Currently in the world wide development and steady recognition of the electrics — RC aircraft with electric motors. In particular, this is due to the creation of and access to medalistki market a wide range of DC motors (with capacity from 25 to 1500 W under its own weight from 60 to 700 grams), Nickel-cadmium batteries of special power series (capacity at low weight without damage to give currents up to 150 A and fast charge currents up to 10 A), as well as special electronic control elements (with small dimensions and mass, switching currents up to 150 A).

The high dynamics of this type of models, a large number were already engaged in and are attached to this interesting and more promising class has led the International Federation of aviation sports to allocate RC models indoor models in a separate group of F5, in which today includes: F5A — aerobatic model F5B — models of gliders with electric motors, F5C — model electrofiltration and F5D racing model.
It should be noted that in our country there is a rapid growth of interest in the electrics. In 1995, the Federation of aircraft modeling sport of Russia held the first national championship in the class F5B FAI/10 and in the open (national) subclass F5B/7. Last although not yet received the recognition of the International Federation of aviation sports, has today become popular in many countries.
Now — more about cultivate we have new products, techniques and rules of the competition. Hope that this scarce “hot” information will greatly help the adherents electrolito-structure to quickly master the promising topic of technical creativity.
RULES of the competition in the open class RC models indoor models (class F5B/7)
In this class presented a radio-controlled model gliders with electric motor powered by the battery 7 (not more) items.
The flight program provides for the implementation of a scoring round one exercise — “Duration”.
The total operation time of the electric motor is limited to 60 seconds. The number of ignitions of the engine in one flight is not limited.
The organization of a platform for competition of models of class F5B.
The activity “Duration”: at the start of the hand model in the engine the flight is gaining altitude, then makes a motorless flight in thermals. The maximum flight time in exercise is limited to 300 seconds. The model makes a landing in a circle with a diameter of 30 meters (15 points) or 15 meters (30 points). In the case that the model was in the air for more than 330 seconds, points for landing are not charged; at the same time exceeding 300 seconds, the calculation result is subtracted from the maximum flight time (i.e. 300 seconds). For every second motorless flight, the participant receives one point.
Example of calculation of the amount of points the competitor in one round: take that total time motor was 52 C, the total flight time since the start of the hand to a full stop in the landing -312, and landing was executed in a circle with a diameter of 30 m. Then the result will be (300 — 12) — 52 + 15 = 251 point.
Characteristics of class F5B/7 following. Wingspan is equal to 1200 and 2200 mm, the length of the fuselage 700-1400 mm wing Area within the boundaries of 25-45 dm2, and dm2 stabilizer 3-7. Flight weight is 1000-1600, airfoil – E-205, E-178, E-193, E-374, HQ and 1.5-2.5, RG-14-15. Used motors: MABUCHI series “540” and “550” similar firms “Robbe”, “Graupner” series “400”, “500” and “600” and other designs created with the use of magnets, ferrite, samarium — cobalt or iron — Neodym — boron and is designed for operating voltage from 5 to 9 V. the efficiency of the plant is often enhanced by single-stage or planetary gear with a transmission ratio of 1:1.5 to 1:4. Battery companies “Sanio”, “Panasonic” and “Varta” special series with capacity from 500 up to 1900 mA/h. Uses electronic or Electromechanical switches. Controls the motor speed are chosen according to ei modes and the characteristics of the Moto installations. Note that the design of the elektroleta is carried out in standard solutions using balsa, basswood, plywood, and composite plastics.
competition in the class of radio-controlled models
indoor models (class F5B FAI/10 cell)
First we note that the class F5B FAI is the international Championships and competitions are conducted in accordance with the rules of the International Federation of air sports FAI. This class is divided into two subclasses (F5B FAI and FAI F5B/10 cell), wherein, in fact, the only restrictions on sources of power the motors. So, in the subclass F5B FAI weight of the battery, including cables, connectors and insulation, shall not exceed 1100 g when the number of individual Nickel-cadmium elements are not more than 30. In a subclass of the same FAI F5B/10 number of individual cell elements in the battery is limited to ten, no more. Since Russia is now cultivated only the second subclass, learn more about it.
Competitions of radio controlled gliders with electric motor includes two exercises — “Distance” and “Duration with precision landing”. Both exercises are performed during one test flight. Also in some competitions must be made at least two.
Organization of the route: two imaginary vertical plane spaced from each other at a distance of 150 m, determine the turning line and is referred to as “base A” and “base”. The security line is established perpendicular to these planes. Device for visual observation of the crossing of the bases “A” and “b” arranged at a distance of 5 metres from the safety line.
