The most important thing: the Artek pioneer simple, easy to control and good flying. And the material always at hand: cardboard, pine or lime bar, tissue paper, rake, a few small studs, Yes a tube of glue. The tools are simple: a sharp knife (not a pocket — it may hurt your hand!), scissors, a sheet of sandpaper and a small hammer.

Let’s start with the wooden parts.
Rail-the fuselage, vystrugat from pine planks with a length of 500 mm. Bring its width to 10 mm, and thickness up to 5 mm. Strap should be completely straight and smooth. After gouging it must be thoroughly processed an emery paper, having smoothed all rough edges.
The cut-a Bob cut from pine or lime bars in strict accordance with the drawing, glue to the rail and additionally fasten three thin nails. If you have a drill, first drill holes for the nails to fasten the parts, using drill bit slightly smaller than nail diameter. In an extreme case, carefully punch rail, tentatively holding it over steam: raw wood will not crack.
The wing is very easy to do. Cut it by drawing from a cardboard with a thickness of 2 mm. this is best done with a sharp knife and metal ruler, because when working with scissors, thick cardboard, hard to get smooth edges.
Same knife cut the grooves in the middle of the wing, to make it easier. Top wing, glue in tissue paper and fasten the bottom and glue a beveled rail, as shown in the drawing. It will serve to make the wing angle of attack. In the middle of the wing have to be bent to the angle shown on the same figure.
Similarly, made the fin and stabilizer, only cardboard for them to take a look at 1 mm., the keel is glued to the fuselage butt.
Let’s find the center of gravity of our glider. At first, reinforce the wing around the place that is marked on the drawing. A light push will start it on the first flight, if the glider will be cool to decline slightly move the wing back, and if you turn your nose up, move the center of gravity forward.
V. ILYIN, the head of the aeromodelling circle

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