BAIKONUR MODELERSIn June 1990, Kiev stadium DOSAAF “the Seagull” for five days has become a kind of Baikonur. Here were the start of the eighth world championship on rocket and space models. Athletes from 11 countries played awards of the world championship in seven classes flying of model rockets.

First to the launch pad came athletes with raketoplana (class S4B). Of the 32 participants maximum time (180 s) in the first round showed only seven “missile”. And when in the second round, none of them managed to fly on “high” (240), it became clear that the competition in this class will be completed in the allotted three rounds. As a result, gaining 688 (180+216+292) points, the world champion in the class raketoplana became a Bulgarian athlete T. Drago. He is winner of the gold medal of the FAI. Silver award in A. rose (USA). The result — 642 (180+162+300) points. “Bronze” went to C Kalaru (CSFR), he has 609 (180+179+250) points. Speech by Soviet athletes in the list of successful can not be attributed: S. Ilyin (526 points) — 6th place, I. Shmatov (505 points) — 8th place and Kovalev (396 points) — the 13-th place.
Since the equipment of our “missile” is known, will focus on foreign. Everyone’s attention was attracted by raketoplana American team. In fact, their developer is a B. Belos — famous designer-rocketmodeler. The presented model — airplane diagrams prednisalone engines enclosed in the discharge container. The last pendant is “floating” type that allows to get rid of the errors in the selection of the thrust vector during the flight to the active site. Length of about 600 mm. Span elliptical wing 420 mm of Central chord of 76 mm, the area of 2,5 DM2. The surface of the stabilizer is 0.6 DM2, the keel — 0.15 DM2. The mass of the airframe 14 Main material of the model: balsa, carbon fiber, fiberglass, resin. To start apply perchlorate engines of Czechoslovakian manufacture with a weight of 6-7 g, and a time of about 5 s.
Bulgarian model “rocket” was built by “hard” schema “rocket plane.” But they have a wing stacked design, covered in Mylar film. There is a mechanism for rebalancing the airplane mode. Bulgarian raketoplana equipped with ailerons, giving a small rotation around the helix to the active site. A lot of models slightly more than 20 g.
Raketoplana Czechoslovak athletes made mostly of balsa and have the weight of the glider 17-19 g with a wingspan of about 370 mm and the length of 400-410 mm. For them is characterized by mechanization of the wing, and automatic rebalancing, supplemented by the device of forced landing. Models start on the engines momentum 5 N*s, an outer diameter of 10 mm.
In the class SA attended the greatest number of “rocket scientists” — 33. Most likely this is due to availability in this category.
Best time (41 min 57 s) showed a Soviet athlete I. Shmatov, who became the owner of the gold medal of the FAI. “Silver” in the timeless Bulgarian rakatomalala G. Luleva (41 min 8 s). Bronze award the other team member NRB — T. Trifonov (21 min 46 s). Two Soviet athletes A. Korepin and Alexander Mityurev, occupied the 4-5-th and 19-th place. In the team standings were the first “rocket men” NRB with a score of 2,700 points, the second — our modelers (2592 points) and third — athletes of the SFRY (2439 points).
A model rocket class S3A of the world champion 1990 I. shmatova (USSR).
A model rocket class S3A of the world champion 1990 I. shmatova (USSR):
1 — fairing (two layers of fiberglass), 2 connecting sleeve, 3 — frame (gluing in the sleeve), 4 — thread suspension (length approx 400 mm), 5 — parachute (Mylar film with a thickness of 3-5 microns, the diameter of the dome is about 600 mm, the number of strop — 16), 6 — body (GRP), 7 stabilizer.
The model is supplied with motor MRD 2,5-3-6, the time until disclosure of the rescue system of 5.7 — 6. Mass of the rocket without a parachute mrad and about 4.5 g.

Speaking about the models of this class, it should be noted that an abundance of schemes and any new products it is very unusual.
Against this backdrop stand models Romanian and Polish athletes. The first housing is made of duralumin foil, and the second wound in a spiral out of paper. The weight of these missiles somewhat more (1.5—2 g) than those molded from fiberglass.
It should be noted that out of 33 participants in the class S6A nobody has been able to achieve maximum results. In the first round 15 athletes flew by “maximum” in 2 minutes After the second left three. As a result, gaining three rounds of 531 points, became the champion for the second consecutive time, J. Marinov (Bulgaria). Only eight seconds lost to him our S. Ilin. In third place Yugoslav rocketmodeler E. Wonderful — 503 points. The other two members of the Soviet team — Gapon and Y. V. Kuzmin, respectively 9th and 10th places with the results of 430 and 427 points. Cup for a team victory in the class S6A awarded “rocketeers” of the SFRY, the second were our guys, and third — Bulgarians.
