At the last Moscow on competitions of athletes-boys, the attention of the participants and the judges drew a graceful microtiter Victor Moskovkina for long races in the class FSR-3.5 mm. First impression — the model is made high level in the form of a matrix, which is used to veclachi of the buildings of our leading masters. But then one of the comrades of the young designer super model cried through all the area of training: “Victor, get your box soon! In a few minutes your ready!”
Why “cardboard”? It turned out that the model is irrelevant to modern technologies and in its construction does not apply scarce materials like balsa wood, thin glass and upadana and speccol! Even negative matrix form, the complexity of which sometimes greatly exceeds the complexity of the case, was not used. So what was made a good model?
Her whole body really glued cardboard! It went sort of well known among modelers as a “cardboard”. In its properties it is very close to the veneer thickness 0.5—0.6 mm (which, unfortunately, we have not released). Of course, to compare “new” (still not turn the language to call the long-known material in new age enclosures from ultra strong and highly rigid composite plastics!) view the power of sail with today’s popular cyclename of glass and carbon fabric difficult. But on the first sensation — it is not worse! Perhaps the “cardboard” will be “korathites”. But they are designed for only one sport season with minimal expenditure of materials and effort to build. By the way, the sample created Moskovkina, is operated for the second year (!), during this time no special features and shortcomings of the paper body is not revealed. But comparedata from the plant into the air, the cardboard was lower than that of the hard, “vociferous” of fiberglass. Not seem to lose the cardboard and compared to the lightest balsa. After all, this wood holds the record for minimum weight only so long as covered reliable durable waterproof layer (again, glass cloth, deficient and toxic materials in the work). As a result of comparison with the best modern specimens revealed — “cardboard” is heavier than just 10 — 15%.
RC sudomodel for long races.
RC sudomodel for long races:
1 — the nose of the keel (plywood 2 mm), 2 — solitaire (plywood 2 mm), 3 — below deck strengthening (pine 2X6 mm), 4 — deck (cardboard), 5 — borders of matousek pine (3X3 mm), 6 — node elastic suspension of the plant, 7 — sub boss (birch), 8 — motor mount (D16T sheet with a thickness of 5 mm), 9 — zone power Board (plywood 2 mm), 10 — rear under engine boss (birch), 11 — Kiel (pine 2X10 mm), 12 — deadwood Assembly with a propeller shaft, 13 — guiding cover of radio equipment (rail milled from solid wood or a set of separate slats), 14 — propeller, 15 — tube water intake engine cooling, 16 — gelmanova pipe with rudder, 17 — boss (birch), 18 — channel under the exhaust system (switching from aluminum foil and paper on a heat-resistant binder), 19 — the bottom (cardboard), 20 — the location of the fuel tank, 21 — reinforcement-strut (plywood 5 mm).
The cover conventionally not shown.
V. Moskovkin shared experience of construction of such buildings. First of all, cutting the sheet into blanks of plating is performed only with respect to the direction of the “fibers”. On the surface of a glossy cardboard, they are completely not visible, determine their direction can only compare the flexibility of the sheet (in this respect the material is very similar to a thin plywood).
The same applies to the usual brown cardboard, which is sold in stationery shops and from which, too, can make a good case for RC. His thickness of 0.8—1.0 mm, compared to the insulation it is less dense and has an increased thickness, corresponds to the weight plywood with a thickness of 0,6—0,8 mm.
Importantly — in any case, after assembling the body to shed it inside the liquid parquet varnish. As correctly diluted varnish remains fluid for about an hour, you can keep it for half an hour, and then drain the excess. The workpiece must be constantly rotated up to a good thick composition. Exterior finish — three coats of the same varnish, diluted with acetone or alcohol. Before applying the last layer remove lint and random dust, and then cover the body with synthetic enamels.
The projection of “housing”.
The location of cross sections along the length of the housing corresponds to the frames on the General arrangement drawings of the model. The angle marked on the sections with”*”, round R up to 7-10 mm epoxy putty.
The frames model for reinsurance cut out from plywood with a thickness of 2 mm, the majority then, had greatly facilitated. We can safely recommend the use of cardboard for all the frames except the transom and under engine.
The Assembly of the boat was conducted on a level Board-up the slipway the keel. With additional removable bars on markings exhibited the frames were glued in the longitudinal wood elements and bow scarves, then epoxy glue was applied to the cardboard panels. In stressed points reinforced impregnated with epoxy cord preferovany to the internal eaves cladding. The rigidity of the bottom enlarged longitudinal planing steps from Linden (fit and birch) slats.
As the main element of the power plant used domestic compression motor CSTOM and 3.2. Small alterations (installation of a shirt of cooling, replacement kontrpartiya insert with glow-plug, the equipment controlled carb) turned the aviation sample in ship modeling. In this embodiment, the motor can not be attributed to the best for developing power, but it reliably worked in all modes, which is important for long races.
V. SOLOVIEV, candidate master of sports of the USSR

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