F3V — SPEED RCAt competitions in ship modeling sport of most interest among audience and many athletes call the competition of high-speed radio-controlled models figure chart. The most popular of them can be considered a model of the class F3V — free design. Their creators usually distinguished by deep knowledge of the operation of radio equipment, motors of internal combustion, the skill of “navigation” and of course specific practical skills.

Today we invite readers to try their hand at making a model class F3V repeated national champion, winner of world and European Championships, masters of sports of the USSR M. A. Papuana. Her drawings and description prepared for our magazine the master of sports of the USSR V. Lesnikov.
The body is made of fiberglass method vyklicky in the matrix with subsequent crimping punch, binder — epoxy resin (the technology of manufacturing such a sheath have been repeatedly described in the journal of the plow).
After vyklicky “shell” housing turns stiff enough, therefore it are pasted two bulkhead separating the housing into three compartments.
In the stern is a radio and servos, in the Central are the engine, gearbox, fuel tank and muffler, and the frame between the Central and nasal compartments provides buoyancy in case of accidental bumps of the model about obstacles. Of course all the bulkheads (formers) must be waterproof.
Fig. 1. Model class F3V
Fig. 1. Model class F3V:
1, 4 — frames (plywood S3 mm), 2 — engine “Rossi-15”, 3 — fuel tank, 5 — a cover (glass fiber), 6 — servo, 7 — receiver, 8 — rudder (brass), 9 — intake water cooling system of the engine (brass Т4Х0.5 mm), 10 — propeller (nylon), 11 — propeller shaft (wire OVS or U8, Ø 4 mm), 12 — bracket (brass S1,5 mm) 13 — deadwood (brass Т7Х1 mm), 14 Kil (brass S2 mm), 15 — the gear case (D16T), 16 — toothed wheel (capronic), 17 — pinion gear (steel), 18 — flywheel (brass), 19 — steering bar (D16T S2 mm) 20 — battery 21 — exhaust pipe (brass Т10Х0,5 mm), 22 — muffler (D16T), 23 — head engine, 24 — cooling jacket of the engine (tin), 25 carb, 26 — antenna; 27 — the outlet hot water from the engine.

The power plant model engine “Rossi-15” normal-phase exhaust. The carburetor of the engine from the serial “the Flight is 7.5”. The torque is transmitted to the propeller through a gearbox with cylindrical gears, its ratio 0,562. Pinion gear steel gear from Capranica. The engine comes with a muffler from the same “Flight”. However, to reduce noise to an acceptable (80 dB) he had to install an additional camera. Fuel tank capacity — 100 ml; it can be tin solder or use appropriate volume plastic bottle.
The model can successfully work and domestic engines of the relevant category. I do not advise only to exploit them at maximum speed — it reduces the resource and increases the noise level. If the latter, despite the installation of the muffler, is still fairly high, connect the outlet of the cooling system to the exhaust pipe. The motor to gearbox and gearbox to the body is recommended to mount on rubber shock absorbers. If after these measures the noise level exceeds maximum permissible, glue the engine compartment sound absorbing material or cover with mastic. Keep in mind that they should not dissolve the fuel.
Deadwood is made from a brass tube with an outside diameter of 7 mm and a wall thickness of 1 mm. At the ends should solder the gland bushing (bronze), as well as to install a lubricator. Fastening the deadwood to the body with the help of brass bracket.
Fig. 2. The sequence of passing gates
Fig. 2. The sequence of passing gates:
1 — start, 2 — rate model, the 3 — buoys on the course, 4 — finish 5 — start-up bridge.

Fig. 3. The course model that ensures the proper entry at the gate.
Fig. 3. The course model that ensures the proper entry at the gate.
Fig. 4. Typical errors in the approach to the gate
Fig. 4. Typical errors in the approach to the gate
Fig. 5. Wrong course model with the course (dashed line) and correction of the admitted error by the Modeler (solid line).
Fig. 5. Wrong course model with the course (dashed line) and correction of the admitted error by the Modeler (solid line).
Fig. 6. Exercises to test driving models curly course.
Fig. 6. Exercises to test driving models curly course.
Shaft drive is best done from a steel wire brands OVS or U8; its Ø 4 mm. Sleeve propeller (Ø 40 mm, — 55mm) has a Central hole with M4 thread mm, the same thread there is on the propeller shaft. Mating the gearbox with the propeller shaft via the coupling.
I should say a few words about the cooling system of the engine. Models in this class it is cooled by seawater, which in the diametrical plane immediately behind the screw is the intake — brass tube with outside Ø 4 mm, With the cooling jacket of the engine, welded from sheet metal, the intake connects to the vinyl chloride tube. From the jacket cooling water is discharged overboard or to the exhaust pipe of the engine.
The rudder was cut from a sheet of brass with a thickness of 2 mm. Baler — steel wire Ø 4 mm, with a feather it is connected by soldering. In the upper part of the baler sets the bar with several holes, which connects the steering rods with the machine.
The keel of brass sheet thickness of 2 mm. it is Secured near the center of gravity of the model. Final fixation of the keel should be carried out after the experimental runs of the model with regard to its stability.
To adjust the model on the water, you should choose a windless day to on the water with no waves and ripples. At first running the model with the best assistant. His responsibilities included the retention model with the engine in place while checking operation of steering control.
Before you run check model “is” on the water. Finding roll, correct it by shifting the fuel tank or battery. Please note that the miniature ship should have a small trim on the nose.
At the first runs, try to ensure that the model is non-rejected wheel was straight, not burying it with his nose. When cornering, the Board should not be submerged in water.
Debugging should complete an audit of its behavior in all operation modes of the engine. Please pay special attention to the course due to a sudden relocation of the steering wheel. The best option of relocation should be selected taking into account the minimum circulation model.
We assume that the model is already established and you can start training at a distance in the traffic pattern. In accordance with the rules of competitions in ship modeling sport model needs to go through all the gates on the course, avoiding the buoys. Each violation of this shall entail penalties imposed on the competitor.
From the outset train yourself to the correct “length” of the gate. For a given rate of output the model beforehand at a low speed. The only way to achieve a “clean” passage of the gate. Note that the rules limit the run time of individual pieces (see table).
In the competition rules also stated that if the model has not passed the gate and crossed the imaginary line of the triangle, then return it for a repetition of the manoeuvre impossible. In such cases, we must continue to move forward in accordance with the scheme implementation figure chart.
Good results can be achieved by practicing the exercises shown in figures 2-6. Note that for passing the upper gate (“g”) should bring 0.5—1 m to the right of the imaginary center line of the triangle. The visual convergence with the first buoy dramatically shift the steering wheel to the left so that the model hit the gate. Since you are in the preliminary model runs was to determine the minimum radius of circulation at maximum rudder deflection, you will be able to choose the beginning of the rudder to the right. Then the model will describe a loop around the upper buoy and pure will enter the gate. Do not despair, if at once will not be able to make this difficult maneuver, — gaining experience in training, you will soon become an ACE figure driving speed of radio-controlled models class F3V.

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