Perhaps the class S6A even more conservative than described above. They are United by the similarity of the structures, but they S6A somewhat lighter and therefore less durable. And hence the small “vitality” technology. But two or three of round one of the competition models is enough. A typical missile of this class can serve as a model of a winner.
A model rocket class S6A of the world champion 1990, J. Marinova (Bulgaria).
A model rocket class S6A of the world champion 1990, J. Marinova (Bulgaria):
1 — fairing (molded plastic of the polystyrene type, weight 1.5 g), 2 connecting sleeve, 3 — loop attachment streamer, 4 — thread suspension, 5 — brake tape (Mylar film with a thickness of 18 microns 115X1800 mm, blow — harmonica with a step of 20 mm), 6 — body (glass cloth of a thickness of 0.025 mm), 7 — stabilizer.
The model is supplied with an engine with a diameter of 10 mm and a running time of about 2 s (delay 6 s). Landing MRD dense. The starting mass of the model 15
Among the systems of salvation in the class S6A noticeable trend to increase the length of the ribbon up to 1700-1800 mm width 120 mm.
It is interesting that many of the leading athletes of the teams of Bulgaria, the USSR and Czechoslovakia for the championship specially prepared a new mrad with a diameter of 10 mm for high-energy asitem fuel, weighing 6-7 g.
Gas-dynamic launch system, known abroad under the name “piston”, has become a regular fixture of the competition. Even in the noticeable increase of height of the order of 30-50 m, which is realized with such a start in the class S6A.
In the class of high-altitude models S1A from the first round of the leadership was captured by Soviet athletes. When the miniature two-stage A. Carapina rose to a height of 784 m, it became clear that he is now already double world champion in the class S1A (the first time the success of such a high rank came to him in 1985). With a score of 754 m second place went to — A. Mityurev. And the third Bulgarian athlete J. Marinov (672 m). Starts of the second and third rounds brought no changes.
When tracking has been a lot of loss models. Not counted in the result and difference of measurements of two operators is more than 10%. Even the team that took the first two places, — the USSR and Bulgaria — had only two scoring result. But in this case their sum (respectively 1538 and 1280) exceed the sum of the results of three test flights of Germany (third place, 1257 points).
Used as one-step and two-step models. The same impulse two-stage seem to be already to start have the advantage, although the reliability of complicated technology below.
With two-stage models were the USSR, Bulgaria, USA, CSFR. The most common combination of two engines of 2.5 N*s. but Our “missile” was established on the first stage mrad pulse 1.5 N*, and the second was equipped with an engine 3.5 N*s.
Of particular interest is the technique of the American and Czechoslovak athletes. They used the method of “hot” staging: MRD both stages are ignited on the ground prior to departing from the starting setup. It happens this way. After the command “Start” voltage is applied to the coil-igniter of the first stage. Once the engine is ignited, the starting battery of type “Crone”, mounted in the console, feed in conductors of a step current pulse in the fairing lower level lamp flash. Working MRD raises the rocket to a certain height and chased it away. During this time, the flash lamp is fully heated and due to radiant energy ignites the powder coating applied on its head. Burning, gunpowder ignites the second stage engine. At this point is separated first, spent stages, and its lifting charge fires recovery system. Then the rocket goes up on the second level. In the “hot” stage separation used disposable flash lamp, and in the same diagram, modelers CSFR — stopin.
In fairness I must say that the system is still not passed the stage of final testing and implement technical innovation during official competitions the American athletes failed while on training flights repeatedly it could be observed in action. However, the Advisory Council recognized this development, the most interesting novelty, and the author H Wise was presented with memorial Cup of the magazine “modelist-Konstruktor”.
In the class a high-rise S5C copies of the 21 models are presented for bench evaluation, only three (team Romania) were single stage. The best amount (751 points) received a miniature copy of “Taurus Tomahawk” A. APE from the USA. The second was Katya A. (CSFR). His model of the “Nike Tomahawk”, the international jury evaluated in 653 points. On the next places — the Soviet athletes with the same type of models-copies “Nike Keigen”: S. Ilyin — 632 points, Vladimir Minakov — 631 points, Mityurev A. — 622 points.
In the first round of test flights made only three models (all single stage). The rest — crash and loss during the measurement. In the second round, the top altitude is 594 m. It achieved a model S. Ilyin. 544 m flew model V. Minakova. And 531 m rose rocket P. Kanev (Bulgaria). In the third round none of the participants failed to improve their results. In the end, gaining a total of 1226 (632+594) points, the winner in the class S5C was Sergey Ilyin. Silver award — V. Minakova (631+544=1175 points), and bronze medals awarded to P. Kanev (559+531=1090 points). Cup for a team victory awarded to the athletes NRB scored 2629 points.