On the basis of “And” at a safe distance from the device for visual observation, begin imaginary “gate” with a width 20 and a height of 3 meters. Border “gate” width is marked on the ground. For planting are laid out two concentric circles with a diameter of 15 and 30 m, located in a place where there is no collision risk models simultaneously perform exercises on the range, or on the passage of the “gate”.
For each flight is calculated result representing the sum of the scores for both exercises each round of this competition. If you are running more than two flights (tour), the lowest score of each participant is discarded, while others are summed to derive the final ‘ result. The latter amount, and specifies a place where a sportsman in competition. In case of equality of results to determine the winner repeats the exercise on the range.
Start: in front of him, the pilot needs to show to his timekeeper how he controls the motor of his model with the radio remote control (on, off, reverse). Running outside route within 10 meters from the base “A”. The model with the engine running is released or emitted into the air directly from the hands of the pilot or his helper, without assistance. The model does not need to start from height exceeding that to which are within the reach of a person standing on the ground.
Exercise “Range” must be completed within 180 seconds from the moment when the model with the engine start in the air with it. A time of gathering with hands marked by one of the timekeepers.
This exercise should be performed at least two sets of height when the engine was running. The pilot decides how much time he will spend on each motor climb, and many in the planning model. About starting and stopping the engine each time it is reported to the timekeeper.
When after stopping the motor the model in planning the flight for the first time crosses the base “A” base direction “In”, the timekeeper starts counting the number of passes. To obtain the highest marks electrolet have to make as many passes (spans) from the starting point base A to base and back. Under the new start of the engine through passages are stopped, and after 180 seconds.
The timekeeper must inform the pilot about crossing the base “A”. For information about crossing the base “In the” used signal flags or sound signals. No signal means that the model failed to correctly cross the base. We note again that the instruments used for the control of crossing the conditional vertical plane of bases should ensure the parallelism of these planes.
During test flight the model must always be behind the safety line at the side of the location of the “gate”. If any part of the glider will be on the prohibited side of the line security for the exercise accrued zero points. The pilot must remain at base “A” until you complete the exercise on the range.
For every finished pass awarded 10 points. If the model was not able to perform any finished the passage after each of the two motor sets height of result for this activity will be deducted 30 points.
After exercises on the range the pilot is required within minutes to conduct a model using a “gate” in the direction from the base “b” to “A”. Allowed the passage of the “gate” with the engine switched off in the last passage. However, this intention is declared by pilot the word “Limbo” not less than 50 meters from the “gate.”
When the model finally passes the “gate”, the second timekeeper starts the clock, giving at the same time the start signal is the second exercise.
Exercise “Duration with precision landing” must be completed within 300 seconds after passing the models through the “gate”. Here, the pilot decides for himself, how many times and what time it will start the engine.
The first timekeeper planning time include a stopwatch every time you start the motor model. The countdown is interrupted every time when the engine starts or stops when stop the model upon landing. When turned on, and the engine is off, the pilot must inform the timekeeper about his actions with the words “Op” and “Off”.
Planning time is added (accumulated), and for each second is charged one point. For each second after 300 s from the result subtracted one point. Extra points are awarded for landing: stop in the circle with a diameter of 30 m is estimated at 15 points and a circle with a diameter of 15 m — 30. The distance is measured from the center of the circle to the nose of the fuselage of the model. If the landing was executed after 330 after the start of the exercise, the landing is not graded.
The competition of indoor models should be carried out on flat terrain with a low probability of evaporation in dynamic flux flow.
Characteristics of class F5B FAI/10 following. Wingspan equal 1600-2100 mm, fuselage length 900— 1100 mm wing Area is in the range 32-38 DM and stabilizer 3,5—5 dm2. Flight weight is 1500 to 2200 g. the Profile of the wing – HQ 2-2,5/8-9, RG 14-15/7-9. Used electric motors: “Geist”, “Keller”, “Astra-Cobalt”, “Pro Line”, “Honey” and “Ultra”. Propellers with a diameter of 300-360 mm increments of 150-200 mm. battery firms “Sanio” and “Panasonic” special series SCR or SCRC capacity 1400— 2500 mA/h. Electronic switches and controllers are selected based on the modes and characteristics of Moto installations.
The fuselages of these gliders are manufactured by moulding or casting in a negative matrix of Shakopee-miden composite plastics. The wing and stabilizer have a three-layer structure — “sandwich” — with the use of steklouglerodnom composite plastic material, a core of balsa or foam and the underlayer made of fiberglass. The carbon fiber spars.
S. SOBAKIN, engineer,
Dubna, Moscow region.

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