Russia is rich in people who can not imagine life without Hobbies, and his name—technical creativity. Their heads are busy with ideas and projects, and hand — work. Many of these people have designed and built single-handedly as many original cars as for the same time, idea can often develop the whole design Bureau.
Readers of “Modeller-designer” know a lot of names of Amateur inventors, can equally successfully realitate, SAI the designs and variety designs.


For example, Vasily Alekseevich SVERBIL of Karachay-Cherkessia has manufactured walk-behind tractor, tractor, car, airplane and several aerolite. And the most unique designs of Vladimir Ivanovich PETROV from the Krasnoyarsk territory — tillers, self-propelled chassis, tractor, air suspension, airboat.
In a number of them can be safely, postait and Stanislav Petrovich KOROVIN from Kumertau, in the South of Bashkortostan. He is the author of a snowmobile, microvesicle, jet ski, three cars (one of them for children) and the plane. A brief report of this original designer about your technical creativity opublikovan in the “Panorama from the letters of readers” (“modelist-Konstruktor” No. 1″of 2000). Nestan time russkosti some of its machines in more detail.

Seven-car “Orbit-1500”, built in 1987, was worthy of its Creator. Stanislav took his family not only to nature, in beautiful surroundings Ku martau. Korovina made traveling by car to Moscow, in the former Czechoslovakia and twice on the coast of the Black sea.

Time passed, children grew up, and the old machine has ceased to meet the needs of the designer. He wanted a new, more spacious and comfortable. To the driver and passengers were not constrained by the tightness of the body to the seats laid out, and they could relax in a way no worse than at home. Yes, the load would remain.
First, Stanislav intended to construct a car-like van “Renault Espace”. But then I saw the van “Volkswagen Transporter”, and his plans changed dramatically. He decided that it is necessary to build such a car.
And built! But only with double-leaf rear door, as the entire opening wide the doors, in his view, is used every day is usually sufficient and a single leaf. Second, load the spare tire on the hinged bracket and open rarely, which makes the body more rigid.
But as for the interior, Stanislav inside are all made differently. Initially wanted to put next to the driver two passengers, but then changed his mind and left the classic layout: front two seats, behind sofa for three, then — the cargo Bay. Was quite spacious and the seats can even stretch out.
Family car
Family car “askor”
Family car
Technical characteristics of the car
Frame vehicle
Frame vehicle:
1,10 — spars; 2 — bracket fastenings of the steering mechanism (steel, sheet s2); 3— bracket axis intermediate steering rollers (steel, sheet s2); 4,16— mounting brackets cross member (steel, sheet s6); 5,15 — front gusset plate (steel, sheet s3); 6— front U-shaped plate (steel, sheet s3. 2); 7,29 — cheek front bracket left suspension spring (steel, sheet s3); 8,19 — rear gusset plate (steel, sheet s3); 9 — bushing rear bracket left suspension spring (St al, pipe 48×6); 11 — rail; 12,14,18,20,24 — side console (10 PCs.); 13,40 — brackets engine mounts (steel, sheet s3); of 17.21.23 — I-beam; 22 and 36 — M10 studs mounting shock absorbers rear axle; 25— lining frame (steel, sheet s1,5); 26 — bracket-rear bumper (steel, area 32x32x4); 27 — weld nut M12 steering gear mounting (4 PCs.); 28 —weld nut M12 kreslene axis intermediate steering rollers (3 pieces); 30 —the lining of bracket (steel, sheet s3); 31 and landing ring front bolt spring; 32—Klondike rear bracket left suspension spring (steel, sheet s3, 4 pieces); 33 — guide hand crank the engine (steel, sheet s3); 34 — 11 rear-shaped plate (steel, sheet s3, 4 pieces); 35 — spacer attachment points of the beam front axle (4 PCs); 37— bell M8 right nonresiny attachment to the spar (3). 38 —spacer pranowo node of fastening of cross bar (steel pipe 12×2, 2); 39 Lanka right node of fastening of cross bar (steel, sheet s3. 2)
Like any self-respecting self-Delica, Stanislaus in the garage stocked supply of parts and components from many different vehicles of domestic and foreign production. When the question arose about the configuration of its new product, the designer, based on my own experience, judged as the main nodes it is better to take from local machines and secondary, including influencing the aesthetics of the car can be and foreign.