The most popular prototypes for the construction of class copies S5C steel American “Nike Keygen”, “Taurus Tomahawk”, “Nike Tomahawk”, the French “Dragon-lll”. First, there were six (the USSR and Bulgaria). These models performed almost in the same scale, the caliber of the lower level close to the acceptable minimum 40 mm. Copies of Soviet athletes had a powerplant of two engines: a 2.5 N*s on the first stage and the second — 7,5 N*S. For the uninitiated reader it may seem surprising small initial impulse on this MRD copy of the high rises. But, in fact, his task is only to inform the rocket some speed at which the stages separation and the burning of the MRD the second step. And the easier will be the model at the start, the higher it will fly. So the new placement of the engines may be the most promising. However, you must keep in mind that the starting mass of your copy should be about 60-65 g.
Most other two-stage missiles S5C powerplant included two MRD 5 N*with with different work.
In the first fly-off, the test time was 8 min, with dispute for medals dropped another one, and the remaining nine “missile” started to prepare for the final round, not having time constraints.
The longest held in the air rocket Czechoslovak athlete V. Halacha (by the way, he is the chief editor of a popular Czechoslovak magazine “Modelarz”!), which deservedly became world champion in class S8E. Only 16 behind his teammate I. Taborsky — his silver award. And the bronze was awarded to B. Makus from Yugoslavia with a score of 22 min 20 s. the results of the performance of the Soviet modelers are: Vladimir Minakov — 2794 points (4th place), V. Kovalev — 2236 points (6th place) In Barysh — 1006 points (14th place). Command victory was celebrated by the sportsmen of the CSFR (3240 points), our second place (3166 points), and the third — the national team of Poland (3094 points).
The model represented in the championship in class S8E, conditionally can be classified into two groups. One made raketoplana scheme Kovalev with folding wings (the USSR and Poland), the other machines of the traditional aircraft scheme. It should be mentioned that the relationship to technology with folding wings quite cautious. And this is the explanation: your life experience in the design and availability of “soft” engines with more than us, the operating time is about 12-14 C and smaller mass (so the mass of the MRD, the American and Czechoslovak athletes 45-48 55-57 g and g, respectively, of our order of 80 g. American cast engines, operate with almost no smoke).
All three winners made models aircraft scheme. Wingspan 1200-1300 mm, the starting weight of 210-215 g. controlled Almost vertical take-off allows to reach the altitude of 300-330 m. Having good aerodynamic qualities due to carefully chosen profiles with high load-bearing properties and a low resistance, such raketoplana able to show good results. (It is also important that all the three winners have a solid competitive practice.) In the manufacture of models are widely used balsa and fiberglass. Wings stacked design with a skinny veneer or Mylar film.
Of the 19 models to the realism of flight (S7) submitted for poster assessment was: “Ariana” — 7, “Saturn” and “Union” — 6 pieces. The best amount for “stand” received a copy of the carrier rocket “Saturn-1B” Czechoslovak athlete S. Gerencer — 790 points. A model rocket “Ariana 3”, made American copyist R. Bedroom, the jury was estimated at 786 points. Known copy of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-T” A. Klochkova of Soviet judges brought to the third place 760 points. Two of our other models, A. Korchagin, and A. Bachi, received, respectively, 753 and 748 points. A small gap from the leader allowed the copiers to the USSR to hope for a good final result. Because the real flight capabilities of the three-stage Soyuz is much higher than all the other contenders. This confirmed starts.
Great flight made a copy of the “Soyuz-T” A. Klochkova. The work of the engines of all three stages and trouble-free landing — table 184 points per flight. A little lower was evaluated the program of another “Union”, Bulgarian athlete P. Kanev — 166 points. Not all of the planned demonstration has managed to implement R. Bystromu — a total of 104 points. Not fully completed a program of flight demonstrations and Pavel Korchagin (133 points). Copy A. Bachi crashed, and he ended up last.
Ended when the time allotted for the flight, congratulations took the new world champion Anatoly Klochkov. He was the best the sum of (760+184=944 points). On second place came R. Kaneva (748+166=914 points), and the third — R. Bastrop (786+104=890 points). Cup for a team victory in the class copies were won by the sportsmen of Bulgaria — 2564 points. The second were the modelers Czechoslovakia — 2439 points, the third athletes from Poland — 2437 points.
To summarize the performances of athletes of copyists, we must recognize that to achieve the desired flight entertainment is not yet possible. A large number of accidents resulting from the launch talks about the difficulties in the implementation of flight effects. And increase starting weight to 750 g, almost nothing has changed, although work on improving the flying characteristics of your models are rocketmodeler USA, CSFR, Bulgaria, Poland and the USSR.
Very noticeable improvement in the quality of production by leading athletes. And the technique of Gerencher S. and R. Bisgrove close to ideal; the bright and varied coloration of prototypes allows you to play it on the copy. In this respect, the appearance of light carrier rockets “Soyuz” is in a losing position. I hope that starts the last speakers of “Soyuz-TM” is on Board will help to eliminate this backlog. And the color copies will be at the level of “Saturn” and “Ariane”.

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