UNIVERSALThere are several classes of ship modeling, in which the apparatuses have very small external differences. So, very similar model classes F1V-15, FSR-3,5, FSR-6,5, F1V-5 and F1-E. “Why build model-twins to participate in different competitions?” — decided the Kazan athlete master of sports G. Kalistratov. And developed a universal body that is equally suitable for models of all five classes. The result is a great model, built on the basis of this hull showed at the competitions excellent results. So, in 1980, G. Kalistratov became the champion of the USSR in the classes F1V-15 FSR-3.5, in the same year, took seventh place at the world Cup, while also installing all-Union speed record, and a year later, speaking in class F1E, won the world championship.

Universal body zagotovlen method of vyklevyvanija it in the matrix. This method requires a lot of preparatory work on finishing the matrix, however, it immediately turns out (actually finished shell, this is an opportunity to “replicate” the same buildings.

For vyklicky need to prepare the following materials: fiberglass thickness of 0.25 mm (based on 3-4 layers), a binder (epoxy resin grades ED-5, ED-6 and ED-20 hardener) and plasticizer (20% of total resin).
All frames and partitions Sandwich construction. They represent panels, glued together foam of two facing layers of fiberglass. The details of the set obtained by using this technology, very light and at the same time hard. Transom models carved out of fiberglass with a thickness of 1.6—2 mm.
Propeller shaft Ø 5 mm made of cut steel wire brand About the sun. Pay special attention to correctness of form of the shaft and, if necessary, carefully reshape it. Deadwood is bent from sheet “stainless steel”, followed by filling the seam with solder RPS-40.
Cut motor plate IV sheet of aluminum with a thickness of 6-8 mm. When installing it in the housing don’t forget to enclose the shock absorber is a piece of microporous rubber.
Time helm IV stainless steel. It makes sense to make it somewhat larger than shown in the picture, and then in the process of code testing to bring it to the area optimum. Baler helm of steel wire grade optical fiber Ø 4 mm, for Peru it is attached with solder RPS-40.
Fuel tank the polyethylene, of a suitable capacity of the vial. The fuel supply to the carburettor forced, with tank pressurization. The selection pressure from the resonance tube, for which I place the maximum of the cross-section cuts into the fitting.
Servos are mounted on panels of fiberglass, and under each placed the shock absorber of microporous rubber. Installing in the housing the receiver, don’t forget to pack it and foam. Compartment equipment CE closes a lid of organic glass thickness of 4 mm; the casing it is secured by ten screws with thread M3.
Motor mount and deadwood are glued in the body at the same time — this allows to avoid distortions when connecting WLA with the engine. Closely monitor the alignment of the shafts — propeller and engine.
Layout models
The layout of the model:
1— housing (GRP), 2 — a servomechanism (servo), 3 — frame (sandwich panel-fiberglass — foam — fiberglass: 0,25—3—0,25 mm), 4 — fuel tank (plastic flask capacity 250 ml), 5 — hinge guna and clutch, 6 — the internal combustion engine, 7 — carburetor, 3 — frame (sandwich panel), 9 — propeller shaft, 10 — deadwood (stainless steel tube Ø 10X1,0 mm), 11 — the deadwood bracket (stainless steel 1 mm thick), 12 — bearing deadwood (fluoroplastic-4), 13 — the wheel (stainless steel 0.8 mm thick), 14 — gelmanova pipe (stainless tube Т8Х0,5 mm), 15 — pull (cable Ø 1 mm in the tube Т2Х0.25 mm).
If the housing is intended for model classes F1V-5 and F1V is 1.5, then the engine compartment should be epatirovat. The cover will provide two holes for Subaru air and under resonance tube. If on the basis of this case is the model of the class FSR-3.5 or FSR-6.5, that need to be cover no.
For the best noise cancellation the engine compartment from the inside glued with microporous rubber.
Zakuporivaniya engine Bay needs good ventilation. This air intake vent should be positioned so that the cooling air flow first, wrap the engine in then, the output, and the resonance tube. When drawing matousek note that there was no stagnant zones, preventing the cooling.
Engine cooling water. Sea water enters the top of pipe, affixed to the body directly behind the propeller.
If necessary, in a model installed transom plate. You can cut them out of sheet “steel” thickness 0,8—1 mm. dimensions of each — 60X100 mm.
KALISTRATOV G., master of sports of the USSR, Kazan

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