Package contents were as follows.
The engine with working volume of 1.5 l, the cooling system radiator, clutch, upgraded gearbox, driveshaft, revised rear axle, its the shock absorbers and the wheels from the car “Moskvich-412” (which was later installed drives from the “Audi-100” with tires in size 185/70R14).
Steering gear, front axle beam, stabilizer bar, shock absorbers and coil springs front suspension and leaf springs with the standard rear — earrings- from the car “Volga” GAZ-24.
Steering column with “steering wheel”, the ignition switch and all the switches — “Ford-Escort”.
Brake master cylinder with vacuum booster and hydraulic clutch cylinder, pedals and tanks with gidrofilnostju from BA3-2103.
The blocks of the headlights and sidelights, from “Volga” GAZ-3110, rear lights — from “Gazelle”. Side repeaters turn signals — from the VAZ-2108.
Drive “janitors”— from the truck GAZ-53, leashes and brushes — from the VAZ-2108. The washer tank windshield — from “the Muscovite-412”. Sound signals (on machine two) from BA3-2103.
Rubber profiles of the edging of the glass from the same “three rubles”, all five of the seals of the doors to the “eight”.
As for the interior, the front panel (“torpedo”) with adjustable air flow—from “Opel-the Record”. A set of devices—from the GAZ-24 (“opalesque” devices Stanislav did not like). Available “Moscow-couscou” (M-412) electrical wiring designer rewired, bringing it closer to “volgovskoe” scheme (as the GAZ-24).
Front seat, driver and passenger removed from the old “Mazda-323″, rear —”Audi-100”.
Reception pipe and resonator from the “Moskvich-412”, intermediate pipe and muffler — VAZ-2108.
Power door glass — from “Audi-200”, locks side doors — from “the Muscovite-2141”, rear — “Mazda-323”. From her inner door handle, outer— from the VAZ-2105.
The sunroof from sliding back cover of darkened glass and all the mirrors (exterior and interior, from “Nissan Largo”.
Car S. Korovin comfortable even in the most severe cold, as equipped as many as two “stoves”. They are both structurally the same: alyuminievyi the radiator from the oil system of the helicopter plus the centrifugal fan of the car “Opel-the Record”. Only the air ducts are different.
Back of a car
The body of the car
Location frames
The location of the frames:
with force (steel, sheet s1,5); — simple (steel, sheet s0,8)

Template body
The template body profile

Pattern billet wing profile
The workpiece template of the wing profile
Profile of the driver door
The profile of the driver’s door
The structure of the side upholstery panel interior
The structure of the side upholstery of the panels:
1 —base (hardboard, s4); 2 — padding (viniliskozha)

