Athletes modelers creating miniature RC racing boat, rightfully consider themselves the elite in the sports environment. Still, after all, they have to deal with the most powerful engines, the most modern modeling technologies and fastest speeds! In addition, the control gliders-cars requires a high skill and knowledge of tactical racing techniques.

Present RC racing sudomodel, which on forces and means even the sport-shift-juniors. I must say that such models with aerodigestive increasingly attracted beginners — with its simplicity, cheapness and availability “piloting” of such models is not very different from the management of classic racing with the propeller.
Now, RC racing sudomodel with the engine working volume of 1.5—2.5 cm3. It is quite suitable MK-17 “Junior”, MC-12B, “MARZ-2.5” or KMD-2,5.
Sudomodel is performed on the simplified technology of packaging foam, pine slats and 1 mm plywood and lime veneer.
The layout of the model: 1 — M4 screw of fastening of the Central pole; 2 — pole mounting of the engine; 3 — fuel tank capacity 60 ml; 4 — engine MK-17 a working volume of 1.5 cm3; 5 — steering gear; 6 — servo; 7 — pusher propeller d180; 8 — receiver system remote control and batteries; 9—the Central part of the housing; 10 — lateral float; 11 — bearing element of the case
The layout of the model:
1 — M4 screw of fastening of the Central pole; 2 — pole mounting of the engine; 3 — fuel tank capacity 60 ml; 4 — engine MK-17 a working volume of 1.5 cm3; 5 — steering gear; 6 — servo; 7 — pusher propeller d180; 8 — receiver system remote control and batteries; 9—the Central part of the housing; 10 — lateral float; 11 — bearing element of the housing

Supporting element of the body (plywood s3)
Bearing element of the body (plywood s3)
Geometry RC racing boat type
Geometry RC racing boat type “Junior” with engine MK-17
Central pylon engine mounts (plywood s10)
Central pylon engine mounts (plywood s10)
The carrier element of the body is notched, a plate cut from 3 mm plywood. To it are attached all three parts of the body — the Central element, and two float. In the plate are cut two holes in the hatches for installation in the housing of the remote control equipment. In addition to in the plate are drilled two holes with a diameter of 4 mm, as shown in the drawings, and the rear side of the plate glued two M4 nuts — with their help the body will be attached superstructure with the engine pylon.
Manufacturer Central part of the body starts with the cutting out of foam blanks. All its dimensions must be reduced by the thickness of plywood sheathing or veneer. Further, the rib blanks are cut the grooves for the stringers — pine slats with a cross section of 3×3 mm. Latter are glued in the grooves with resin and before curing of the binder are recorded in a rubber bandage.
The surface thus prepared housing eskoriatza, in the foam filling cut two notches (less under steering car, more under the receiver remote control equipment and batteries), which are pasted plywood (thickness 3 mm) base for mounting components of the apparatus.
The Central part of the body: 1 — side panel (plywood or fake wood veneer s1); 2 — filling (packing foam); 3 — transom (plywood s3); 4,8 — stringers (pine, battens 3x3); 5 — base of the steering machine (plywood s3); 6— base of the receiver and the battery unit; 7—bottom plate (veneer or fake veneer s1)
The Central part of the body:
1 — side panel (plywood or fake wood veneer s1); 2 — filling (packing foam); 3 — transom (plywood s3); 4,8 — stringers (pine, battens 3×3); 5 — base of the steering machine (plywood s3); 6— base of the receiver and the battery unit; 7—bottom plate (veneer or fake veneer s1)

Side-float: 1 — a lining of the cheekbones (veneer or fake veneer s1); 2 — filling (packing foam); 3 — the bottom (veneer or fake veneer s1); 4 — stringers (pine, battens 3x3)
Lateral float:
1 — trim the cheekbones (veneer or fake veneer s1); 2 — filling (packing foam); 3 — the bottom (veneer or fake veneer s1); 4 — stringers (pine, battens 3×3)

Fuel tank: 1 — bottom cover (sheet s0,3); 2 — M3 screw fixing the tank to the pylon (soldered to the pot); 3 — top cover of the tank (plate s0,3); 4 — shell (tin s0,3); 5 — fitting of the fuel (silicon tube); 6 — filling nozzle (copper, tube 3x0,5); 7— drain fitting (copper tube 3x0,5); 8 — fitting (copper tube 3x0,5)
Fuel tank:
1 — bottom cover (sheet s0,3); 2 — M3 screw fixing the tank to the pylon (soldered to the pot); 3 — top cover of the tank (plate s0,3); 4 — shell (tin s0,3); 5 — fitting of the fuel (silicon tube); 6 — filling nozzle (copper, tube 3×0,5); 7— drain fitting (copper tube 3×0,5); 8 — fitting (copper tube 3×0,5)

Steering gear: 1 — M3 nut fixing steering arm; 2 — bracket (D16T, sheet s2); 3 — washer; 4 — axle balleroy carton (M3 bolt); 5 — steering pen (D16T, sheet s3); 6 — ballerina box (vinyl plastic or PCB); 7 — axle steering pen (M3 screw with two nuts); 8 — steering arm (D16T, sheet s2); 9 — spring-tie
Steering gear:
1 — M3 nut fixing steering arm; 2 — bracket (D16T, sheet s2); 3 — washer; 4 — axle balleroy carton (M3 bolt); 5 — steering pen (D16T, sheet s3); 6 — ballerina box (vinyl plastic or PCB); 7 — axle steering pen (M3 screw with two nuts); 8 — steering arm (D16T, sheet s2); 9 — spring-brace

Further, the Central part of the body is glued to a plywood base plate element, after which on the same technology — with the use of foam blanks, pine stringers and sheathing of plywood or veneer — made two side of the float. The latter are attached to the Central element of the housing and the base plate also with epoxy glue.
The engine pylon is cut out of 10 mm plywood and, if necessary, easier — there are cut holes, after which the pylon is glued on both sides 1 mm plywood. In front of the pylon there is a cut after painting the model it on the glue is inserted into the glazing of any transparent plastic. Next to the pylon to fasten the two tie bar: the rear of the 8-mm plywood and birch front plate thickness of 12 mm, and the space between the cross members is filled with foam. The surface of the resulting superstructure is aligned and glued a thin glass fiber epoxy resin.
Fuel tank capacity of about 60 ml of tinplate with a thickness of 0.3 mm. he is Going of three parts: the shell and the two covers. In the top of the solder are fixed two copper tube — filling and drainage. The same tube is the choke fuel supply to the engine. The standpipe tube should be sufficiently flexible and does not harden from exposure to fuel. In principle, a good tank can be made of a suitable plastic pharmacy bottle. Only need to check whether it does not dissolve components of the fuel compression or glow engine.
Motor racing aerolister — with pusher propeller, so the image and likeness of standard propeller made of birch or beech will have to make it a mirrored copy. By the way, in many cases, athletes-racers prefer to use on such boats powerplant a tractor propeller, saving yourself from the hassle of making propeller — small but high-precision parts.
The steering device aerolizer consists of a bracket full of duralumin strip with a thickness of 2 mm, plastic ballerinas dural steering box and pen. The latter is spring-loaded, that ensures smooth deviation when entering shallow water or while negotiating the waterlogged items. With the steering machine balerna box connects to the nylon lever and wire rod.
It should be noted that when using more powerful engines (for example, KMD-2,5) has the meaning of all the linear dimensions of the model to increase by approximately 20 percent — with the stability and handling of the model will be slightly better.
To run such models should be in small enclosed bodies of water — only need using three buoys to mark the race track in the form of an isosceles triangle with sides 30, 30 and 20 meters.

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