes from-under TVs, video and audio equipment or computers). Blanks are cut with a knife or blade of suitable pieces and small skin vislatvijas to precise dimensions (the skin is recommended to stick to smooth a piece of wood or foam). Of the pylon and engine mounts, and deck bearing are cut from wood or plywood. The symbols under the figures are the best materials. However, if it is not always possible to acquire them, feel free to use the ones that you could find. No plywood — use a thin plate and Reiki.