One “stove” located under the hood and heats the area, which can conditionally be called a cabin: warm air through the junction box and dividers goes to windshield and door glass, as well as at the feet of the driver and passenger. The second “stove” with heat from a small circle of the cooling system of the engine in the cabin, under the bar, placed between the seats of driver and passenger.
Everything else, including the frame, body, doors and fenders, Stanislav made his hands. The result was a pretty nice car, where as with a smile said his wife, the designer Olga, do not be ashamed to appear in polite society. On
the family Council, after a long exhaustive search is the name of the new car, stopped at the acronym of the words “family car of Korovin”, that is “ASCOR”.
About the units and components “CHAIN”, made by Stanislav on their own or with friends, you need to tell in more detail.
The vehicle FRAME is welded. The basis of her homemade box section of steel sheet 3 mm thick of the same material lining and gusset plate strengthening. The frame is equipped with brackets for fastening units of the power plant, transmission, chassis and body.
Welded frame on the slipway— a large Desk with top of a thick aluminum plate.
BODY all-welded, curtain. Has 13 power and four simple profiled side frame (rack) made of sheet steel with a thickness of respectively 1.5 and 0.8 mm, and three arcs of safety of the pipes with a diameter of 20 mm, while serving pillars of the outer trunk.
Power frames located on the sides of all door openings, at the ends of the door driver and passenger, as well as around the left rear wheel well. Simple — at the ends of the sliding door and the rear wheel arches: in the middle left and behind right.
Side side side doors and roof of the body is cut from profiled steel sheets (panels) with thickness 0,8 mm. Stanislav independently developed profile cross-section and made on it the foam template. Further connected friends machine factory. On that machine, the “Delta” they skoordinirovanno pattern and the coordinates obtained were offreserve the mold of duralumin plate with dimensions mm. 1400x700x80 using this form was pressed with ten panels that mimic the developed Korovin profile, of which he then cut out the blanks for the sides, side doors and roof of the body.
The same technology is made and wings “CHAIN”, only blanks there were four (number of wings).
Cover the windshield and front part of roof with a width of 100 mm are cut from the body of the car “Niva” VAZ-2121.
The finished body from the inside treated with anti-corrosion composition on the basis of rubber. The ceiling is tightened synthetic genu gray “in the hole” by car “Moskvich-2141”. Side upholstery panel made of hardboard with a thickness of 4 mm and viniliskozhi. To the body they are attached plastic buttons with a diameter of 8 mm, used in the interior of the VAZ-2108.
Car DOOR is also welded. Trim, side doors (revolving and sliding), as already mentioned, cut from a profiled steel sheet with a thickness of 0,8 mm.
Technological curious detail: in the manufacture of doors, driver and passenger (with deaf, as in “Ha-zelie”, “panes”) Stanislaw first found he needed glasses (from BA3-2103, only rotated 90° to increase the height of the opening); it made the door of the enclosure and finished doors outlined the openings in the body. By the way, hanging those doors on the “Zaporozhye” loop.
The rest of the glass “CHAIN” — from a sheet thickness of 5 mm, hot— made to order. On the windshield on top of the applied shading film width of 150 mm.
ARC SAFETY under the roof of the car perform, in addition to its main function, another — are two pillars of the outer trunk. The supports are welded from pipe segments with a diameter of 20 mm and pillars made of sheet steel 2 mm thick. Each leg is attached to the roof of the body by six bolts M8 th three U-shaped saddles, standing under the roof on the arc safe. In turn, arc welded to angle brackets on the side of the pillar.
The ENGINE from the car “Moskvich-412” is installed on the brackets of the frame at its native pillows. For a more uniform transverse is scoops it is shifted to the right by 50 mm (this is evident in the configuration of the brackets of the frame). The shift resulted in a shift of the same distance to the right of the gearbox and also revealed the need to manufacture it under steel beams.
Since the outer gear “moskovichevskoe” the checkpoint is a collection of more than twenty levers and moving parts, Stanislav decided to replace it with a more simple and reliable homemade. The new mechanism consists of just a few hinged parts.
Triangular mast new mechanism attached to the left side of the transmission with three screws M8. On the left of the carriage is attached (pivotally) of the intermediate lever, and on the right (hard) — limit switch for reversing light spring and a damper, softening of the transverse stroke of the lever.
The gearshift transmission-equipped Z-shaped leash, the end of which is connected with a long rod passing through the floor in the cabin of the car. There link is connected with a plow shift lever, swinging on the upper end of the intermediate lever. The feather is welded to the lower end of the lever has a slot under the Teflon liner, placed
radius the edge of the leash. Thus, the lever for choosing the appropriate transmission without interference moves the rod along its axis in any position of the leash. The author himself used this mechanism and found it works perfectly!
FRONT AXLE with a powerful beam from the car “Volga” GAZ-24. However, the intention of Stanislaus to use the “moskovichevskoe” wheels combined with wheel hubs and steering knuckles demanded the replacement of certain elements “volgovskoe” front suspensions. In particular, instead of racks with their hinges and pins on the upper and lower control arms were installed adapters with ball joints “Moskvich-412” instead of rubber bushings — a more modern “Zhiguli” silent blocks instead of rubber Hooke — a more robust universal joint.
To the vehicle frame beam front axle attached to the regular eyelets and four bolts (for these purposes, the mounting holes of the corresponding frame welded sleeve).
Right-bearing external trunk (right side from inside body)
Right-bearing external trunk (right side from inside body):
1 — arm security body (steel pipe 20×2, 3 pieces); 2 — saddle (3). 3 — the support of the trunk (pipe 25×2, sheet s2); 4 — the roof of the body; 5 — bolt M8 (6 PCs); 6 — bracket arcs (area 32x32x1,5, 3). 7 — side pillar

Cross member under the gearbox (rear view)
Cross member under the gearbox (rear view):
1 — plate (steel, sheet s3, 2 PCs); 2 — yoke (steel, sheet s3); 3 — solitaire (steel, sheet s3, 4 pieces); 4 — rubber bushings (4 PCs.)

