What are the models themselves? You could, of course, to remove the drawings made cars, but… Why not give students the opportunity to try their hand at designing? And to guide quite a few pictures of the best models, the second you see on these pages. They are all made of construction plywood, birch sticks and cardboard. So, for example, is completely made of wood aeromobili, shown in figure 1 the second and the fifth. In the middle of the car with the body bent from a single piece of cardboard. It seems so complex, beautiful modern racing “car” is composed of three plywood plates, birch bar and strips of cardboard. For the youngest members in the club will approach the simplest “scooter”. A few scraps of wire connected soaked in glue BF-2 thread, form a rigid and lightweight frame. In General, even using such simple materials, you can come up with literally hundreds of various designs.
A few words about the details. Before him about those who belong to the chassis model. To keep the aircar to reach a maximum speed, pay particular attention to the ease of rotation of the wheels. However, they did not need to touch the frame or body. Axis the easiest way to make screws M3—M4 or smaller screws, furtively right into the bars of the frame. Don’t forget the washers, which are placed on the axis on both sides of each wheel. When finished the Assembly, check to right if going model without a cord strap if you push with your hand. Leaving aside eliminate, gently slacking off axis.
Fig. 4. Propilivanie grooves in the hub of the propeller at the blades.
Fig. 5. The curved rod of the propeller.
Fig. 6. The angles measured in the verification of the proper installation of cord strap.
Wheels can be cut from plywood, kleiv then, instead of bearing the cut copper pipe. Fit those that included model aircraft kits.
External finish though and does not add to the speed of the aircar, but still gives it a finality and appeal. Yes, and Avtomobilist will feel respect for his work, picking up only self-painted, still smelling of varnish, the little micro-car.
For this job the most fitting, nitro and nitroenamels. You can also use oil. Just so very long they dry, though better cover the surface roughness of the body. Nice looking models, covered with transparent varnish. Several colored lines and numbers or letters that gives it the exterior complete perfection.
It remains to make the air screw. To do this, wet a strip of thin plywood or a stick of birch in hot water and then twist it. Dried preform will serve for the production of several sets of blades. The screw diameter and pitch (defined by the angle of the blades) the guys find themselves. The sleeve is cut from birch bar. Making a hole in it under the motor shaft, first find the diameter of the drill. The bushing should fit snugly on the shaft. Propilov it grooves, insert the blades. Work on the screw ends with the installation of wooden Coca and color of the whole site.
Before you experience the aircar, check whether you have found a place of fastening of cord strap. Here’s how: you need to hang the model for the bar and with the help of a plumb line to measure the angles α and β. The first must be equal to 90°, and the second 0°.
Having tested the model, you can take part in competitions. Hold them easy. On the judge’s signal the start turn on the engine. After waiting for the aircar will be two circles that are necessary to set the speed, the referee begins the measurement of time, which you will spend the model on the distance (10-12 laps). Radial hell conducted on the surface of the “track” will mark the start line-the finish line.
It is useful to pre-arrange a kind of poster assessment that will determine the best fabrication, the quality of external finishes or the most original model. It will be good if you guys will take part in the discussion of various designs and choosing the best cars.
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