The motor DP-10 is attracted to the chassis metal clip. If the groove in a plywood plate under cylindrical motor phase to make exactly the right size engine block be able to avoid many preregulator caused by accidental displacement of the axis of the drive wheels relative to the axis of symmetry of the model.
Since race polyopia has a “direct” transmission to the wheels, you will need to slightly increase the motor shaft. The easiest way to do the solder the tubes directly on a regular shaft. If the collector he barely protrudes out of the housing with light blows of a hammer shaft slip in the right direction. The engine can be disassembled Wheels out of round erasers available for sale in the stationery shops, are fixed on the axles with the nuts and washers.
Another model should be of interest to young adherents of “retro”-direction design. The chassis base and a cord like this is similar to the first is a plywood plate. Piece dimensions — 60X120 mm. On the two front protrusions of the frame are mounted the springs of pairs of soldered (with a coil of thin copper joints vein) strips of spring sheet steel. The upper arm of each spring is pressed to the frame at two points — in the middle and on the shank. Copper tube-podlinnike axis of the front wheels welded to the bottom produzcan springs also coil connections are copper wire.
Fig. 3. Design simple device stop:
1 — wire power pole motor, 2 — contact (copper tube 4X1 mm. soldering on an arm device), 3 — fork contact (brass leaf spring). 4 — lever (a knitting needle Ø 2 mm), 5 — ball-PIR (copper tube 4X1 mm, winding thread, glue, PA based model).
Fig. 4. Typical termination of the axis for mounting the wheels of the round eraser.
Fig. 5. Scheme verify correct installation of cord strap. These angles must be equal: α— 90°, β — 0°.
Leading through the axle moves freely in the vertical direction in the slots of the two side brackets, cut from plywood and glued to the frame. They also determine the place of installation simulation seat, and the left one has a hole under the housing microelectrodes MED-80. Additional Polyresin allows you to permanently mount the motor to the PA model. On the motor shaft is sealed with a friction roller segment of rubber tube, to it the drive wheels are pressed by the weight of the model-polyopia.
The most interesting are the wheels. Good imitation spicemania “retro”wheels can obtain from the same erasers at the edge of the paint which mean “tires”. The spokes are segments of thin steel or copper wire, the ends of each bent and pressed into the eraser.
After working on suspension, it is better to test it in the gym even without installing the rest of the “costume jewelry”. If trial runs were OK and to alter the chassis parts are not needed, can be taken for the conversion of “trolley” model is a semi-copy of. Simulate fender, engine hood, seat occupants, awning and other elements characteristic of historic cars, made from a variety of available materials at hand. Large parts are easily cut from yellow foam stamps PHV. In addition to easy handling, it is interesting because it allows for finishing to use the nitro lacquer is nitro. Foams brand PS (“white”) can cover only oil or synthetic finishing compounds.
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