Modified front under strong
Modified front under good:
1 — upper and lower wishbones (from GAZ-24 “Volga”); 2 — adapter; 3 — upper and lower ball joints (from the “Moskvich-412”); 4 — paws knuckle
Intermediate shaft rocking
The intermediate shaft rocking:
1 — protective cap (from the wheel “Moscow-cha-412”); 2 — Welt nut M20; 3 — bearing 7204 (2); 4 — housing; 5 cuff 1-32×52

STEERING. In his design applied to a circuit of a steering trapeze with intermediate rocking as the car “RAF”, “Sobol”, “Barguzin”. The rocking shaft is machined from a spare steering shaft “Volga” GAZ-24, and the hull is in one chiseled detail and three eyelet fastening to Cristano frame. The upper rocking shaft bearing is protected from dirt by a cap, which is covered by axle “moskovichevskoe” wheels, and the lower rubber bellow.
Steering: 1 — the steering column (from the
1 — steering column (from the “Ford Escort”); 2 — steering; 3,4— longitudinal and transverse thrust; 5 — axle housing intermediate rocking; 6— intermediate rocking; 7,10 — steering traction wheels; 8 — steering gear (GAZ-24); 9 — a Pitman arm

REAR AXLE, as already noted, the entire from of the car “Moskvich-412”. Because the track of the “ASKO-RA” more “moskovichevskoe”, the bridge needed to be lengthened. So, make a new axle. To save at least one of them, the designer decided to extend Carter (“stocking”) of only the left axis, given that due to the displacement of the engine to the right still need to move after him and the main transmission.
Modified Carter left rear axle shaft

Modified Carter left rear axle shaft:
1 —long “stocking”; 2—the reference site spring; 3 — extension coupling (steel, pipe 65×2,5); 4 — elektroskripka d8 (2×10 pieces)
Front mount leaf springs
Front mount leaf springs
Front mount spring:
1 — shaped bolt M12x1,25; 2,6 — cheeks clamp springs; 3,5 — rubber grommet (from GAZ-24); 4 — bar spring; 7 — washer; 8 — Welt nut M12x1,25


Stanislav sawed “stocking” an ordinary hacksaw, departing 50 mm from the support ploshadka spring in the direction of the main gear, put on the section of the extension coupling from the pipe of suitable diameter, inserted in the “stocking” a new half shaft, pre-machined axle of the car GAZ-51, and scald the ends of the coupling. And that connection was more durable, strengthened its so-called plug lap joint, nasverliv in a circle in two places extension couplers ten blind holes and brew them.
FUEL TANK capacity of 80 HP two internal partitions (so fuel is not a particularly lapped and sharply did not change the alignment of the machine) is a homemade, welded from steel sheet of thickness 0.8 mm. the level Sensor and the intake of fuel — from the “Niva” VAZ-2121. Is the tank underneath the car behind the rear axle.
Fuel tank
Fuel tank:
1 — body (steel, sheet s,8); 2,4 — bulkhead (steel, sheet s0,8); 3 — hole under the drain plug; 5 — drain pipe (steel pipe 12×1, L60); 6 — hole podzabornik the fuel level sensor (atwas-2121); 7 — filler neck (steel pipe 45×1,5, L60)


BUMPERS. The front is similar to the “mos-cwikowski” (AZLK-2141), and back — on “Zhiguli” (VAZ-2105). However, this is only the external similarity. Actually both bumpers homemade, laminated of fiberglass and epoxy resin on wooden dummies.
Outdoor gear
Outer gear:
1 — knob 2 — handle shifter (steel pipe 14×1,5); 3,27 — bolts M8; 4 — an intermediate lever (steel, pipe 20×1,5); 5 — thrust (steel, rod d10), b — fulcrum of the lever; 7 — the rib of the carriage (steel, strip s4); 8 — pen arm (steel, sheet s5); 9 — liner (PTFE); 10 — lead (steel, sheet s4); 11 — CAT; 12 — limit switch for reversing light; 13 — the case of the damper (steel, sheet s1); 14 — clutch housing; 15 — conical bolt-retainer M8; 16 — bushing-latch; 17 — screw M8 mounting carriage (3).
18—carriage (welded Assembly); 19—lock nut M8; 20 — rod tip; 21 — tip of the Pitman arm (the aviation tip with SS-8 and M10 thread); 22 — lock nut M10; 23 — fry (steel pipe 14×1,5); 24 — rod damper; 25 — spring damper d10; 26 — stiffener damper (steel, sheet s3); 28 — 380088К bearing (2 PCs.) 29 — washer (2 PCs); 30 — a gearshift transmission; 31 — rib of the leash (steel, sheet s4); 32 — rocker bushing (from the “Moskvich-412”)


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