Wings, like aviation, has already appeared on the car. At first it was a triangular plane, similar to the fins of fish. The intent of the designers, like “architectural excesses” was to give swiftness appearance. Then, when the car began to compete in speed with the wind on the wings remembered again. Only now they were needed to help the car better “hold” for the road, push him to the ground. The fastest, now not only establish a plane, located above the rear part of the body, but the front of the front wheels to the track pribavlyaetsya small side wings.
And modelers — people meticulous. First aviation items appeared on copies, to understand what was happening, someone had the sense to use pressing and lifting force. And since competitions are increasingly common high-speed cars and planes, whose rear part is like the tail of the aircraft. During check-in stabilizer keeps her in the air, the model for the track only one wheel (or horse) of the three. The other two is not that of microsleep-a-row.
However, the place of such a wing is always one behind. And actually, why? This is most likely caused by the fear that the model will come off the treadmill. It’s not aviation — rules of the competition is clear: flying model more than a half circle in the scoring statements against your name comes up zero.
Let’s imagine what happens when you check in. A circular track is never perfectly smooth — on the way the aircar will find not one bump, let it be even and very small. (Pits can not be taken into account — the model flies through them with great speed.) In the usual scheme of the front wheel, riding straight at the obstacle, throws the bow up. Body, pivoting around the center of gravity, increases the angle of attack of the main rotor stabilizer, and the increased lifting power makes the climb after the nose and tail. Here will not save and the tilt of the axis of the engine down (by the way, this inclination not only contributes to the pressure to the ground, but also increases friction losses). So, the model breaks away from the track. When “landing” is uncertain back, have time to fade, if only for the way the wheels will meet the next obstacle.