TECHNOLOGY IS OLD - VELOCITY NEWVyklevyvanija corps on the disc or in the inverse matrix has become today an accepted technology of making high-speed RC boat. The shell in this are light, durable and usually require little or no finishing exterior finishing.
However, there is a “as well as” and a negative side. Preparatory operations are very complicated, wasting time and materials when working on a single model is inappropriate. Besides, once made the matrix begins to live a special life, wandering in circles and the fruits can be excellent, but it is the same case. The designer remains to debug the equipment and engine. Among athletes began to prevail, even the expression, “Lucky, managed to get a good matrix”.
Meanwhile, in many cases, it is appropriate to return to the undeservedly forgotten by skorostyami the method of manufacturing a stacked corps, followed by pasting the surface with fiberglass. And for the novice this technology is preferable: it allows us to better master the rules of constructing spatial environments-buildings, to learn how to develop a reference model, including subsequent… as well as.
So, let’s start. Invite you to build a case that is equally suitable for model classes — 2.5 cm,
FSR to 3.5 cm3, and models with the motor class F1E — 1 kg.
The housing consists of transverse and longitudinal framing and plating. For making of frames will need plywood with the thickness 3-4 mm. Good frames are also obtained from parklea — foam lined on both sides with plywood with a thickness of 1 mm. the total thickness of the sandwich should be 7-8 mm (used PVA glue or epoxy resin). Transom Board out of plywood with a thickness of about 5 mm.
The main longitudinal strength elements of the hull the stringers are cut out of pine slats cross-section of 5X5 mm, longitudinal bulkheads (plywood with a thickness of 2 mm) and keel (plywood or penoplastovoj-plywood “sandwich” with a thickness of 8 mm).
Speed sudomodel
Speed sudomodel:
1 — fairing (plywood with a thickness of 1 mm). 2 — keel (plywood thickness of 6 mm or penoplastovoj-plywood “sandwich”), 3 — retaining spring (wire OVS d, 1 mm). 4 — pulley to start the engine, 5 — cover (Vileika a thickness of 1.5 mm), 6 — engine 2.5 cm3 (CSTOM-2.5 K) 7 — bracket motor (duralumin D16T With a thickness of mm), 8 — motor mount (beech thickness mm), 9 — rear fairing (plywood with a thickness of 1 mm) (O — frame (plywood with a thickness of 4 mm or penoplastovoj plywood “sandwich” with a thickness of 8 mm), 11 — a resonant pipe with silencer 12 — the screws of the compartment cover radio,13 — servos,14 — clamp the resonance tube (steel thickness 0.5 mm) 15 — bracket (steel thickness 1.5 mm) 16 — steering the pen. 17 — intake pipe (aluminum pipe d 8X1 mm). 18 — propeller (bronze). 19 — bracket stern tube. 20 — stern-tube, 21 — fuel tank (tinplate 0.3 mm thick), 22 — fin (brass) 23 — line 24 — gimbal coupling, 25 — gear, 26 — tooth gear, 27 — clamping nut.On the projection in terms of the engine cover and sealed cover radio equipment conventionally not shown.

The housing is assembled on epoxy glue When installing parts, you should ensure that the frame was completely symmetrical, with no distortions and twists. After complete polymerization of the glue with a file and sandpaper to align with the skeleton. To control, use a straight ruler and a flexible plastic rod.
The prepared frame is sheathed millimeter plywood.
If you applied the “sandwich” frames, their ends are pre-gidroizolyatsiya epoxy putty.
To cut the trim for the pre-cut out of thick construction paper patterns-patterns. Cut out elements of a covering with an allowance of 2-3 mm, glued them one at a time. For example, the first record left the bottom plate, after polymerization of the resin and trimming on the frame of this element bonded to the right side trim, etc.
Cemented housing is handled by the skin, puttied, glued one layer of fiberglass epoxy resin, again shpaklyuetsya, sanded and covered with a layer of soil.
Radioclicker the engine mount consists of Two beech BRU-skos (thickness 6 mm), they are screwed aluminum brackets with screw holes for foot mounting motor.
Engine radio model — type CSTOM-2,5 K or “Talka-2,5”. The rotation is transmitted to the propeller shaft reduction gear gear with gear ratio of 0.5. The leading gear and starter pulley fixed on the motor shaft, a driven gear con solo, on two bearings installed in the cage. The latter is fixed on duralumin brackets motor engine.
Engine cooling — seawater, which is directly behind the set screw pipe connected to a rubber tube with a cooling jacket of the engine.Stern tube made of aluminum or “stainless steel” d 8X1 mm, With the two sides it pressed slide bearings made of textolite or PTFE bushings.
To reduce noise inside the engine compartment are covered with microporous rubber, while the resonance tube equipped with a silencer.
Bay radio is running tight. The conclusions pull servos to put on rubber stockings (from fountain pens). Cover with rubber seal is secured with six screws.
Gelmanova pipe brass, baler helm of steel wire grade optical fiber d, 4 mm; rudder (brass) soldered to balero hard solder of the type PSR-40.
Fuel tank volume of about 100 cm3 of soldered tinplate with a thickness of 0.3 mm., Podaca fuel — with a boost from the crankcase, there is the possibility of feeding fuel by gravity. Note that for the class of tank volume needs to be increased significantly.
Mass housing designed for the installation of the internal combustion engine is about 500 g, when using a motor it should not exceed 260 g

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