SECRETS A lot can be called the factors contributing to the decline in the popularity of automodelisme among boys. The problem is not only with good engines, but even with fuel for training, the problem of space for training korovikov or “black” issue radios to the most interesting kinds of models of class RS and similar… to be honest — all this leads not only to a drop mass, but also to the closure of a number of circles of automodelisme.
There is no dispute, despite the enormous enthusiasm of the leaders would probably keep part of the groups, deciding at least some of the problems. However, there is another way out of this impasse: pereprofilirovanie in circles trace modeling.
Other leaders are deterred by the “childishness” of the class, so many years went to the stepchildren, the Federation of auto modeling sport of the USSR. However, this feeling passes after the first serious acquaintance with the world EN-route. Availability of materials for models and their motors, the possibility of building a “platform” for races by the club members, and the tempting possibility of simultaneous competition of several people and, in the end, entertainment and “all-weather” agitating for this kind of automodelisme! So we can safely recommend classes trace not only as a lifeline for the “sinking” circles, but as a parallel way of attracting boys to the world of technical creativity.
If you have come to the decision to do the trace models, then, regardless of the presence of nearby trails for training, in any case it is better to build your own, and only then move on to the production models. In addition, such a path is productive from the point of view of fast rallying of a team of like-minded people.
But in this case to correlate the possibilities and wishes of each individual team of young technicians, the House of pioneers, a school mug? Of course, I want to lay a draft maximum paths (at least five!), and the length of the track to gain at the expense of sverkhprovodnikov solutions. But… be realistic! After all, we need the track for training and competitions vnutritrekovye, but still need to take into account such factors as the need to limit the amount of time and works differently from the original composition boys tracks for the end was no one left. After all, the boys is very important to see the end result of their activities.
So, we offer the drawings and the description of technology of construction of the track, designed and developed by automodelisme syut Brovary Kiev region under the leadership of V. Drogin.
Plan route.
The circuit
The figures on the canvas indicate the number of plots; numbers in circles — lift height of the blade above the base in cm.
The length of the straight sections of the track, mm:
3-4230; 12-3330; 20-590;
5-3400; 14-280; 22-880;
8-4230; 16-2030; Length of plot No. 7 —
10-870; 18-3200; 0,67 circle

Its size is relatively small — 1750X6000 mm, which allows to mount the track in the circle room or small hall. It is made of the available construction plywood with thickness of 4-5 mm.
The length of the circle traversed by the model in the race, about 31 m. along with enough twists and turns, ascents and descents, you need to practice driving skills. Established track includes only two tracks, but with the slight increase of the size of the base, their number can be increased to three. However, in the present embodiment, the track is completely suitable for the regional or city competitions.
Working on a mini-racetrack begins with the manufacture of load-bearing frame table with a height of 500-600 mm of given width and length. Depending on the capabilities of the group, he welded steel profiles, corners; assembled from dural corners with bolted or riveted connections; going from wooden beams.
The connection sections (billets) of the track.
The connection sections (billets) tracks:
1 — blank canvas (plywood with a thickness of 4-5 mm), 2 intermediate bars-lining a length of 250 mm, 3 — connecting bar of length 250 mm, 4 — longitudinal bars with cross-section 20X20 mm.
Section of the canvas.
Cross-section leaf:
1 — a side (plywood with a thickness of 4-5 mm), 2 sheet (plywood with a thickness of 4-5 mm), 3 — a current-carrying tires, 4 — longitudinal bar 20X20 mm, 5 — intermediate block-lined interior.
Markup templates for the manufacture of curved sections of the route.
Layout templates for the manufacture of curved sections of the route. The width of the gaps between the patterns corresponds to the width of the groove track.
Standard hour.
Model strut:
1 — track, 2 — hour, 3 — table basis.
The finished frame are fixed two standard sheet of chipboard (DSP) — based designs. The track itself consists of rectilinear and rounded sections. All of them are numbered (see picture) and have a certain length. For straight sections of the racetrack is plywood 4 mm thick, sawed on a circular saw (either on the machine “Skillful hands” extended shaft) – band width of 250 mm and a length in the standard sheet — 1.5 m. the Workpieces stacked in sections of the desired length. Connection with the slats section 20X40 mm on glue and screws, bottom along and across the paths of the first unit of the rail cross section 20X20 mm. Then a circular saw to cut two slots with a width of 3 mm and a depth of about 5 mm. For the manufacture of curved sections of the route, you must first mark on the dense cardboard concentric circles and cut from the sectors: they will serve as a template-pattern-circular portions. Now, these templates out of plywood with a jigsaw is cut to the desired number of parts for the entire route. Before you start sawing slightly Flex the frame of the jigsaw — this will facilitate the work.
The workpieces are fastened also by means of glue, screws and rails with cross-section 20X20 mm. At the ends of the rounded sections of the battens 20X40 mm are not put, as when assembling the tracks used are already installed in the straight. Further, all stations are arranged on the base frame and are connected in a fabric on the glue and screws. Legs elevated sections of the route will be pruning chipboard and battens, although the best option is chipboard, with two sides covered with veneer. Form supports arbitrary, and the height should match the height of the canvas at this point. An exemplary embodiment of the supports shown in the drawings.
So, the track can be considered finished. Installation rim height 40 mm strip of the tire, gluing tracks with sandpaper, mimicking the asphalt surface of the road and improves traction model with track, further explanation is not required.
A few words about the manufacture of tires. For current-carrying parts, we used annealed copper billet cross section of 1X8 mm, which allows to form a circular plots without the use of special bending fixtures.
The work ends with a painting of the track. Colors and methods of applying enamels are selected depending on the taste and capabilities of “builders”.
As you can see, it does not require any scarce 10 mm plywood, no special milling machine. And preparing all materials in advance of such track can be built within 1-1,5 months exclusively by the members.

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